Meet 14th December 2022 Written Update

Meet 14th December 2022 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 14th December 2022 Written Episode

Barfi push Babita and ask her to pick broom and get to work. Raj and Babita leave.
Meet Ahlawat and Meet walks in disguised as Arabi people. Meet Ahlawat says my name in Shaikh Arman and she is Queen ob Baristan. Barfi get’s excited and greet her. Meet says this place dosent suit me and says something to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says I understand and says to Barfi she is angry on you the way you greet her and welcome her now she won’t to leave. Barfi apologies to her. Meet ask Meet Ahlawat who is this servant. Barfi says I’m owner of this house if you want I can show you papers. Meet says I know little little Hindi but I love it and says something to him. Meet Ahlawat says show her property because she is going to se 5 property more. Barfi says no need to see this is like mansion you would love it.

Raj ask Babita to not put her hands in water for mych time she may get sick. Babita says time and situation teach you everything and you are with me don’t worry and she ask about guest why did she ask us to leave are they going to buy our home. Raj says I’ll go and check. Babita says no stay here we should.

Barfi say to Meet come I’ll show you temple. Meet says okay and start walking. Barfi says how do you know temple is in this direction.

Ishani and Masum walking on street. Masum says today I understand the value of job for a person. Ishani says if we get rejected from everywhere then how we will help our family. A lady watching them thinks they look good, easily can make there high profile and get them involved in wrong work, she walks to them says I’m Chaya she give them her card and says I do job placement work and I think you need one so I can come in handy for you, rest we can talk in office when you come to talk. Ishani says how can you offer us job without any interview. Chaya says in our field we require people in need who are more loyal to us so we don’t require any interview and give them money. Ishani says no thanks we don’t need it. Masum says it’s very wierd. Chaya says consider this as advance and keep it she give them money and leave.

Meet Ahlawat say’s to Barfi she love Indian culture and know it very well. Meet mocks Barfi says she don’t have any knowledge that temple in house is in northeast, I’m angry now I’ll leave. Barfi apologies to her says come I’ll show you home. Barfi give tour to them and show them temple. Meet pray to god.

Babita amd Raj cleaning hall. Servant walks to them says you have to clean kitchen Barfi is asking to do it. Both of them walk to kitchen. Barfi walk down with them and ask how did you like the home. Meet Ahlawat says queen love your property. Babita break a plate in kitchen. Everyone hear that. Barfi says I’ll come back, she walks to them and start scolding her for her mistake. Raj says it was a mistake. Barfi hurt her. Meet Ahlawat and Meet hear says this is not the way our mom and dad acted with servant we have to make her pay for everything.
Barfi light chula and she push away Raj. Babita get’s scared. Barfi take her hand and try to burn it.
Meet Ahlawat shouts from outside. Barfi push Babita’s hand walk away. Babita get’s hurt. Barfi walks to them says sometime we have to teach lessons to workers. Meet Ahlawat says the way you behave with your servant my queen didn’t like it, she is cancelling her deal, if you want to be successful then apologies to her. Barfi ask what I have to do. Meet Ahlawat says hold your ears and do situps. Barfi start doing situps and says I won’t do this again please forgive me. Meet Ahlawat says queen forgive you. Barfi says I apologised to you so can you help me, she says my friend live in arab, she said when your deal is done message me in arabi and tell me about deal so can you write message for me. Meet says you testing me I cancel this deal and they leave the house.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet in Shahbadh. Meet Ahlawat says I’m sure she is having doubt on us I’m sure she will call us.

Raj and Babita together in room. Raj looks at her hand says I know Barfi is doing this to torture us. Babita says its for sometime after that our kids will live happily. Raj says I’ll go and tell everything to them and he walk to them. Babita follow her.
Meet Ahlawat says we have to do something to trap her. Meet get’s call from Barfi. Meet Ahlawat pickup and disconnects call. Meet ask what happen. Meet Ahlawat says we trapped her in our plan. Raj and Babita standing near. Raj ask what were you talking about Barfi. He says we usually talking about her, what happen. Meet see Babita’s hand ask how did you burn your hand. Babita says I was working near gas so I hurt myself, I lost the touch don’t worry everything will be fine in few days, so you take rest we came here to see you. Meet touch there feet and take blessings. Babita ask what happen. Meet says just taking your blessings to fight the situation. Meet Ahlawat also take there blessings. Raj says I wish you get all what you want they leave. Meet Ahlawat say to Meet our plan will be successful tomorrow.

Meet Ahlawat, Meet and Barfi sitting in hall. Meet Ahlawat says to Barfi here is the advance. Barfi see the money and get’s happy she says it’s time to celebrate she ask someone to come with sweet. Raj and Babita walks to them with water and sweet. Babita stumble and fall. Meet and Meet Ahlawat see them working as servant in house.

Barfi introduces Meet as Barista’s queen to everyone and they both sit down to sign the property papers.
Ishani and Masum dressed as dancers. Chavi say’s I’ll leave you but before that you have to perform dance and if you try to act smart I’ll go to your family.
Barfi says now house will be yours but you should also enjoy for the arrangements in did for you and they see Ishani and Masum dancing infront of them.

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