Amita Ka Amit 2nd July 2013 Written Update

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Amita Ka Amit 2nd July 2013 Written Update by Pooja

Amita Ka Amit 2nd July 2013 Written Episode

Amit enters in a cosmetics store. All the lady customers are diligently busy in their shopping as he enters confused. The helper asks him what he wants to buy. He tells lipstick – pink in colour. She shows him all the possible pink shades making him all the more confused (lol when we girls get confused till date then you are a guy…you deserve to be confused 😛 ). Above it, she shares the names of few shades and he decides to buy nail paint instead. He is bewildered to see so many shades again. The helper applies one of the colours on his thumb. He immediately pulls his hand away. Don’t have you this much sense how to treat your customers? He switches to perfumes now. The lady presses one sample in the air causing him to sneeze. He again shouts at her. The lady suggests him to get his girl friend along. He tells her that he wants to buy for his wife not for girlfriend. She says she wishes her (his wife) well. All the other lady customer smiles at this. Amit leaves from there in a huff.

Preeti suggests Ammu to ask Amit directly. Jigna doesn’t support them. I still feel that there is something amiss. Ammu tries to make her notice all the signs. Jigna is still unconvinced. Agreed but when did he say that he want to leave you? And the way he looked at you today I feel that he is in love with you. You put your hand at your heart and tell me if you genuinely feel that he is cheating on you. Ammu repeats though without touching her heart. Jigna reminds her of the same. She smiles broadly at Ammu which irks her. jigna stays firm on her belief. The truth is that he loves you and you are wrong in doubting him. ammu denies. He wont do anything for me ever. This is the bitter truth. They all leave from there.

Amit is sharing his experience with Batuk and Sanjay. It is the toughest task to buy something for a girl. Do you even know that there are more than two thousands shades of pink only (hehehe you will learn more other shopping oops shocking things soon). His friends nod their head in a no. it is so easy for us men to decide, walk inside a store and purchase something but a girl only gets to know what to buy when she walks inside a store. Sanjay brings a paper bag with a heart shaped red pillow. He suggests gifting this to Ammu. Amit denies. Pillow? How will she react to it? Batuk and Sanjay insist as it wouldn’t look going empty handed. Amit is completely against the idea. I will rather gift her 2 kgs of potatoes (m laughing so hard…..your wifey will think you want her to make your favourite dish for you and haven’t got it for her 😀 ). His friends forcibly put it in his hand and leaves from there. Amit looks at the bag in his hand confusedly.

Amit enters Shah House with a sweet smile on his face. He is about to head to his room directly when Fallu stops him. They are packing stuff for Amit to take to US. He is surprised to see the quantity. He jokes if Ammu has started some new business for making snacks? She replies curtly. Yes, I thought that there wont be anything left to do after you leave so I did and you are my first customer. Fallu tells Amit not to trouble Ammu. He says that who would eat all this in US? Baa adds that they are making it for him only and he must eat it there too. He tries to say something when Amita interrupts. Now you would only be interested in enjoying new country, new kind of food, be friends with new people only. Tina is listening and enjoying with rapt attention. Amit nods. People must change according to the atmosphere. Ammu comments that he has already begun changing thinking about going to US.
Ammu notices the bag in his hand. You must have got this for your trip only I will pack it along. She takes it and he tries to take it from her. In this process the bag tears revealing the pillow. Everyone looks at the pillow surprised and equally confused. Ria and Tina smile. Fallu asks him if he is alright. What has happened to you? Tina tells her that he must have got it for Ammu. Amit gets flustered. I don’t buy such stuff. Ammu looks at the pillow. She imagines Antara gifting it to Amit. This is my love whenever you will keep it under your head you will hear my name. They hug. (Is this a pillow with voice mechanism?? How can one hear someone’s voice like this…cant stop laughing).

Amit thinks wow Amit Shah you wanted to give a surprise gift. See, what has happened to your surprise. Amit utters that Sanjay bought this for Preeti. ammu thinks how much more will you lie. Stop it please. He comments that now that Ammu knows it then it wont be a surprise anymore. Ammu retorts. Don’t worry, I too can hide secrets. Tina smiles.

