Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 12th April 2013 Written Update

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Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 12th April 2013 Written Update by happygirl123

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 12th April 2013 Written Episode

Part 1

The episode starts with Akash telling Shail and Dayal that Aditya is on the way. He says that Aditya had a seminar in Lucknow and is directly coming to Benaras. Dayal says its a good thing. Akash says he will find a hotel for aditya. Dayal says that Aditya will stay at their house and Shail agrees. She says that they will be able to get to know him and if he is worthy to be with Gunjan. Shail tells Akash that he and Gunjan has agreed to the marriage but she hasn’t said yes and Gunjan is her daughter too. Akash tells Shail that her approval is important. Akash says he is sure that Shail will think that Aditya is the perfect match for Gunjan. Akash then says he has to go to the airport to fetch Aditya and Dayal says he will follow and Shail says she will prepare the room and Akash says that its sweet of her and that if she needs anything to let him know. Shail says she will manage in English and laughs. Shail leaves the room and Dholu ask if a guy is coming to see Gunjan. Shail says yes. Dholu asks if she will get married and leave. Shail says maybe and Dholu says she can’t go and Shail asks why and Dholu says because he loves her so much and he won’t let her go and leaves angrily and upset. Shail is sad thinking about it. Akash comes and asks Shail if Mayank is ok with Aditya staying at home after seeing his reaction. Shail says it is justified that Mayank is angry but if its for Gunjan’s happiness then Mayank won’t feel bad. Gopal tells Shail that Dayal called and said Aditya’s flight has landed and that they will reach in a while. Dholu is standing on the dining table and Sangeetha tells him to get down but he is stubborn and remains up. He tells Sangeetha to say no to Gunjan’s marriage and will not let her go and everyone is smiling hearing him say that.

Part 2

Bua then asks Dholu does he want Gunjan to stay at the house unmarried all her life and Dholu says why unmarried and that he will marry Gunjan. Everyone laughs. Sangeetha tells him to learn to write his name properly before getting married and carries him down and tells him to go. Charu says there must be something in Gunjan that Dholu wants to marry her. Charu asks Shail if she can help her but Shail ignores her and talks to Gopal about the sweets she ordered. Charu then asks Seema to make her tea. Shail is shocked and asks Charu if she is ordering Seema and Charu says yes isn’t that what Shail is doing too. Charu says for to prepare the house before the guy comes to see Shail’s niece Shail has ordered everyone to do work and did Shail get offended just because she asked for a cup of tea. Shail says she is stretching the matter. Seema says its ok she is going to make for everyone anyway. Shail asks Seema if Charu really scared her that much. Seema tells Shail to leave it since the guest is going to arrive. Sangeetha pulls Charu and tells her isn’t she saying too much and Charu says what did she say wrong. Gunjan and Rachana return home and Charu says its a good thing they came back early. She orders Gunjan to get ready as Aditya is coming today.Shail tells them to go in. Rachana asks Shail what is going on and that Aditya was in Australia then how can he be here. Shail says he had something in Lucknow and he will straightaway come to the house. Charu tells Gunjan that she should be happy that Aditya is here to see her so soon. She tells Gunjan to act a bit shy. She then takes the bouquet from Gunjan and says she will put it in a vase or it will wither. Rachana says that Charu is always poking her nose in everything. Shail says to ignore her and tells them to freshen up. Rachana tells Gunjan it seems everything is pre-planned. Talking about Aditya in the morning then her decision of getting married and now he has even reached Benaras. Rachana asks why is Gunjan saying yes and is it because she fears she will not find a nice guy. Rachana says he is not that special that Gunjan could have fell head over heels over him. Gunjan says she doesn’t want to take a chance. Rachana leaves angrily. Charu comes and tells Gunjan to get ready well and give a good impression. Gunjan says thanks for the free advice but she knows what to do and not to do. Charu says not to act smart and that she can charge them with the dowry case and this time for 7 years. Gunjan says to stop threatening and that what Charu decided is happening and that she wanted Gunjan to leave and that’s what she is doing. Gunjan says that Charu blamed her failed marriage on Gunjan and she is getting married to someone else so that all roads leading back to Mayank is closed. Gunjan says everyday and all the time she is hurting Mayank so that he hates her until he doesn’t want to see her face.

