Savitri 9th April 2013 Written Update

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Savitri 9th April 2013 Written Update by cheena

Savitri 9th April 2013 Written Episode

Rahukaal ask Gulika how this can happen how my body got destroy ..Both gulika and rahukaal is shocked about what happened at the tribal village ..(that due to savitri ‘s power Rahukaal lost his body before it could proceed further ,Gulika saved his head)

Savitri returns to the hotel satya who was worried for her asks her where was she ..Savitri tells him that she went to the tribal village.. he ask they came to her again and forced her to along with them? she says no i went there on my own wish ..they didn’t force me ..then she tells him she wants to share something very important She tells him the way you believed me and had faith to get married to me …similarly you have to believe every single word i will tell you now …then she shares the whole story about the holy book and their past with him ..

thare Rahukaal comes to know that because he went too close to savitri and wanted to touch her that caused his body to be destroyed ..he can’t touch her without her will if he does then he will be destroyed and this is due to the sati power she has after her marriage..

Savitri tells satya how she and satya ware related in there previous life she was queen Damyanti and he was Veer and the evil spirit was Rahukaal ..Satya ask savitri about what she has seen ..savitri tells him that she saw his face .. he doesn’t believe her .. he tells her its all her imaginary fear .. she tries to make her believe ..but fails ..

Rahukaal ask Gulika to dig she does that , he goes inside the earth Gulika asks, what is he doing? he tells her that he is going to do a siddhi and goes beneath the earth ..

Satya tells savitri that I don’t want to see you worried and tensed I want to see you happy ..He tells her that now be prepared we are leaving for Kolkata ..and ask her to do packing immediately as they are getting late ..

Gulika is at the same place where Rahukaal has went under the earth and wondering what kind of sidhdhi is he doing which is taking so long..defo their maa has tough this only to him that is why she has no idea about it ..after sometime Rahukaal comes out of earth and Gulika tells him that he seem more powerful now ..he tells her that due to siddhi he did made him very powerful and because of this he will be able to get savitri now ..

Gulika tells he seems to be making some plan to kill satya and get savitri ..He says now no one can stop him from getting Savitri ..

precap : Savitri wakes up from a bad dream and gets a call about an accident she rushed to the accident spot and sees it was satya who met with an accident …she ask the police where is the vehicle he was travelling by ..he shows her which was over the top of a tree ..she looks up and become very scared …then Rahukaal laughs looking at her ..

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