D3 Dil Dosti Dance 4th July 2012 Written Update

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D3 Dil Dosti Dance 4th July 2012 Written Update by ..first.rain..

Sharon plays the recording and Swayam is scared from professor and also stunned. He puts his hand on his mouth as he isn’t the one speaking but the voice is his. He realizes it’s Sharon’s doing and glares. Professor gives a final warning before the bell rings and he leaves. Swayam continues to gives glares to Sharon for doing it and Sharon is laughing at his state. The boys have all covered him and asking him for answers. Swayam makes his save saying he was just practicing to be romantic as he’s weak in that part. They then ask about the song and he says it was played by mistake. They do no believe it and ask for truth as once can be my mistake. But three times can’t be a mistake nor a co-incidence. Sharon sleekly holds her ear to say sorry. Swayam softens and both have a look moment.

In BB court, everyone is wondering where Neha went after calling them there. Neha and Rinni make an appearance in cheerleader’s costume, shocking Vicky and making him drool. The girls do a cheer for Vishakha and Neha says she thought of this idea. Sharon says that’s a great idea and Vicky and Nilesh tells Swayam by taking him aside that they will tell the girls no if he doesn’t want this. Swayam says of course not! It’ll cheer Vishakha and it’s a good thing. “Why would I have a problem with it?” he says. The boys are relieved that Swayam isn’t holding a grudge against Vishakha as she’s the new captain and agrees on helping the girls with the cheer.

Vishakha is taking rounds of the rehearsal room, waiting impatiently for them to come. When they do, she blasts saying they’re 20 minutes late! Then she asks about Neha and Neha and Rinni do the same cheer. Vishakha tells them it’s stupid and yells at them as well. Sharon says when attitude is right, it’s all right. But when it changes, people show their true color. Vishakha insults the team by saying they have no right to be in their rehearsal. She doesn’t stop and tells them to get out. They do upset at her and Swayam goes behind them to apologize on her behalf and looks at Sharon hoping she’d agree. All just leave silently. Inside, Vishakha tells Neha rudely to go and change. (I kept this part as short as possible without going in details about the rude comments by Vishakha. She’s just getting on my last nerves now talking to everyone like she own’s the place. )

At night time, everyone is gathered at their usual place for a meeting. Vishakha comes and Vicky tells her that she can’t boss them around here. This isn’t her team’s rehearsal hall so she better watch her manners. Neha takes Vishakha with her and Vishakha apologizes to everyone for her rudeness. She was just pressurized with everyone and she’s really sorry. Mistakes happen by everyone… Sharon looks at Swayam who blinks in agreement and she replies back. She says Apology accepted and the rest of them accept it as well. Problem solved.

Rey comes with Taani and tells them the meeting is so they can discuss how to find the 6th dancer. Shivam comes from behind and says simple. Just look at old audition tapes. Rey smartly cuts him saying he already has and none of them will match footloose level. Shivam says hold them again and Rey again replies that it’ll take time and no one in college could be the one. Shivam is left with mouth sealed.

Sharon says Taani, she can give some ideas. Taani says, “You’re CS and GS. Whatever you both decide will be right.” Vishakha makes a rude comment saying she’s new. Why ask her? She doesn’t have experience in all this. Rey replies, “She doesn’t. And she’s new. Just like you’re leading the team for the first time. So give a chance.” Vishakha goes and sits down. Shivam says just give Taani a chance and respect her! She’s the new AGS.

Taani puts her idea that they can use newspapers, TV, everything and anything to advertise and those interested can contact them. They can call someone from across India. Everyone quickly agrees to that idea seeing it as the limelight. Sharon tells her to not get nervous. Her idea really is great. Everyone soon leaves.

Shivam goes to Taani and in his smart-ish evil way, fits the thing in Taani’s head that she’s AGS only because Rey sympathized her. Taani goes to Rey and directly asks why he chose her to be AGS? Because he felt pity for her? Coming close to you as 6th dancer was a mistake. Putting the notice up was wrong. Even after everything, why is he doing such a huge favor on her? She says she won’t be AGS and she doesn’t want any kinds of favor just out of sympathy because she knows she doesn’t deserve AGS position. Rey is numb and all confused on what suddenly happened to her.

Precap: Dazzlers are rehearsing. Rey is looking for Taani. SwaRon are talking and team tells Swayam to put the call on speaker. They hear Sharon saying ‘How dare you,’ Swayam is having no choices as team again surrounds him. Rey tells Sharon he wants to talk to her about Taani.

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