Part 3

Gunjan says she kept all her promises and asks Charu what about hers. She says that Charu promised to take back all the complains and that she won’t hurt Mayank and his family. Gunjan says what happened. Charu tells Gunjan not to yell at her and that until Gunjan leaves as she doesn’t trust Gunjan. She says that when Gunjan leaves her life will turn for the better. Gunjan says she hopes so. Charu says eventually they will all forgive her and she will make a place in Mayank’s heart once Gunjan leaves. Charu tells Gunjan to fulfil her promise and she will fulfill hers. Rachana asks what promise. Charu tells Rachana that she was telling Gunjan that they should forget everything and start afresh and they should be friends. Rachana says after what she did no one wants to friend her and what she did one can’t forget it nor forgive her. Charu says she doesn’t want Rachana to forget anything. She says that Rachana doesn’t have much brains so not to put much stress on them. She then gives Rachana the teddy bear and tells her to play with it and be happy calling her baby Rachana. Gunjan tells Rachana not to bother talking to Charu. Gunjan says there is no point talking to people like her and Gunjan tells her to go as she has to get ready. Charu tells her not get ready but to deck up and tells her all the best and leaves. Gunjan is pacing on the terrace saying what does Charu think of herself and has made her like a puppet and that she is agreeing to every condition that Charu has laid. Gunjan think that if by doing this is for Mayank and the family’s betterment then the pain is all worth it. Gunjan turns and sees an angry Mayank there. Mayank asks why is she doing this and that he will not let her do this. Gunjan says he will not stop her. She says its her choice and he says he know its her choice but its not fair. Its blackmailing and forcefulness of Charu. Mayank says he knows Charu is like that. Gunjan says he doesn’t know anything. Mayank tells her to shut up and says she can fool Shail and Rachana but not him. He says he knows her very well and holds her telling her to stop fooling him. Gunjan tells him to let her go. Mayank says lets elope. Gunjan asks if he is mad. Mayank says what is so mad about it. The fact that he is a married man. He says the marriage that she is talking about has no importance to him and that he is going to divorce Charu. Gunjan says it doesn’t matter. She says there is nothing between them anymore. Mayank says then why does he see love in her eyes for him and why does she feel hurt when he gets hurt. He says isn’t another name for love sharing sadness and problems. Gunjan says he is mad and is all in his imagination. Gunjan says there is nothing in reality and she doesn’t feel anything for him and says she is going to start her life anew and is looking forward to it. She says whatever he wants or doesn’t want to do to Charu she doesn’t care.

Part 4

Gunjan says she is marrying Aditya and its final. Mayank says really and holds Gunjan’s hand. Gunjan says yes. Gunjan tells him to let her hand go as she needs to go. Rachana call out to Gunjan. She comes and sees Mayank holding Gunjan’s hand tightly. Mayank lets go of Gunjan’s hand and Rachana tells Gunjan all are calling her down. Aditya is talking to the family how the people in the train were feeding him food when they knew he was from Australia. Dholu looks really pissed at Aditya
He says he will marry a girl born and brought up in India. He says when his mother told him about Gunjan he thought a known devil is better than an unknow devil. Akash says if Gunjan heard him call Gunjan a devil he’s had it and Aditya says he is not scared of his pocket rocket.

Episode Ends

Precap Dholu slides his toy car on the floor and Aditya steps on it almost falling but Gunjan catches him. They look at each other. Charu is happy. Mayank is watching from a far looking upset.

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  1. mupida
    April 14, 12:10 Reply

    Gunjan will marry mayank not rajilv sir bcos gunjan luvs mayank so much that she can do anything 4 him

  2. preeti
    April 12, 23:21 Reply

    Omg I hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee charu so much.she’s so ugly. And she has d audacity to behav as if nuthin wrong in d pplz house. Orderin she mom in law. It good 4 seema n sangita. Is nah dem want charu. I so wish I can pull dat gurl out my TV n slap her sillllllllllllllly.Aaaarrrrhhhhhhhh.I hate her so much. Omg. I think d director 4 dis show is missin a point. Mayank sent gunjan a letter 2 elope whilst his weddin prep was goin on wit charu but gujan neva got dat note, sangeeta did n burn it. So gujan felt if mayank didn see dat video cassette he wud hav marry charu anyway n dats y she ensure he marries her. It shud reveal dat mayank still wanted gunjan dou he was gettin married. He propose elope again in a letter which he gave dolu 2 giv gunjan but gunjan neva did. I jus hate how dis show goin man. Everybody doin dey own thin. As 4 rachna. She deserve rajeev now rajeev eyein gunjan. Giv rachna a break now……..

