Jodha Akbar 29th April 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 29th April 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 29th April 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jodha is sitting, shehnax comes there, she starts laughing and says i m laughing on your foolishness, jodha says you are my friend, shehnaz says its my responsibility to make you realize what you, your love came all the way to get you but you denied, did the love fade away, jodha says no its even more now, shehnaz ask then why didnt go? jodha says i had seen good side of jalal, a soft and good heated, we had fights but jalal used to see things and then decide but this time he hurt e alot, he said bitter words without thinking, i cant bear it again so couldnt go, shehnaz says sometimes rose which gives good smell can hurt you by its pric, she shows her the handkerchief of jalal which he left there, she says maybe he left it for you so you can get his essence from it, she leaves.

Scene 2
jiji comes to atgah and ask him why is he tensed, he says i today feel like that i am not capable of this job, he tells her everything about maham, he says jalal is alread worried how can i tell him but if dont then its cheating to hide it from him. jiji says maham can go to any extend to achieve her mission, atgah says i believe that she cant hurt jalal but why is she doing it, jiji says she never liked jodha maybe she wanted what is happening now, she did their separation, atgah thinks.
atgah comes to jalal in night and says aatimad khan came with real dilawar khan and she told me some severe things about maham, he tells him everything and says this shows that maham knew that a man was entering in harem in diguise of dilawar maybe she knew it was sujamal, jalal gets angry and takes otu his sword, he says you are pointing at my bari ammi, atgah says if my news is wrong then you can kill me, jalal ask to bring maham in court.

Scene 3
maham comes to jalal, atgah si there too, maham ask why you called me in night, jalal ask atgah to go out, he goes, jalal looks at maham, he says mahamanga you are called as i have to do some investigation, maham says you never called me like that, jalal says today i am not your son but emperor, i want some answers, he ask did you know that it was sujamal inj disguise of dilawar, maham says no, jalal ask to bring dilawar, he ask maham do you know him? she first says no, but then says that i think i had seen him once, jalal says he is real dilawar and came to you to tell you that someone else is here as dilawar, i accept maybe you cant remember him but its your duty to keep check on eunuchs of harem, maham says yes but i dont investigate about every eunuch personally and now it is known that he was sujamal, jalal says is it like this that you knew he was suja and you allowed him to come in palace. jalal says we got news that sujamal left agra, maham says you remeber that person who gave us this news, jalal says i exactly remember him, he calls that man, maham recalls how she ordered that man to say whatever she says to him infront of jalal, FB ends. jalal ask that man to tell how muh truth is in this news that sujamal was seen outside of agra, he looks at maham, jalal puts sword on him and says have fear of me not maham, i will cut your head, he gets afraid, he says i never seen sujamal outside of agra, i said that all to you because someone said to me, jalal ask who said that to you? he looks at maham, maham nods no, man says cheif minister maham ask me to lie to you, jalal is pained, man leaves, jalal sits dejected and says i cant believe that the one who gave me biggest wound was my protection, my support, jalal shouts that you knew everything, you knew he was sujamal, you probed me to doubr on my wife, i believed on you but you what you did, mali gave me external wounds but you have heart my soul, why you did that, why you played with my feelings, why you plotted against jodha, you stoopd so low against jodha, i gave you everything then why you did that, maham says you never gave me anything, i gave you everything but you never appreciated me, she says you were child you know nothing, me and bairam khan made you everything what you are today, you have throne and everything just because you were born in shehenshah house, i couldnt be a queen and my work is to just greet queens here, i served you alot, gave you love like a son, i taught you politics, war everything and what you gave, a name ammi jan, you only gave me chief ministry, maham says to jalal i loved you and i always will but i will not tolerate that a lady that just came between us and take my powers from me. I won’t bear that a rajwanshi takes my place from me. Now only a few months have been past since she came in your life and you trust her so much now. Yes i plotted so many conspiracy to let jodha down in your eyes. I admit it today. I did this all to send her away from you and from this castle. Because you started speaking her language. You started giving her more attention then me. I gave you more attention then i gave to my own son adham khan. I can’t bear that you love her more than me. A heart has started beating in you which is not good for a soldier and a king. I will serve you till death but there are somethings that you should know jalal. You were a toddler when i saved you from world. bairum saved you even when He knew that people after you could kill him. What you gave him in return? That he couldn’t get water when he was dying. you could call him back but there’s one thing that i’ll not be like him. Specially for a rajwanshi lady for whom your heart started beating. You call me bari ammi. You said you love me more than anyone. Then tell my why i became bad in your eyes after this rajwanshi. Why does this happen. maham says only you can answer me that why son goes away from mother when wife comes, why he gives responsibility of his to his wife snatching from mother, why son pushes mother, why son cant see love of mother infront of wife, i dont want you ask me to go to makkah sharif in return of my long service to you, never. that is why i plotted, i tell you today that if you want to behead me than you but i still say that whatever i did i have no regret, jalal says i will ot snatch your ministry from you neither i will kill you. jalal says i’d like to tell you that you lost the most precious thing you had. You’ve lost your son today.

Precap-jalal says why she did this to me. Why she took all my happiness away. What harm jodha did to her. Jodha says to shaguni that my character has been accused and i should be proud of my decision but there’s still a part of me that says my heart isn’t with me.

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  1. ruchi
    April 30, 09:23 Reply


    • sanvi
      April 30, 09:51

      He ruchu its on 2nd Sunday of may month dear

    • neeraja
      April 30, 09:53

      Mayb 4 her it is today

    • ruchi
      April 30, 10:00

      @ sanvi di I dont no abt ur place but here its today only!!
      So neeraja is right!! For me its today only!!!

      Anyway di!! I say happy mother s day to u in advance!! Hheheh

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