Kaala Teeka 20th October 2016 Written Update

Kaala Teeka 20th October 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kaala Teeka 20th October 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Manjiri says how did water boil. She takes Kali and Naina out. Kali is crying and scared, she says I was about to bathe Naina in that water.
Dewri is doing is pooja. Manjiri comes and asks how was the water boiling? He holds Manjiri’s hand when she tries to touch his material. Manjiri’s sari slips, she holds it. Manjiri is scared. Dewri says since morning I have been doing tap. How would I know about naina’s boiling water. Stop being a fool and convince your Kali. She shoving her daughter is harm by not listening to me. Manjiri says thank you for your suggestion. i know what is good for us. You don’t have to worry. She leaves. Manjiri stops and says one more thing whoever is enemy of Kali and Naina is my enemy as well. Nothing can harm them no matter how
powerful it is.

Gauri says to Yug kick that kali out of this house. Yug shoves her and says Kali won’t go anywhere. Kali is naina’s daughter and will always be. She won’t go anywhere from my life and this house.

Nandu comes to Kali’s room. He says may I come in? Kali says yes sure sit. Kali says Nandu sorry for yesterday you were right. Your bro is not wrong. What happened last night, I have started trusting him after that. Nandu says really? Kali says I would believe completely when I know the complete reality. Will you ask him where he was all those years and how he got those powers. Nandu says sure I will ask him.
Dewri puts fumes in a glass, he sees his childhood. He says you have to take control over fire. Dewri says I know that is why I am forcing Manjiri. The child says its not easy to convince her. He soul is pure. Dewri says I will impure. Nandu comes and asks where were you all those years? Manjiri is listening in. Nandu says I am mad at you. Dewri says I was all alone. In jungles and kept roaming. To get powers I did tap. I couldn’t forget my family. That is why I found you and my mom back. He knows Manjiri is behind the door.

Scene 2
Dewri is walking somewhere. Manjiri is following him in her car. Suddenly he disappears. Manjiri says where did he go? She drives ahead. Dewri is hidden behind a tree.He sees Manjiri.
Dewri is lying on nails and doing his tap.

Leela says this time no crackers on diwali. Kali says Naina is not breathing. Everyone comes. Leela says where is dewri? Jamna says he is not home. Yug recalls what Dewri said about getting something related to Naina. yug sees Naina’s frok with blood on it. He is dazed.
Yug shows Naina’s frok to everyone. They are all scared. Leela says what should we do now? Dewri walks in and says place it in front of the idol in temple. Hurry up. Yug says yes, he places it there and lits the candle. Naina starts breathing. Leela says thank you so much. Manjiri says why are you thanking him? Because you think he solved your problem? What when you get to know he created the problem himself? Leela says what you mean? Manjiri asks dewri where were you? Yug says must be doing his tap. Manjiri says have you ever thought why is he invisible when something happens to Naina? He does that tap to harm Naina and when its done he comes as a savior. He win trusts this way to stab us. leela says why don’t you respond her? Manjiri says you game is over Dewri. Kali says enough Manji ma. You can’t accuse him without any proof. Manjri says but.. Kali says pardon me but first time I disagree with you. Manjrii says you believe in superstition? Kali says I don’t that is why I don’t think Dewri can do this. He saved Naina’s life and did tap. He did tap in that asylum. What do you call that asylum? She asks dewri. Manjiri smirks. Yug says yes dewri you never told us about the asylum. He says Devia Joti. Leela says never heard about it. Where is it? He says in Shivri narain? Kali says I will take you there dadi and dewri would come with us. Dewri says sure. Gauri says wait a minute you disagreed with manji ma because you believe dewri then why don’t you believe his prophecy? Kali says because I believe in God. How can I believe something else, in front of him?

Kali calls devia joti asylum. She asks can she can to guardian of the asylum..

Precap-Leela says the guru on Devia Jotu asylums is here. Kali says Dewri will be exposed now. He walks towards the house. .

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