Mere Sai 4th September 2018 Written Update

Mere Sai 4th September 2018 Written Update by MA

Mere Sai 4th September 2018 Written Episode

Abdul breaks wood for Sai and cries reminiscing people calling him orphan and misbehaving with him. He asks Sai even he does not have family, does not he miss a family. Sai says whoever comes to this dwarkamayi is my family and this whole Shirdi is my family. Abdul says he always wanted his uncle to identify with blood relationship, but that never happened. Sai consoles him with his soothing words. Next morning, Sai with Abdul walks holding a mud pot. Two thieves enter Shirdi and discuss they escaped narrowly during previous robbery, now they should be careful, they can steal brass items from nearby Maruti temple and walk towards temple. In temple, Lakshmi prays god that she always prayed for a brother, but he never gave her brother, so she ties rakhi to him. She goes to b ring something. Thieves

enter and start stealing brass items. Sai senses that and tells Abdul that someone needs flowers in Maruti temple. Abdul leaves.
Lakshmi returns to temple and is shocked to see thieves stealing brass items and warns them to keep items right there and gathers people. Thief points knife on her neck. Villagers plead to leave her and take whatever they want. Another thief snatches jewelry from village women. Abdul passes by and seeing that throws stone on thief and confronts him. Thief fights wit him and slits his arm. Abdul bravely continues fighting with thief and hands him over to villagers who in turn hand over thieves to police. Lakshmi sees Abdul’s injury and says it is too deep. Abdul says it is simple cut and he is fine. Lakshmi says only Sai will tell how deep or superficial it is. Sai enters temple and checks his wound. Lakshmi tears her dress border and ties it on Abdul’s injury says he risked his life to save, why don’t Sai explain Abdul. Sai says she tied her dress piece like Draupadi tied her sari pallu to Krishna, Draupadi become Krishna’s brother, similarly Lakshmi become Abdul’s sister and Abdul her brother. Lakshmi emotionally asks Abdul if he is her brother. He emotionally says yes. Sai says they both are brothers and sisters from hereon. They both emotionally hug Sai.

Govinda draws mustache and beard on Keshav’s face and wakes him up. Keshav shouts nnot to disturb him. Govinda warns him to play with him, else he will show the special fire emitting box which he uses, shows box. Keshav warns to return it. Govinda says never. Family gathers. Chihu tai and Rukmini laugh seeing Keshav’s face. Chihu asks what is Govinda hiding. Keshav nervously says nothing. Govinda lights match stick. Servant gets afraid. Family is shocked. Keshav says it is match stick which they use to light fire, they use it in London and says he brought it for Rukmini for her kitchen. Rukmini gets emotional hearing that. Chihu tai lights stick and gets afraid. Everyone laugh on her.

In Dwarkamayi, Abdul plays with Lakshmi, Pari, and others. Pari says he is so powerful. Lakshmi thinks she wanted similar brother. Sai smiles. Ranoji enters with banana basket for Sai and thinks he is same man who asked address yesterday. Sai asks why did not he come last night. He says he prepared blanket last night, delivered it to customer, and brought bananas for Sai now. Pari asks if they all can have bananas. Sai says yes. Pari asks Abdul howmuch bananas he can eat. Abdul says 20-22 at a time. They all enjoy bananas. Sai says Abdul will stay here from hereon. Ranoji gets jealous that someone is taking his place.

Sai then starts preparing food. Ranoji’s wife Gayatri walks in and asks him why did not he return, he asked to serve food, he will return after meeting Sai. Ranoji angrily yells at her and asks her to go, he will come later. Abdul brings wooden log. Ranoji says he will cut it and tries to cut, but slips. Abdul holds him and says it needs lot of energy, he cuts villagers’ wooden logs. He takes axe and cuts wood. Sai asks Ranoji to have food and go. Ranoji happily says he feels satisfied with Sai’s prepared food. After finishing dinner, Sai asks Ranoji to return to his family. Abdul says now he has come to take care of Sai, Ranoji can return to his family. Ranoji feels jealous that Abdul is snatching his right to serve Sai and angrily leaves..

Precap: Keshav goes to Sai’s home and tries to light cigarette on stove fire and gets afraid.

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