Amit is holding the pillow in his hands and is speaking to himself. No one takes so much time to speak their heart out. Why do I get stuck in troubles all the time? Tell me what to do (to God)? He hears some noise and thinks that it is Amita. He decides to tell her all. He practises how to say it to her fumbling and mumbling all the wrong things (its called love dude no preps will suffice). He finally sits on his knees facing the door and says, I….I…. He realises something and looks up. It turns out to be Nani. She looks at him quizzically.
Amit gets up. The pillow fell out of my hand so was just cleaning it. Nani smiles. The one who you are waiting for is in the kitchen. She has given me this shaving kit to gift to you. He asks her to sit for 2 minutes. Can I ask you one thing? Is there a place for love in arrange marriages? People generally fall in love first and then marry. Those who marry first do they also fall in love? nani is confused. He asks about her arranged marriage with nana ji. It is so tough. She nods. It is indeed tough to fall in love but this doesn’t mean that he never showed his love. At times no words are required. Once when he was going out of town I was crying as the train started moving. You wont believe what he did. He jumped out of the bag with his luggage from the moving train. Amit asks what then. What happened next? She comments that he got a sprain in his leg. He said that he dint feel like going. They should rather head home. That’s how love happened. Amit is surprised. What if he would have got hurt somehow? Who does something like this? Nani tells him to try it. He will enjoy and he can do it actually. He nods. There is no other option. He realises what he said and quickly corrects himself. It isn’t possible for me to fall in love. She smiles and leaves telling him to come downstairs for food. He says Amit Shah you will have to tell it all now.

Amit joins everyone on the dining table. He tells to his dad that he wont be able to go to US. Everyone is shocked and ask for the reason. He shows them the newspaper stating that there has been a storm in US. Fallu is completely against sending him to US now. Kirath tries to assure him that these things keep happening he must not let the business suffer because of all this. Rohan adds that the storm has affected the east side whereas he is going to the west side. Fallu comments that the storm doesn’t know sides. He wont go. Amit smiles but Kirath tells him to go. He says that he spoke with the client earlier today. He can get the business here. I might have to cancel the trip. Tina is surprised. Kirath says that ROhan can handle all this as he is the one who is handling the business here now. ammu wonders why is Amit trying to cancel his US trip. Amit says (in his mind), I am doing this for you Amita at least help me a little bit. Amit gets a new idea. It would be so cold there and you know how vulnerable I am to cold. I think I will have to delay it for a few days. Ammu thinks that he wants to end this whole divorce thing before going to US. He asks her if she said anything. She declines. Rohan says that maybe Amit doesn’t want to go to US leaving Ammu behind. Maybe he is unable to go far from her. Kirath understands the point. We will get the latest lappy for Ammu to video chat with Amit. Amit smiles at him but is upset to see his plan failing. He sulks.

Amit is adjusting the pillow on Ammu’s bedside. Ammu comes and looks at it angrily while he smiles on seeing her. He brightens up. I was waiting for you only. The pillow….Ammu adds…it is not for Preeti. He gets surprised you knew it? She comments that she knows everything. He asks her if she liked it. She says…so much that she doesn’t even want to see it near her. She takes the pillow and throws it near his cupboard. I don’t want to know from where you got it. I don’t even want to know. She picks up his dirty clothes while he tells her to let them be. He picks up the pillow sadly. Ammu notices something and smells the shirt. Ladies perfume? She imagines Ammu and Amit hugging each other happily. she puts the clothes aside and takes refuge in the cupboard to hide her tears. Amit wonders what has happened to her. why is she so cranky?

Precap: Amit tries to put his hands across his shoulders when she jumps in shock. She falls in his arms and looks at him with teary eyes. Amit smiles at her.

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  1. Sonya
    July 05, 16:04 Reply

    A nice episode, good story and well excuted. I love it.

  2. veena
    July 03, 05:20 Reply

    I just wish that ammu understands that amit is in love with her.i also wish that Tina does not make any plan against them

  3. Pooja
    July 02, 15:19 Reply

    sorry for the precap part Amit puts his hands across her waist sending her in shock. She jumps back and falls in his arms.

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