Review of Jai Jagjanani Maa Durga

Jai Jag Janani Maa Durga has woven magic on the small screen

Channel: Colors, 7pm, Monday to Friday
Production House: Sagar Arts
Genre: Mythological

When you think of God, a word which may instantly come to your mind is ‘magic’. God after all has magical beauty and grace. Jai Jagjanani Maa Durga – a new mythological show which replaced Kairi Rishta Khatta Meetha on COLORS at the 7.00 pm slot is magically weaving on small screen the beauty, grace, divine love and prowess of Maa Durga. Sagar Arts after having produced impressive shows like Ramayan, Alif Laila and Shri Krishna; the production house has come up with yet another spectacular mythological show Jai Jagjanani Maa Durga.

The plot has been beautifully woven out from the chronicles of Maa Durga in the book Devi Bhagvatam, penned by the wise sage Ved Vyas. Most Indians are unfortunately ignorant of the sacred texts of Hinduism. Jai Jagjanani Maa Durga through the audiovisual method not only tells us the story of Maa Durga; but simultaneously narrates many mythological stories like the creation of the Universe, Earth and all creatures great and small; the birth and genealogy of India’s great saints; how various gods and goddesses came into being; the first marriage in the history of Hinduism; the origin of evil; how the battle between good and evil started etc. This is a show which the whole family should sit and watch together.

This is a well researched mythological show, with a fast paced script and poetic dialogues in chaste Hindi. After all the dialogues of gods and goddesses should be penned very carefully; just one accidentally misplaced word may distort the message and hurt religious sentiments. Each and every word of the dialogues of gods, goddesses, holy saints, sages, noble kings, peasants and of the demons have been penned very artistically staying true to the sanctity of the Vedic texts. Each and every actor from Goddess Durga to the evil Asura Kalkeyi have done complete justice to their roles.

This is a show which takes us beyond rites and rituals and makes us think. It is indeed a poignant scene with a positive social message when Goddess Durga comes in the guise of an old and hungry old lady and imparts the message that if the poor and hungry are fed she is fed in the process.

The worship of Goddess Durga is shown with great grandeur accompanied by very sweetly musical and devout hymns to her. Even an atheist or someone who isn’t a devotee of Goddess Durga may be deeply touched.

The graphics of this show are spellbounding. Heaven has been etched out in the most beautiful myriad colours and hell is a sinister combination of darkness, fire and brimstone. The images of both the creation and destruction of the universe were breathtaking.

The costumes of all the characters from Goddess Durga to Asura Kalkeyi are grand. The costumes as well as the makeup beautifully blend into the intrinsic nature of all the characters.

Jai Jagjanani Maa Durga has had an impressive start and seems to be quite a promising serial. It seems that mythologicals are back on Indian television with a bang and are here to stay.

Rating: 4.5/5

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