Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 24th January 2017 Written Update

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 24th January 2017 Written Update by MA

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 24th January 2017 Written Episode

Dev raises his leg to break door. Sona opens door and stands folding her hands. Dev angrily says Sonakshi. Sona warns to lower his voice and go, else she knows how to control him. Bejoy gets call from Sona’s mobile. He reminisces he should not interfere in children’s life. He picks call. Servant speaks and tells Dev and Sona are fighting and explains whole situation. Bejoy shouts how dare Dev is. Sona warns Dev to walk out, else she will call hotel security. Dev just looks at her. She calls security and says a stranger is trying to enter her room. Bejoy calls police control room and complains that a stranger is trying to enter his daughter’s room and needs protection. Security comes and asks Sona if Dev is troubling. Sona asks them to take Dev
away. Dev warns not to touch him. Security says they will upgrade her room. Sona says she does not need upgrade, she wants this man away. Police comes and inspector asks Sona if she complained. Dev asks Sona if she is a 2-year-old kid that she called police. Sona says she did not, but police can arrest him for trespassing. Inspector asks Dev if he did. Dev says yes and handcuffs himself. He says he is suffocating in hotel and will breathe easy in jail and walks with police.

Suhana comes out and asks Sona what is he doing here, if someone trouble here. Sona sahs someone came searching for dear ones, but no one is there for him here. She takes her in and makes her sleep. Suhana asks not to go. Sona asks if she is not getting sleep. Suhana says since Sona does not get sleep alone, she can sleep. Sona says she has some work and will sleep later.

Inspector removes Dev’s hand cuffs and says since complaint came on helpline, he has to come to police station for sometime. Dev says Sona makes issue out of simple things, she made issue 7 years ago and even now. Sona messages Asha that everything is fine now, she will get Suhana admitted to a school tomorrow. She calls inspector and says she she will withdraw case as she came back to Delhi after a long time and does not want to fall into legal issues. Inspector informs Dev same. Dev fumes why did she come back then, to ruin his happiness again.

Next morning, Sona takes Suhana to Golu’s school for admission. Suhana recites poem in front of principal. Principal sends her away and tells Sona that she mistakenly wrote her name in both father and mother’s name. Sona says she does not think father’s name is needed. Principal says yes… Golu throws plastic lizard on Suhana and laughs with his friends. Suhana picks lizard and taunts Golu. Sona comes out and Suhana asks if principal troubled her. Sona says no, in fact he gave admission to her, she will enjoy here. Suha looking at Golu says she is already enjoying.

At Dev’s house, GKB’s drama starts. She orders badam milk for Vicky and scolds servant to keep it on table. She asks Vicky what he has tought to tackle Dev. Mamaji hears that and scolds that they are living in Dev’s house and enjoying Dev’s wealth. Vicky yells he handles Dev’s office now. Mamaji says he just works for Dev and they both are betrayers. Vicky asks GKB if she did not get anyone else to marry. GKB asks what he has planned to tackle Dev. Vicky says Dev closed company and made losses, but he knows how to make profits. Golu comes and GKB asks if he wants to have something. Golu says he already had samosas and says if he knows what happened in school. GKB says not now as her nutritionist is coming. He then tries to tell Vicky, but Vicky says he is busy. Dev comes and asks he can tell him. Golu gets happy and says he missed him. Dev says even he missed him, let us go to room and discuss what happened at school.

GKB sitting on Sona’s swinger yells that some items don’t change, like Sona’s swinger…She asks dietitian what she has to say. She in English says no spicy food and only home cooked food. GKB asks maid to translate. He translates. GKB says she goes to parties a lot and her photo comes in news papers. Dietitian says she follows page 3, but did not see her pic. GKB continues her broken English and tells dietitian she needs to lose 2 kg in 2 days. Dietitian asks how is it possible. GKB says no excuse and orders maid to send her out. Dietitian says all the best and leaves.

Dev comes out of washroom and asks Golu if his game score increased. Ishwari asks when did he come. He says just now. She says she saw him in news channel. Dev acts as busy with Golu. Ishwari tries to leave. Dev says whatever happened she saw it, then what she wants to talk about. Ishwari says she wants to know if he is fine after yesterday’s incident. He asks if she cannot see he is fine. Ishwari asks if she can bring food for him. He says he finished food already. Ishwari leaves. Dev then asks Golu about his game. Golu asks if he is sad. Dev asks why he thinks so. Golu says his eyes..

Precap: Sona gets Soha ready for school and asks if she is excited. She says very excited, but she does not like boys. Golu says he got a new girl in his class, he hates her. Sonu tells Suhana that boys are immature. Dev says it would have been good if girls did not exist and wishes Golu all the best.

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