    • MK
      April 12, 23:23

      Hi preeti, I understand your anger and resentment towards Charu. I do too.
      On the bright side, finally Seema and Sangeeta getting to taste the fruits of their hard work, CHARU hahahahaha

  3. surbhi
    April 12, 22:05 Reply

    we really need to lay off gunjan a little, ther kinda making her a little more of the main character than rachna, we need some more racha vihaan scenes…they cant keep focusing on gunjan all d time…rachna is just a main character as gunjan is, dey kinda revolving dis show mainly on gunjan life….just my opinion…

    • Mona
      April 13, 21:12

      Who ever told you that!? That they are both on the same level? Gunjan is the star of the show with Rachna as her supporting female lead. Gunjan rates the 10 and Rachna is the 9.5. Though I do agree that lately we haven’t been seeing much about Rachna but remeber a while back it was allll about her and Vihaan so they’re given Gunjan her share now.

    • SSLK
      April 13, 22:13

      nonsence i think it been all about gunjan..even in rachan problem(scene) i think gunjan is alway there to do some kind of sacrifice or some other bullshit…

  4. Mir xamie
    April 12, 21:04 Reply

    Nothing iz left in home for mayank as well for sucide.please kill charu .

  5. Anonymous
    April 12, 19:30 Reply

    if yall gotta write a comment,dont write no long drawn out thing…ppl aint get time to read yall shit

    • faneezahamid
      April 12, 20:49

      well if its 2 long for u to read dont read this deh shit …

  6. Maria
    April 12, 19:08 Reply

    Gunjan is a hot number imagine 3 men wants to be her husband…
    am really liking the new character Aditya …Drama and more Drama..Everybody hating on Charu but i think she makes the show interesting.

  7. Miss Unbelievable
    April 12, 17:17 Reply

    personally im rooting for Gujan to move on it just better not be manyak thats all i care about. I dont want her to be the bahu of that worthless seema and sangeeta. They should keep Charu after all they are her lap dogs.

    Sass-Bahu drama as usual…so boring.

    I hope Gunjan and Aditya get along grandly plus they knew each other as kids so childhood friends into potential spouses? who knows

    just tired of charu-manyak….they both should kill off each other. The perfect revenge on Charu is to have someone from the past wanting to kill her beacuse of her evil ways towards that person maybe that will convert the little parasite to a saint

  8. arya fan girl
    April 12, 17:11 Reply

    mayank i’m sorry its time for gunjan to move on .he wear suits.aditya has serious swag

  9. Aaradhya
    April 12, 16:40 Reply

    Hey guys!
    I personally dont think that gunjan will ever marry aditya. whats the point doing that? she would leave the garg family and the story of the two sisters is over.

    so I guess that man was intruduced for some other reason. they want to create more excitement. after the end of mayank and gunjan story they needed something new.
    I even guess that this new entrance will lead to bring gunjan and rajeev closer as he will get jealous and admit his feelings for her….

    maybe there is some other reason behind this new entrance. whatever it is, Im sure gunjan wont marry him.

    besides that I like the vihaan-rachna scenes these days =) hope there will come more.

  10. PAT
    April 12, 15:50 Reply

    So Gunjan made a deal with the devil and the witch Charu by marrying and leaving the house,,,then everything will be alright for Mayank and his family…………… Did I say it right????????????? are you kidding me????????????? Who gunjan thinks she is????????????? THE ALMIGHTY???????????? this serial is boring and getting on my last nerves…………..

    • fulaanty
      April 12, 20:40

      I don’t know why you guys hate mayank that much does he really deserve that? Can you. Look at it from my own point of view and hate gunjah plsssss when rachna turned her back to gunjah you hatrd her right? When mayank did his part u hated him to and when vihaan did his rubbish you hated him too the why on earth can’t you hate gunjah when it was her turn to be hated you guys are unbelievable you are feeling pity for her

  11. Lovely bones
    April 12, 14:25 Reply

    Hey guys y r some of u keep commenting about saraswatichandra at here.Honestly I do watch sc too but I feel like its getting bored too nowadays . Actually the fact is every show has its own way n style n we can’t keep looking forward interesting tracks all the time in every shows because shows track n trps r like amplitudes which goes up n downs . N the head of creatives can’troduce nice tracks all the time as they r humans too n not machine. The same goes to sc n Sslk. Anyway am a fan of both shows sc gentle reminder when sc gets bore pls watch sslk n when Sslk get bore watch sc . That’s it simple.

    • MK
      April 12, 23:27

      So right dear.

