Mehek 10th March 2017 Written Update

Mehek 10th March 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 10th March 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Shaurya shows divorce papers to Mahek, Mahek says tell me where i have to sign, Shaurya says these are not divorce papers but legal papers, i am making you Mahek Sharma from Mahak Khanna. Mahek recalls how Shaurya proposed her and asked her to become Mahek Khanna when they were going to get married, Mahek stops signing, Shaurya asks what happened? why you are not signing? are you scared? Mahek glares at him and sign papers, Shaurya is shocked to see that she doesnt care and easily sign all papers. Mahek says Shaurya i removed everything, you forced me to forget everything, nothing is left, these are just papers, she holds Shaurya’s hand and gives papers to him. Shaurya looks on, Mahek turns away from him and starts leaving but Shaurya says there are two mroe things written it, if you change
your mood and want to comeback to my house with help of women NGO then you wont be able to enter my house, thats written in papers. Mahek says i will die but i wont ever comeback to you, Shaurya holds her hand says one more thing is written that we lived in same room but nothing happened between us and if you become pregnant sometime then it wont be my problem. Mahek says shut up, being cheap is one thing but keep showing your cheapness is another thing, she jerks him away and leaves. Shaurya punches wall and his hand bleed. Mahek comes to PD and hugs her. Shaurya crumbles legal papers and leave from Mahek’s house.
Mahek is sitting in office for interview, dhabba owner Ratan ask her to not take tension, you will get this job. Interviewer calls her inside.
Kanta is waiting for Mahek’s call. Jeevan says either call Mahek or sit down calmly. Ravi says to Jeevan that i talked to my friend, he will see sarees then will pay us. Jeevan says lets talk to society people again, maybe they will agree for us to open shops again. Kanta says Mahek has interview today, she might get job. Ravi says we cant run house with one single salaray, he looks at Mohit and says we wont ever touch his earning money.
Interviewer sees Mahek’s profile and says you participated in supercook? Mahek says i learned cooking from my mother, cooking is my passion. Interviewer says you look more good in real life then TV, dont mind but i heard Shaurya and you were going to marry then what happened? Mahek says i am sorry but i dont want to discuss my personal life. Interviewer says Shaurya is our competitor, KD also blamed you to be with Shaurya so we have to know your status with Shaurya before hiring you. Mahek says i have no relation with Shaurya, i am single. He says i have to take time to decide, wait outside, Mahek leaves room. Interviewer calls someone.
Shaurya comes to restaurant, he sees Visky and says stop being lazy, why repairing has not been done till now? Vicky says these people are lazily working here. Vicky gets call from Mahek’s interviewer , interviewer says your ex sister in law is s*xy, she has come to apply job at my night restaurant. Shaurya puts put on speaker hearing Mahek’s name, interviewer says how did Shaurya let her go? she is hot, i am thinking to stop her at night to enjoy with her, she is more hot in real life, Shaurya ends call and says he is that interviewer right?
Jeevan calls Mahek and says dont worry, we dont want to burden you with responsibilities, we will run house, Mahek says dont worry. Interviewer calls Mahek inside. Mahek comes, interviewer asks you are talented but what can you do> girls do a lot of stuff to get job, Mahek says what you mean? interviewer says lets go to dinner, we will discuss things and will get to know each other. Mahek says yes, come to my house tonight, you will meet my family too. Shaurya comes there and says Mahek come with me, Mahek says you here? interviewer says how can you come in my room like this? Shaurya says you like to take interviews right? Shaurya slaps interviewer, he starts beating interviewer, MAhek is shocked, Shaurya brings interview in hall and beats him infront of everyone. Mahek says stop it, Shaurya says come with me, Mahek says leave my hand, Shaurya grabs her hand and drags her out of office. Mahek asks Ratan to wait for her, he leaves. Mahek asks what was that? Shaurya says i saved you from that guy, you didnt get any other place to work? Mahek says why do you care where i work? i can work anywhere i want, you have nothing to do with my life, Shaurya says i dont want to be part of your life but that man has evil eyes on you, he had bad intentions. Mahek says i had life before you came in my life, i know how to deal with perverted people, i can handle myself, i am not your relative or wife. Shaurya says i know i am not your husband, if i didnt come here today then that interviewer would have molested you, i dont care about you but your name is joined with me and people talk about me, after six months people will start linking me with other girls and will forget you then you can do job anywhere but for next six months you cant work anywhere i dont approve.

Scene 2
Mahek is in market, she calls Kanta and says i will buy veggies and come home. Mahek is buying veggies, she bargains with seller, Shaurya comes there and offers him money. Mahek says what are you doing here? Shaurya says is this your road? i can come here, Mahek says this is your society because you can break houses and shops here whenever you want. Seller takes money from Shaurya, MAhek says give it back, seller says did you fight him sister in law? Mahek says i am no sister in law, just sister, she gives money of veggies to Shaurya and turns to leave but veggies are falling from her shopper, Shaurya says Miss Sharma, you bargained so much but leaving veggies on road? Mahek sees all veggies sprawled on road, Shaurya picks it up for her and says i want to talk to you, Mahek says dont make fuss in my society, i dont want to talk to you, what you want? Shaurya says listen to me if you want to make an issue, Shaurya gives her cheque, she asks what is this? Shaurya says this is 10lacs cheque, i am sure your chachas shop destruction doesnt cost more than 10lacs so take it to construct again, Mahek says i dont need your charity money, keep your money to yourself, i am not begging to get your charity. Mahek says not everything is paid by money, Shaurya says i am offering solution and i will deposit 50,000rs in your account monthly so you dont have to keep searching for cheap jobs, i have an standard and you cant work in my circle so dont go for jobs. Mahek says dare you say anything against my chachas. Mahek says to Shaurya that you have already brought many difficulties in my life, i will fall in life, will get hurt and will learn but wont take your help. She turns to leave but slips but holds her in his arms, he says you cant even walk to your across street without falling and taking about whole life, by the way belated valentines day, Mahek looks at him sadly, they share eyelock while Shaurua is holding her waist, tere sang yara plays.

PRECAP- Mahek says with which right are you helping me? Shaurya says you gave me that right by wearing Chura of my name, Mahek says i have already taken it off, i dont care about you anymore, Shaurya holds her chin and says look in my eyes and say that you dont care about me, Mahek looks at him in pain.

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  1. Kirti
    March 11, 12:15 Reply

    Shaurya in black :-*and u falling for her. Haahaa… Holi episode..

  2. vecihaa
    March 11, 08:00 Reply

    ya şoryam nasılmış kıza etiklerin yanına mı kalacak sandın sürünme sırası sende 😀 😀 D 😀

  3. Princess
    March 10, 18:22 Reply

    Men can’t handle it when women leave them and take charge of their own lives. Sorry Shaurya now you feel pain of lost.

  4. Vee
    March 10, 11:45 Reply

    Oowh, how men love it when women drool and run after them ?

    sorry guys, no disrespect ?

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