Amrit Manthan 11th July 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 11th July 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

Episode starts from nimrit finding out she went missing and she says i want too see the house. bubbly allows her. nimrit looks around remembers her mother and their moments. she finds a picture of mother and her and remembers some more memories. she hugs the picture crying. she notices none is there so slips the picture in her bag and then moves onto hers and amrits room. she remembers amrit saying i hope we stay together like this. she is in tears oberoi comes and hugs her. she says i have only memories.

amrit is saying if the palace is auctioned and we will get loads of money. she says we can not sell the place as it is a matter of respect due to what the reporter said. agham asks how much the palace is and she says about 10 crores and mahi says we will buy it. amrit is happy. mummjy feels they shouldnt spent money on that but agham takes amrit side and says she douldnt get involved in this.

Nimrit is at police station enquiring about rani sahibas disappearance and is furious. oberoi calms her down and says we are interested in the palaces auction thats why we are interested. they leave and tej notices them. the policeman asks why is he here. he asks who is that girl and why is she here. he says she is a rich brat enquiring about rippen and filed a missing complaint. tej says for auction she can talk to amrit. tej thinks what a weird girl why is she worried about rippen ji. tej asks bubbly and she says she came twice and kept asking where the family members were and was worried when i informed her about rippen missing. she says i must leave as i have to clean the palace. tej remembers his encounter with nimrit and thinks who is she and what does she want. why is she asking so much about mahal peopel and fought with inspector for rippen. just then bubbly comes saying rippens picture is missing. tej asks who came and he says that girl came she must have taken it. tek thinks who is she and talks like nimrit but nimrit is no longer alive. is she nimrits friend or nimrit. he then thinks it cant be nimrit but i have to find out who she is.

nimrit and oberoi are in car and she is worried and confused about where rippen is. oberoi says dont worry we will find her. the car stops as there is a jam. the driver enquires and there has been an accident and it is someone from raj grahana. nimrit gets worried. she stutters and says rippen and nimrit is about to fall, she says mama and runs to hospital. she is all tensed and asks a nurse about rippen. she asks loads off people and then someone tells her she is in room 36 and says maa but then stops as she sees them cover the body. nimrit thinks she is dead.( great trick tej love you for this). she says mama main nimrit , i am back. she says your beti is back please get up. she starts crying loudly and hugs the body and touches the face and realises its a dummy. she gets shocked and turns. tej is infront of her shocked.

he says nimrit, he stutters and says you are nimrit. she is about to leave when he stops her, he says are you nimrit. he trys to make her say yes and she nods no. he says you are lying you said you are lying. she says just tell me where mama is. tej says i dont know where rippen aunty is and she had no accident. i did this to find out who you are. he says nimrit and gets happy he says how. he says you are alive and she says yes i am alive, but i dont know why i am alive and for who. she breaks down. oberoi comes to her and crys papa mama. tej looks at oberoi with tears in his eyes.

Oberoi tells tej how he found nimrit and how she got this new face. he turns around to nimrit who is sitting and kneels down. he says i am so happy you are alive. he then says i always suspected amrit and i will but nimrit says i dont want to punish anyone and want to leave. he says why. she says after all this you are asking me to stop. for that sister who killed me by throwing me off the cliff or for the husband who married that same sister after me. she says how can he marry her, he always warned me against her and he married her. she says i trusted them two and they both betrayed me. she says how can he marry her. tej says first he never believed you were dead, then he was totally lost. he never turned to me and then he started getting close to amrit and i thought he would get better. then one day he said he wants to marry her, we even argued over it and he told me not to interfeir. since then we havnt spoken. He says the girl he hated he has married that same girl.nimrit cant take anymore and says stop. tej says agham has changed, nimrit says i will not tell anyone i am alive because i dont want to spoil his happiness. tej says no you have to fight for your right. everyone should find out what happened to you. nimrit sys whats the point. she looks at hers and rippens picture and i want to find her. tej says we have been searching for her but dont know where she is. tej says amrit is responsible for all the problems with your family. he says why punish yourself and you have a chance to sort the wrong that happened. and you want to escape like a coward. you have settle the balance with amrit. nimrit looks thoughtful

precap: amrit gets a letter saying i know what you did 5 months back at the kali mandir and she is shocked. (letter was not hand written but phrases stuck on)

oberoi and tej are very clever and will help nimrit expose her in the right way. story is a mix of both rishi films: vada raha and karz.

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  1. alisha
    July 12, 03:22 Reply

    and also the piece of amrit’s dupatta was missing so agam must have found it n thought he wud kil amrit

  2. alisha
    July 11, 17:46 Reply

    i think agham is also very clever n is jus acting as if he loves amrit. Maybe he’s doin it for revenge as he wants to know wat amrit did.

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