1 Comment

  1. RealityCheck
    December 04, 04:36 Reply

    Don’t like the reason but thank god he is out and gone. He couldnt do anything else than screaming and fake crying whenever his and manveer’s plan didnt work especially when manveer banged his sorry ass head. He got what he deserved. I had tears too when they were crying but of laughter. Both of them are jealous of these celebrities especially bani and gaurav since day 1. Its easy to see it on their faces especially manu. His comments on bani are baseless. He is doing nothing but copying every past winner. Poor chap doesnt realize you can see some female hints in him too lol as majority winners were female :D. Its sad that India mein “beghairti” ko entertainment kaha jata. This over acting by commoners and their useless fights and screaming is not one bit entertaining. Only baba ji is entertaining from these commoners. This is why these two idiot boys shout on him and target him, be it in tasks or anything else. Now that manu is gone that whore Mona will have to find another man to gawk at and bark like a dog in agreement to everything. Her only contributions to show was gawking at manu and following him wiggling her tail.

    I hope he DOESNT come back.

    Goodluck to Bani J, Lopamudra and Rohan Mehra. I would be really like for any of them to win which I doubt since Colors proved that its fixed by eliminating Karan Mehra. One cannot fathom how he could be eliminated b/w the contestants that were nominated with him. If bb10 had little bit decency it was because of him and others like rahul and gaurav. Obviously the celebrities will have it in check how they talk and react. They know that these commoners will stop at anything to get a little spotlight.

    In the end, I dont think anyone would be surprised if there is no season 11 next year. The show would have been 10 times better if there were only current celebrities with few others.

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