CID 29th September 2012 Written Update

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CID 29th September 2012 Written Update by astonish

On a highway
A couple while driving find a police van which met with an accident and a police constable hurt lying outside the police van. Suresh goes out to help the constable and the constable says that those people killed all of them and asks Suresh to call CID.

CID arrives. Team finds that everyone in the van dead but there was no injury. Suresh narrates the incident and says that he saw no one around. Daya tries to open the back door of the van but finds it locked from inside, so he opens the door using a cutter and they find two more constables dead in the van and realize that their rifles were missing. Daya says that all of them were killed using some poison. Vineet shows two handcuffs and says that there were two convicts in the van, but daya wonders how they ran away as the door was still locked from inside. Purvi finds a gate pass of Kolhapur jail for two convicts mahesh and Jeevan.

At Jail
Jailer says that mahesh is accused of 13 murder cases and they were transferring him to this jail as he had become a terror in Navnagar jail and jeevan was accused of extortion and blackmailing cases but they never found a clue against him, he was accused of killing a businessman named avinash. Abhijeet wonders if they both had planned to run away to which the jailer says a clear no who says that mahesh and jeevan were both kept in different cells. Jailer introduces Abhijeet and sachin to Manik and jailmate of Mahesh and Vidhaan jailmate of jeevan. Manik says that he never spoke and was always quiet as mahesh used to talk less and no one would dare to face his anger. Vidhaan says that jeevan always used to tell only one thing and that is he did not kill avinash. he also adds that Jeevan was very happy when they were taking him to the high court saying that he will soon be released. Jailer says that high court has given orders to release Jeevan after 3 days. Nikhil asks why did Jeevan run away if he was getting released after 3 days to which Abhijeet wonders if the plan was made by Mahesh. Abhijeet asks the jailer if anyone used to come to meet Mahesh to which the jailer replies as a beer bar’s manager.

At the beer bar
Daya sir gives his famous slap to the beer bar manager. One of the beer bar employee comes and asks for money to fill in petrol. The manager gives him a 100 and the person starts arguing as to what will happen with a 100 but the manager asks him to leave for now. Daya again asks the manager as to how many times he used to visit jail to which the manager says 4 times to give update on how the bar is going on to his boss Mahesh. Daya asks as to where Mahesh is to which the manager gives a shocked expression that he doesnt know. Team searches the whole bar but doesnt find mahesh. Team comes out of the bar.

Daya says that the manager knows where mahesh and Jeevan are hiding as they he is sending food for them, Team follows the guy who asked money for petrol.

At Jeevan’s house
Jeevan’s wife, Asha screams saying that jeevan cannot do this to her. Jeevan had promised to be a changed man. Jeevan’s brother in law and an estate agent enter the house and wonder why Jeevan ran away. The estate agent says that he had just come to take some signatures from Jeevan’s wife Asha. jeevan had thought of opening a motor parts company and also had bought a godown. Sachin wonders how did Jeevan do the deal when he was in jail to which Jeevan’s brother-in-law says that he was the one who helped him bring this godown and jeevan was lucky to find a very good godown just of 50Lacs. Abhijeet asks Asha as to where will the 50Lac cone from to which she says that she only gave 1Lac advance and has no clue about other 49Lacs. Abhijeet checks the contract papers and asks as to why Asha and Raghu’s (Jeevan’s brother-in-law) names are on the papers to which raghu replies that Jeevan wanted it so.

On the Highway
Daya and team cross the area where the police van met with an accident and then enter a jungle while following the person who is taking lunch for Mahesh & Jeevan. They enter the jungle and find an empty tent with just tiffin box and nothing else. Closeby they find a water body with lots of blood and later dead body of mahesh. Vineet says that mahesh died of gun shot. Suddenly team hears someone cry and find the guy from the hotel crying. He says that he came to give food and clothes for mahesh and jeevan but found mahesh about to die and jeevan missing. He also adds that mahesh told before dying that he didnt want to run from jail but when Jeevan ran away he also joined him.

At forensic lab
Dr Salunkhe says that all the 5 guards died of poly oxide mono zino sulphidepoison which was in their tea and also adds that the poison does its effect after 2 hours. Abhijeet says that the time they took to reach the place where the van was fund was 6 hours and if they assume that all the guards died around 11:30 and posion takes 2hrs for effect then they must have been given poison around 9:30 may be at some hotel. Vineet says that total distance was 240kms and there must be lots of hotels on the way. Abhijeet says that they can half the distance i.e. if van was speeing at 60kms then around 120kms before the accident spot they must have been given this poison

Team at some Dhaba
Sachin asks the hotel guy about police van when someone who says that that they saw a police van around 9:30 yesterday night. The waiter adds that he didnt give them tea but a guy who came in a white car wearing a half pant gave them tea. Sachin asks vineet to prepare a sketch of that person and ask their informers.

On the Road
One of the informer says that the persons name is Babu. Team follows babu who seems to be going somewhere in a hurry. he enters the godown which was bought by Raghu, jeevan’s brother-in-law. Suddenly team hears babu scream They eneter the godown and find jeevan dead but no injuries. Sachin says that he must have died of poison like those guards. Team asks babu as to why he was there. Babu says that he came to take money from Jeevan which he had promised to give if he helps him run away from the police van. He details that when Jeevan was entering the van he dropped a letter which had the address of this godown where he found 1Lac rupees, poison and a letter saying that he will give him 2Lac if he follows the police van and mix the poison when they stop to drik tea. Babu confesses that he thought the bottle had sleeping pills and didnt know it had poison.

