Naamkaran 7th December 2016 Written Update

Naamkaran 7th December 2016 Written Update by Amena

Naamkaran 7th December 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Neela getting informed that Dayavanti stopped the ad. Ashish greets Hemant and takes blessings. Dayaben gives him sweets. Neela gets angry. Hemant wards off bad sight from Ashish and gives money to maid. He says don’t let tears come in Neela’s eyes, she is my life. Dayaben says Neela is my daughter too, don’t you trust me. Hemant says I blindly trust you, but I m a daughter’s father, she took care of me since her childhood, so I get afraid for her. Dayaben says don’t get afraid. Ashish also gives assurance. Neela comes there crying and hugs Hemant. Hemant asks what happened, your dream is getting fulfilled, you got emotional. Dayaben looks worried.

Avni tells Asha that they will make their life story film. Avni says there is romance, action, cheat and drama,
everything is there. Asha asks what do you mean. Avni says I will do story narration, imagine the film opening, you meet hero and love him, you decide to give birth to Avni, what a drama. She tells their life story and then how Dayaben, hero’s mum comes in their life, she snatches everything from us, she puts hero in den, Avni goes to rescue hero from den, then Avni gets to know she is cheated, hero does not want to come out of den, then Avni challenges Dayavanti that she will make her own name. She cries and says finally one day Avni makes her name, wow what a drama. Asha asks what happens then. Avni says then Avni makes a movie on her life and it goes superhit, Avni gets famous, Anaya is born and then we three walk to sunset with a song, happy ending. Asha smiles and recalls Ashish. Avni asks do you permit me to say our story, you have spent 11 years with me alone. Asha says no.

Neela cries and sees Ashish’s pics. She asks why did you do this, I just loved you Ashish, you were everything for me, my friend, companion, partner, you did this as you are a liar, I hate you. She sits crying and tears his pic. She removes the engagement ring. Hemant calls her out. She picks the pics. Hemant comes and asks whats the matter. She cries. He hugs her and asks did Ashish say anything that broke your heart, tell me the matter. She says you are good. He says I know. She says world is very bad. He says fine, what happened.

She asks if anyone cheats you, what will you do. He asks who cheated you. She asks him to say. He says breaking trust is big sin, you should not forgive such man. She says you said right, such person should not be forgiven, but what should be their punishment. He says there is one way, expose them infront of everyone so that they don’t cheat anyone else. She says right, this is the right way. He asks who cheated whom, why are you worried. She says there is a friend. He asks who, you have just one friend, Ashish, he can’t cheat. She holds the ring and says NGO friend. He says I will beat you, I m ill and you make me worry. She says I m fine.

He says tell your NGO friend to find truth well, every story has two sides, if its about trust breaking, its by someone you trust the most, so better confirm the truth. She says its good I took advice from you, I will tell my truth to check and understand things, then do what she wants, thanks. He makes her rest in lap.

Aladin asks Asha and Avni to come and gave food. Avni signs him to make Asha agree. Aladin talks to Asha. Avni says I told you to make mumma agree to let us make movie on her life. Aladin says we have to attract her first, watch me. Aladin flirts with Asha. He asks her questions and says you are afraid of me. Asha says Sumi is my fav friend, yes. He asks why do you go to buy vegs. She answers him. He asks will you let Avni make movie. While saying yes, Asha agrees to him. Aladin and Avni dance. Asha says no, do you think its joke. He says Avni is talented, you are not doing wrong by caging her dreams. She shows clock and says its 8pm, you can’t stay at home now, out. Aladin makes face and goes. He stands near window and apologizes to Avni. He says my magic did not work today. Avni says its fine, if mumma understood I want to do big work, imagine a 10 year old girl is writing life’s story and producing movie…. Aladin says I know, we will try tomorrow, I have an idea, go and get your photo. Avni goes to get pic.

Avni sees her name in newspapers with article that 10 year old girl is writing her own film on her own life. She says what did Aladin do. Neela reads the article and says Avni you are brave, I wish I had this courage. Ashish reads the article and smiles. Asha and Dayaben get worried. Dayaben says I think Avni has sworn to get ruined.

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