Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 25th September 2012 Written Update

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Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 25th September 2012 Written Update by Armu4eva

Part 1

Ashu and Nidhi arrive at KGH! All are rushing towards the conference room! Rangu says that he tried to inquire about the issue but no one is read to divulge ! Rangu says.. CMs son, CMs Sect and management are waiting in the Conference room! Ashu-Nidhi-Rangu enter the Conference room! He is greeted by the Management and Ashu says that they could have just called! CMs sect says that they have heard about Ashu a lot but its only now they got to meet him! CMs sect says that they want to talk in private and Ashu says Rangu is the admin of the hosp and Nidhi is a Doc and his wife and both are trustworthy! CMs sect insists for privacy! Ashu requests Rangu to wait outside! Nidhi on cue gets up to go wait outside as well! CMs sect says that CM has Afazea (coz of brain tumor)! Ashu says that it affects speech as well! CMs son says that CM is not able to read or write properly and that they have tried to keep things under wraps but now things are going out of their hands! Ashu asks them to bring CM to the hosp for tests! CMs Sect says that they have gotten the tests done in Delhi and reports will come by nite! They ask Ashu to ensure that opposition doesnt find out about CMs condition or else.!! CMs son threatens Ashu! CMs Sect intervenes and tries to make Ashu understand the matter! CMs son reminds Ashu that a few years back Ashu had operated CM and they want him to opearte on him again! Ashu says in such condition (injured arm) he cant operate! CMs son says ..Ashu has to operate at any cost! Ashu is taken aback! CMs son gets a bit emotional and says that CM has forgotten even his name and so they want that he gets better fast! They leave! Ashu comes out of the conference room! He goes and sits in his cabin! Rangu and Nidhi come to him! Rangu asks Ashu what they can do? Nidhi asks what is the matter and why he is so tensed? Ashu says that they dont need to discuss at the moment so they better focus on other operations! Ashu requests the duo to leave him alone and they do! After they leave Ashu keeps looking on worried!

At the cafeteria, Ashu is trying to serve his own food! Nidhi comes and offers to serve! Ashu protests looking around at the staff! Nidhi takes Ashus plate and sets it on the table and offers to feed him and Ashu looks around and asks her not to ! Nidhi asks if he is embarassed to eat from his wifes hand?! Ashu says his right hand is fine so she better not find ways to feed him! Nidhi says he had said she can do whatever she wants so she wants to feed him and Ashu agrees! Nidhi asks Ashu the matter in the Conference room and Ashu asks her not to discuss the topic there! Nidhi asks about her birthday gift! Ashu says she will get it and says that he has to make a serious announcement! Nidhi asks if its about the conference room case? Ashu stays mum and gets up and leaves!

Everyone wonder why Ashu has called the meeting and if its about the morning case? Ashu says that they mite be wondering the matter? Ashu says that he is in trouble! Rangu tells him that they are with him and that his trouble is their trouble! Ashu says he had this expectation only! Ashu says that they all will have to be witness to a very important and confidential event! Ashu says that he wants to give Nidhi her birthday gift infront of them all! Ahana says …its so romantic and Jyotika says its for Nidhi not her! Ahana says she knows! Ashu says gift is that Nidhis internship is complete and she is a full fledged Doc! He says that Nidhi has completed her internship with very good marks! All congratulate Nidhi and Nidhi thanks everyone! Ashu says that Management has decided that Nidhi can choose an independent project and after completing it she can work as a Senior Doc at KGH or any other hosp.! Nidhi thanks all! She then says that she wants to thank Ashu in private! All leave! Nidhi hugs Ashu! She says she does not know if its a dream or reality! Ashu says that its a reality and its all happening not coz she is his wife but coz she is an able Doc! Nidhi thanks Ashu for the birthday gift!

Anjie calls Rangu and says that Solanki is unwell! She says she is rushing over there and Rangu says he is coming over there! Rangu informs Nidhi about Solankis health! Nidhi offers to come along! A nurse comes and tells Nidhi that Ashu is calling her! Rangu starts for home! Nidhi comes to Ashu and Ashu tells Nidhi that she is a full fledged Doc so he wants her to take rounds of the wards in his place and report to him! He tells Nidhi that she should ensure that the reports are perfect! Nidhi assures!

Doc tells that Solanki is lucky to survive the minor heart attack! CB tells Solanki to stop all work for few days! Shyama tells CB to convince Solanki as he insisted to go to work even in this situation! Solanki holds Anjie and says that his daughter has come so nothing will happen to him! Nurse calls Rangu on his cell and tells him to come fast! Rangu calls Anjie aside and says its emergency and he has to go! Anjie says she plans to stay back and Rangu says fine!

Part 2

Ashu checks the reports Nidhi has made and compliments her saying its perfect! He says that his work is over too and they can start for home! AshNi are in the parking lot when CMs Sect and son arrive! They call Ashu aside and says that CMs reports are very serious and Ashu has to see them rightaway! He says that Ashu cant go now! Ashu tells Nidhi to wait in the common room! The duo take Ashu away!

Part 3

Ashu goes thru the reports and says that tumor has spread a lot and that tonite or by tomorrow morning they have to operate! CMs son orders his Sect to get CM at KGH immediately! Ashu protests saying that he had explained his situation! CMs son says that Ashu has to operate as CM does not have faith on anyone else! Ashu is shocked!

Precap — Nidhi is standing outside Ashus cabin and overhears the conversations! CMs Sect says that despite of knowing how new Nidhi is Ashu is assigning such a critical case to Nidhi? He says whatever will happen to Ndihi will happen but along with her the repute Ashu has built over years and the hosp will be destroyed forever!

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous
    September 26, 14:41 Reply

    i love dr. ashu… handsome and cool. but why would he wear a pink shirt!!!! dont get that

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