Bigg Boss Season 8 13th October 2014 Written Update

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Bigg Boss Season 8 13th October 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Bigg Boss Season 8 13th October 2014 Written Episode

Day 21
bigg boss says because of Arya and minissha’s fiasco, Arya got angry and threw his mike in swimming pool. Puneet says to Arya that if you are truly a man, go to Minissha after sometime, tell her that you reacted on her talk but as a man I shouldn’t have done that, forgive me if you can, if she says no then its okay. Minishha shouldn’t have started this but you crossed the limits, you are man, if I were you in place of you, I would have said that I know the truth and my character is clean, I know it, I wont say anything, no comments. her personality would have gone down. Pritham Brings out Arya’s mike from swimming pool, puneet ask Arya to say sorry to bigg boss, Arya says in camera that I am sorry bigg boss, I got emotional, I wa angry so I threw mike in pool, I even used slang, I am sorry for all that.

Arya says sorry to Sonali, he folds his hands, Sonali says I never said anything against you then why did you taunted me like that, why were you targeting me, Arya says I was mistaken, I was in brother mood, I am sorry, I am changed now, I will be your best friend now, I wont says anything now. Sonali says I hope so. Sonali says I have question mark on face regarding that why were you against me, Arya says lets starts afresh, he hugs her and says that was best hug in house.

Nomination Special
Day 22
song aapka kiya hoga starts playing, all inmates wake up and dances.

Gautam is in kitchen with upen, he says look I cleaned the kitchen so fastly, he ask Upen to order everybody to not make kitchen dirty, give them jobs to do the kitchen, I have noticed that sonali doesn’t work at all, ask her to do as she is close to you like give her work to collect things from house which are scattered.

Upen comes to sonali and says gautam asked me to say to you that work in house, I don’t know why he is not saying to you directly, I am asking you to do work if you want to be here, Sonali says you are my friend or enemy, you want me clean garden. Upen says I have no problem, just do what you want.

Upen says to soni that gautam asked me to say to Sonali, I asked her to do the work but she said that I am enemy or friend, why she is showing attitude, soni says she is not nominated this week so she is doing it. she is very lazy in work.
Sonali says to sushant that I am fast in work, I don’t clean things for many hours, I just do it fast.

Pritham talks to Arya. he says girls like attention from neighborhood boys, they like to be teased from them and it happens that other guys come in area and take away that and neighborhood boys keep sitting in house only, this is true, it happened with me too, I was lover boy, we had good girls in neighborhood, I used to follow one girl, they talk about beautiful girls who cant be won but just can be watched from far.

all are sitting in lounge, bigg boss announces that its time for nominations. As sonali was excellent in last task, she cant be nominated, Arya is nominated as deepshikha had given him bomb, Arya cant vote now as he damaged the mike which is against rule, bigg boss calls minissha in confession room.

Minissha: bigg boss ask minissha to tell name of one person whom she want to save, Minissha says Natasa as she is very nice girl, she is trying hard.
Puneet: Puneet gives vote to save praneet as he is straight forward.
Karishma: she votes to save Sushant as he gives positive vibes and he is nice person.
Praneet: he votes to save puneet as he eldest and tries to solve every problem.
Diandra: she votes to save Sushant as he nice and good.
Pritham: he votes for Sushant as he is straight forward.
Soni: she votes to save Upen as he is like her brother.
Natasa: she votes to save Sushant as he is nice.
Sushant: he votes for Upen as he is his friend.
Gautam: he says can I take my name as all are enemy here, bigg boss ask to take name of other inmate, Gautam says I was just joking, he votes for Praneet.
Sonali: upen

bigg boss tells that Diandra, Pritham, Karishma, Gautam, Puneet, Soni, Natasa, Arya are nominated for this week, all laughs that 9 people are nominated from 13. Praneet and puneet tell each other in words that they voted for each other.

Gautam is singing with Minissha, he acts like Karishma and sings funnily for her.

Praneet reads announcement that we nominated people who didn’t get a vote to be saved, he says those who are saved should tell inmates that by whom the were saved or whom they admire, they will give flower to those inmates. Praneet brings flowers from store room, he says I think I was given safe vote by puneet, Pritham and Sonali, he gives flower to them. Next comes Sushant, he says I get positive vibes from Natasa, Karishma and Minissha so I am giving flowers to them. Upen gives flower to soni and gautam, he says we have cordial relation so I will give flower to them, Puneet gives flower to Praneet and says I knw he had given me safe vote, Natasa gives rose to Diandra as she thinks she must have given her safe vote.

Diandra says to upen that funny thing is no one gave her safe vote, sushant comes to upen and is angry that he didn’t gave him flower but instead gave to gautam, he could never think that.
some chits are in bowl on which inmates names are written. Gautam have to take out the chits and he has to ask one questions or clear his point with that person whose name is written on chit. They have to answer those queries of gautam, first is for Arya, Gautam ask arya why he is so confused in house, Arya says I was but not now, Salman asked to not become brother of anyone so now I am enjoying in house, I want to say sorry to minissha, he says to minissha that I reacted when you talked about phone call but I got angry and in anger I said many things, I am sorry for that, I am genuinely sorry.
Gautam says for Karishma that she is particular about everything, that her bed, her food, her things, what is her strategy, Karishma says I have no strategy, Gautam says you have, you play the task and hurt others by applying chilies on their face, Karishma says I was doing task, I said sorry to Natasa for that, I could have said sorry to you too but you did a mistake and had to say sorry for that. Gautam says for Diandra next, he says we were friends, we had good time together, we used to laugh, eat together then why did you distanced yourself, Diandra says because you became psycho, I asked to be away from Upen and Arya for sometime as they were against puneet coming in house but you acted badly. Gautam says for me upen is first, he is my buddy, I was hurt by your words. he ask diandra why you asked me to be away from upen, I got hurt with that, Diandra says no, you argued with me, you got angry on me, Gautam says I will ask bigg boss to show video that I cried a lot on diandra’s talk. Puneet says she just warned you as she had some inhibition but not any animosity with Upen. Puneet reveals that I voted against Karishma last week, he says you know why Karishma, we lost the task, Soni and Sukirti took stand for you when gautam abused you, you were not thankful to them, you had some selfishness, you were thinking about winning task only and getting gautam out, karishma says I was not selfish, Gautam says let it be, it was old thing, session ends, gautam says sorry to all if he said anything wrong.

Praneet jokes with gautam that you took class of all, puneet says bigg boss gave you a good chance to speak, they don’t allow you speak, bigg boss did right thing, karishma was acting like she is all innocent. from this, many things have happened, diandra’s and karishma’s real face have revealed and you and me have cleared our personality.
Karishma says to sushant that I am selfish and I proudly says that.
Diandra says to upen that give them everything. PRECAP.

Pritham, praneet, puneet and gautam are sitting garden. Pritham jokes about inmates. they all have a good laugh. pritham calls girls hens and says some hens came in house to romance, some are fighting, some hens are fighting for food.

PRECAP- bigg boss gives luxury budget task to inmates. its Heros vs Villains. All inmates are divided accordingly. all fight during task.

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