Kalash 15th March 2017 Written Update

Kalash 15th March 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 15th March 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Devika says to Nivi say truth or I will kill you. Nivi says put it down. When Monty and ravi fought I thought that was the right moment. Ravi picked the pistol. Ravi didn’t know where he left he gun after monty died. You all came there. Saket and I exchanged the guns. The gun from which monty was shot was found there that is why he was found guilty. Devika says now you will say that in court as well. Nivi says you can’t save ravi. Devika says I will and I will shoot you, You think I am joking? This is your last warning I will count till 3. 1.. She pulls the trigger.2..

Saket gets a call from Nivi. He says yes? Nivi says saket there is an emergency please come here. He says what happened now? Sh says please come. I can’t find that gun. He says how can you misplace that
gun. You mess things up. Nivi says please come here and then say all this.

Scene 2
Rekha is crying. she says I hope my ravi comes back home. Janki says please control yourself. Rekha says my kids suffer all the time. Janki says I am so worried about what will happen next. Where is paalavi? Rekha says I sent her to sakshi. I cant leave her alone. Janki says please rest. I will see Ambika. REkha says please take care of her.
Janki is going towards devika’s room. She sees a shadow and says who was this? She goes after him.

saket comes in room and says saket.. Devika points gun at him and says I called you not her. Come here. Nivi comes out as well. devika says shocked? I was more shocked. For how long could you hide yourself? i had to know the truth. A devil like you has to die. Saket says to Nivi you always get me in trouble. Nivi says she pointed gun at me and forced me to call you. I had to. She knows everything now. Saket says to Devika don’t be over smart. you called me here and called your trouble. DEvika says are you eyes closed? The gun is in my hand. You think I won’t shoot? You know I can do anything to save ravi. I can do anything to save him. you should have died long before. No one can save you two form my hands now.You can never do good for anyone. Go die if you can’t see me and ravi together. You can part us. You thought you will hide and no one would know about you? I will kill you both today. NO one can stay happy as long as you are alive. I will kill you. Decide who will die first. Okay be silent. I will decide. I know whom will I kill first. Saket. I have never seen a disgusting man like you. You both have to pay for you sins. Devika says please you want ravi out of jail. Don’t you? We two have to stay alive to save him. Saket says she is right. I am ready to confess. It was all her plan. Devika says you think I am a fool? Saket snatches the gun from her. Devika says leave me. Nivi snatches the gun from her and throws her on bed. devika faints.

Janki comes to Devika’s room but she is not there. Janki says where is she?
Saket says she would have killed us today. now see what I do with her now. Saket says I won’t tell you anything. You only ruin plans. See I came and solved everything. Nivi says this is because of you. If you didn’t come here she won’t have seen you.
Saket says you make mistakes. Janki comes in that direction. She hears Saket’s and Nivi’s voice. She knocks on the door and says open the door.
Nivi says she will have so many questions. They hide devika under bed and saket hides too.

nivi opens the door and says what is wrong? I was sleeping. What is this? Why are you disturbing me? Janki says this is my house and you are an uninvited guest here.Where is devika? Nivi says why will she come here? Janki says then whom were you talking to?

Precap-Janki says to Nivi I am asking last time tell me if you know where devika is. If I get to know I won’t leave you. Nivi says I am not involved but even if I were I won’t have told you ever.

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