  12. Ian Ramjit
    April 12, 14:20 Reply

    i rel hate charu an hw gunjun cud fall4 her stupidity……….

    charu is an evil witch dat feels she own every1 bcuz of d police bt she wil get wat is comin her way soon……….

    • ss
      April 13, 22:15

      becuz she loves to make sacrifice… i think that her job.
      and it time for her to go away gunjan. go away 🙂

  13. Lovely bones
    April 12, 14:16 Reply

    Hi everyone! I’m happy with the entry of Aditya as in the beginning he is making the show enjoyable wt his kind off sense oh humour( I felt so) . Charu is wicked as always . Oh my goodness !!! This Mayank won’t he change at all. I’m quite pissed of wt his behavior n he asking gunjan to elope again for the third time ! Actually guys I think charu n Mayank r made for each other as their only aim is to make gunjan”s life miserable as one wants her to be out of the house n the other want doesn’t want to get out of gunjan life. Dholu was very adorable . It was worth watching him getting jeolous over Aditya n putting car as trap. Whatever is it wat they need to do in this show is they should not make gunjan as the bahu of garg family. Rachna is cute while she makes sulk face n fighting for gunjan was so sweet.( that’s wat sister bonding means)

    • asya4ever
      April 12, 14:21

      hi lovely bones … great view really

    • Lovely bones
      April 12, 14:27

      Hi asya4ever. I’m read ur comments too n it was really a very wise pov generally

    • asya4ever
      April 12, 14:31

      thanks dear … i really cant stand mayank anymore … and gunjan is really not doing a good think listening to charu

  14. tanu
    April 12, 14:14 Reply

    now people get interested in saraswatichandra and sslk started to lost their trp

  15. simi
    April 12, 14:06 Reply

    I dont understand why cvs introduced a new man in gunjan’s life at this stage while gunjan-rajeev track is getting interesting.There absolutely no need 4 it.Is is bcoz of trp fight between sslk n saraswatichandra ?

    • Aaradhya
      April 12, 16:39

      no. I personally dont think that gunjan will ever marry aditya. whats the point doing that? she would leave the garg family and the story of the two sisters is over.

      so I guess that man was intruduced for some other reason. they want to create more excitement. after the end of mayank and gunjan story they needed something new.
      I even guess that this new entrance will lead to bring gunjan and rajeev closer as he will get jealous and admit his feelings for her….

      maybe there is some other reason behind this new entrance. whatever it is, Im sure gunjan wont marry him.

      besides that I like the vihaan-rachna scenes these days =) hope there will come more.

  16. asya4ever
    April 12, 13:36 Reply

    so know charu is blackmailing gunjan ,,, how dare she,, and gunjan how could you fell for that witch .. pls stop this charu thing i cant stand it anymore …

    • MK
      April 12, 13:38

      Hi dear, it will not be for ever. Yu know with these shows, thing will work out after a whole lot of drama etc. Charu will get what coming to her eventually.

    • asya4ever
      April 12, 13:43

      hi mk dear … am really pissed off i cant stand charu face anymore .. and what is gunjan trying to save ,,, mayank and charu married life ,,, when they dont love each other and charu is a b*tch so what is she trying to save ,, this is foolishness really pls stop it …

  17. asya4ever
    April 12, 13:34 Reply

    pls someone shut that witch up i mean forever i cant stand her really

  18. simi
    April 12, 13:25 Reply

    Why gunjan is behaing so helpless?

    • MK
      April 12, 13:37

      She made a deal with Charu, she will get married and leave the house and Charu will withdraw her complaint against Mayank and family. That’s what it’s all about.

      Dimwit Charu, if she think she still going to get Mayank to love her she hatta be a rel dumb ass.

    • asya4ever
      April 12, 13:44

      she is real dumm ass for sure ,, and she is crazy if she thinks by gunjan going away she will get mayank love .. never

  19. pihu
    April 12, 13:05 Reply

    very boaring…now again a man 4 gunjan.ufff

  20. MK
    April 12, 12:45 Reply

    Who in the hell does Charu thinks she is?
    This is getting too annoying now.
    Someone kill Charu, now.

    • asya4ever
      April 12, 12:47

      mk lets kill her our self she is crossing all limits now

    • Miss Unbelievable
      April 12, 13:02

      charu needs to be shot dead in the heart then the head

      she will never be ressurected the little bitch

    • MK
      April 12, 13:36

      She’s a cockroach we need to crush her entire body for her to die other wise she will still be wriggling all over the house causing havoc.

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