Savitri 12th April 2013 Written Update

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Savitri 12th April 2013 Written Update by cheena

Savitri 12th April 2013 Written Episode

Episode starts with Gulica tells Rahukaal looking at satya is he dead ? Rahukaal says not so easily I am suffering from 1000 years , how can he die so soon he has to suffer a bit , he tells his plans to get satya ‘s body ..Satya become conscious and hears.. Gulika thinks that Rahukaal underestimating Veer / Satya ‘s power if he kills Satya then to get himself active it will be very difficult again and all her efforts will become waste ..

Savitri in her room thinking what satya told him, if anything happen to me you should also get me back like Savitri did in our mythology.. She promise to herself that yes she will do it bring her Satya back , she is worried what to do and how to get help then she calls for help , the holy lady who helped her about the holy book sees Savitri in disguise and talks to a holy man about helping her ..He says time has come Savitri has to fight this battle with Rahukaal on her own and get Satya back , She says some one should be there to guide to help her .. he says its only her praja who can only help her , disturbed and crying savitri comes to the window and sees the tribal are standing downstairs and looking at her ..she thinks these tribal knows about the jungle better ..

Savitri goes with Tribes to the jungle and request them to take her to the other side of the jungle , the lady says your husband is not in that side of the jungle he is with the evil spirit ..

There Gulica convince Rahukaal that if he listen to her she will help him meet Savitri and he agrees to follow and do as she tells him to do ..Gulica has plans to save satya because if Raahukaal kills satya then he will go back to kaal charkra and it will be difficult to revive him

Savitri realizes that Rahukaal has taken her husband , the tribal woman tells her everything about the past story which she relates with her own story .. she guides Savitri and takes her to a place where she says she can’t go inside if she does that she will be dead , Savitri has to go inside alone ….Savitri is scared but move forwards to a huge entrance to a cave ..Savitri goes inside the tribal lady preys for savitri , Savitri is scared there are snakes all around the cave slowly and carefully she goes inside and reach to a open area where there was a box , she carries that box and comes back to the tribal lady ,

Precap : Satya tells Rahukaal you can’t kill me my wife will never leave you if you do that .Rahukaal laughs .

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