Sachin finds a tea cup on the table and wonders if there was posion in the tea. Purvi finds a cover containing passport with jeevan’s photo but name as BK Kumar and also 2 Lac rupee with Bank of mahanagar stamp dated 2May 2006. Sachin says that 6 years back Jeevan murdered Avinash.

At Avinash’s house
Avinash’s wife says that Jeevan had threatened to kill avinash and he presented all fake witnesses in court who said that Jeevan was not in the city when murder took place. Avinash’s brother Rajesh says that Jeevan had asked for money else he would kill him. Team tells Avinash’s family about the money found near Jeevan’s body to which Avinash’s wife says that Avinash had account in bank of mahanagar. Vineet says that probably Avinash had initially denied to give extortion money to Jeevan but later got scared and gave the money. Daya asks Vineet to check Avinash’s bank records.

At Jeevan’s house
Abhijeet gets angry at Jeevan’s family members that they knew everything. Abhijeet asks if Jeevan had account in Bank of Mahanagar to which Raghu says that Jeevan had habit of drinking and betting, he hardly used to save money so never had a bank account.

The estate agent says that there are two keys for the godown one with him and one with Asha. The estate agent shows his key while asha says that her key is missing. Abhijeet asks as to who can take the key to which Asha takes name of Naveen, Jeevan’s friend who never came to meet in 6 years but came recently saying that Jeevan will be released soon.

At Naveen’s house
Team asks as to where Naveen is to which his father says that whenever he steals something he doesnt come home for few days as he will be busy spending that money on betting. Abhijeet says that Naaven has not done any small crime but has committed murders. Team searches Naveen’s house. Naveen’s father says that his son would never murder anyone. Abhijeet asks for Naveen’s phone number to which Naveen’s father says that his son does not have any mobile as it would make it easy for the cops to trace him. Team finds nothing Naveen’s house but suddenly abhijeet sees the calendar and finds some word written on today’s date.

At the bureau
Team wonders what is ‘RASQAW’ which is written on 29 sep calender. Daya wonders if this is a PNR number. Abhijeet says that train PNR is 10 digit but flight PNR is 6 digit. Abhijeet asks Freddy to find out about the flight.

Vineet says that Avinash had withdrawn 5Lac rupees from his account in 2006 which match to the numbers of the notes founds near Jeevan’s dead body. Vineet adds that at the same time Avinash had also withdrawn 5 Crore rupees from his account. Daya says that if Avinash has given the money to Jeevan then Jeevan would have hid it somewhere before going to jail and may be naveen came to know about the money so he killed Jeevan. Abhijeet says that the main point still remains unsolved as to why did Jeevan run away from jail if he was getting released in 3 days.

Freddy says that flight was booked to republic of majiviya in the name of BK Kumar. Abhijeet remembers that Jeevan’s passport had the name BK kumar and he also had 5 Crore rupees with him. Freddy says that he couldnt have taken so much cash with him and nor would he transfer it from bank so Daya concludes it to be hawaala. Abhijeet asks team to find from their informers as to who does hawaala transfers for republic of manjiwiya.

At a Finance consultants office
Team reaches a finance consultant asking about the hawaala transfer who denies doing any illegal stuff. Soon he says that Jeevan didnt come with money so the money didnt yet get transferred. The finance consultatnt gets shocked saying that it is impossible has Jeevan himself has messaged saying that he will be coming late around 5:30 in the evening.

Team is waiting for the person in Qualis outside the finance consultant’s office. A car comes and stops in front of office. A person gets down from the car but runs away looking at CID and also the person in the car drives away. Vineet and purvi follow the car while Daya and Nikhil follow the guy who got down the car. Finally Vineet and Purvi overtale the car and find Avinash’s wife in the car and Daya catches hold of Naveen.

Avinash’s wife says that everything was her plan. She had come to know that Avinash was cheating on her and had drawn 5 Crore rupess from bank to run away with his girlfriend. One day she found Jeevan in a night club and made a plan to take revenge against Avinash. She made Jeevan fall in love with him and planned to get married. Jeevan found out about the location of 5 Crore rupees and killed Avinash and then went to jail but never told where the money was. In the mean time Avinash’s wife fell in love with Ashok (??) and scared that Jeevan will kill her if he comes to know that she betrayed she planned to get Jeevan killed. She forced him to run away from jail 3 days before his release so that police will shoot him. As a part of the plan she took help of Jeevan’s friend Naveen who became ready to betray Jeevan for money. Naveen stole the godown keys from Jeevan’s house, kept the money and poison there so that babu can finish his work.In the mean time Naveen also went to jail and said Jeevan that underworld has come to know about the 5 Crore rupees and once he comes out they will torture him for the money. Jeevan believed in Naveen and scared of the underworld he booked his tickets to Republic of manjeeviya in the name of Bk Kumar. That way Naveen found out about the location of the money hidden by aviansh from jeevan. Later when Jeevan came to the godow in the name of treat naveen gave poison to Jeevan in the sweets and killed him.

Team asks Naveen as to why he killed Mahesh to which Naveen says that Jeevan killed mahesh as he had come to know about the 5 Crore rupees and was blackmailing Jeevan and for the closed doors of the police van naveen says that he was following the police van on that night and when the van met with accident using a large magnet he closed the back door. Abhijeets passes the phaansi verdict

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