Junoon 11th January 2013 Written Update

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Junoon 11th January 2013 Written Update by swethasyam08

Junoon 11th January 2013 Written Episode

Episode Starts with Prithvi making the line with Sindoor while Meera staring at him confused. He pushes her to one side. He says the sindoor which united them will be the line of control in btw them n both of them won’t cross other side.

In the Miu suffering with pain in her leg. Both Prithvi n Miu were restless. She wakes up n ties a cloth to her leg while Prithvi wakes up with anger but stops seeing her.

He offers her a blanket but she rejects. He was abt to leave but she stops him n says as its their first day after marriage, village people will mistake them that its for showing off that they got married n not in real. Villagers may not allow Ramdhari to live peacefully.

Prithvi unwillingly stays back. Late in the night, Miu wakes up with sound n sees that Prithvi is drinking. He thinks she got only him in entire village n taunts his own fate. Miu prays god n thinks what if he crosses limit in this situation n holds n big stick n acts like in deep sleep. Prithvi comes n was abt to cover her with blanket but Miu hits him with stick. He shouts at her n fells unconscious. Miu ties her duppatta to his head.

Next morning, Prabha knocks the door n both wakes up at once to open the door. Prabha shocked to see Prithvi hurt n asks him how it happened. Pritvhi says tha Meera hit him n Meera says that he scared her after having drink. Prabha taunts him n he inturn says that life became horrible after Meera came into his life. Prabha again taunts him for calling Meera a trouble n asks him to fresh up.

She then sees the sindoor on floor n asks what’s tht line. Meera leaves from there. Prithvi comes n panics seeing the line. Prabha sees the sindoor box n understands n Prithvi goes away from there.

He then goes to Ramdhari n asks for that day’s tasks for him. Ramdhari says from now on he is not any servant of house but their son-in-law. Prithvi says his place is always near his feet but Ramdhari says his place is in his heart n hugs him. Prithvi feeling bad.


Precap: Miu says to Prabha that though she is married to Prithvi, they have done to save Ramdhari’s pride n prestige. to the world they are wife n hubby, but their lives are different n its not possible for them to become one. Prabha shocked.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous
    January 12, 02:05 Reply

    at the end both will fall in love unknowingly

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