Sasural Simar Ka 21st August 2012 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 21st August 2012 Written Update by deepika_fun

Sasural Simar Ka 21st August 2012 Written Episode

Episode starts with Karuna screaming at Roli and Simar that “you both sisters are so happy that khusi left home “…Roli is about to speak…Simar stops..Karuna tells “There is so much hatred in your hearts for khusi “…Karuna listens vehicle sound thinks sankalp came and rushes downstairs…Roli and Simar also thinks to go downstairs

Trio(prem,sid,sankalp ) enters Bharadwaj house…Karuna asks sankalp … “did you get anyinformation about khusi “…sankalp cries and says “I didn’t find her “…Roli tells “Leave this issue…she left house on her own…she will come back when she like”…

Karuna angrily comes near Roli and Simar and tells “Because of you..She left the house…Every second you both sisters are after khusi… i heard you both talking about khusi…i think you will even blame khusi for Simar’s miscarriage “…

Simar and all family members are shocked…Mataji scolds karuna to stop..Manoranjan tells…”Khusi is an orphan…we made her daughter-in-law,she has relations with this house members…she left house means there is Something”…Mataji tells Roli to take Simar to her room…

Mataji scolds Karuna “I am watching You from when khusi entered this house…You always say Khusi …khusi…but what she did…she left this house not even thinking about you…She got all respect in this house..we respected her…I am not feeling sad or bad for khusi,but i am angry with khusi for what she had done “…Karuna is about to speak but Mataji tells “Look at sankalp,talk to him,soothe him,take sankalp to his room”..Karuna takes sankalp to his Room.

Prem gets a call from doctor to collect reports..But prem tells he will come tomorrow..Mataji tells we are with simar go and get reports

Simar in depressed mood in her room…Remembers what karuna told …Mataji comes and sits with Simar..Mataji tells “I know you are depressed…what ever karuna told is wrong..but she is sad for what khusi had done…don’t take it serious…”…simar cries and tells “I can’t forget my baby “..Mataji tells “’s difficult to forget..When any mother knows she is pregnant…she will think of the child,she will develop a relation with child…when child is lost..sorrow will be most for mother…but you should forget the past and think of your future…Soon there will be another happiness(another child) in our house..”…mataji tells she will send breakfast to Simar and is about to leave…Roli comes with juice…Mataji says Roli “you have done a good thing by bringing juice and tells to give simar and leaves.

Roli gives juice to Simar…simar tells she is not in mood to drink..Roli says “If you drink you will recover soon..if you recover soon…you will be happy…If you smile it’s good”…Simar drinks juice…

Prem in hospital…Doctor sees reports…Prem asks what happened? …Doctor tells “I regret to inform you that…Simar can never be pregnant “…Prem is shocked listening this and shouts this can’t happen…Doctor tells …If you are hurt ..what about Simar…you should take care of her…Prem asks what happened?…Doctor tells Simar fell from steps…So her Womb is damaged and internal bleeding is heavy…If again she want to be pregnant..Her womb is not capable for carrying child…If she does it will be risk to her life…Screen freezes on prem’s face

Precap:-PRESIM sleeping…Simar tells prem “today mataji told me to forget past and think about means about our second child “…Prem thinks “How can i tell you the truth Simar”…

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1 Comment

  1. rebecca
    August 22, 01:43 Reply

    thanks for uploding love u rosid

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