Singhasan Battisi 14th November 2014 Written Update

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Singhasan Battisi 14th November 2014 Written Update by Tanaya

Singhasan Battisi 14th November 2014 Written Episode

The episode begins with,a sadhu baba maharaj is telling the bhakt sitting in front of him tat anger is a bad quality it is humans enemy which leads a human towards destruction and so we should avoid anger a bhakt then asks maharaj ji anger appears wen someone does wrong to us wat if someone does wrong to us then maharaj replies tat we should forgive him and consider him as senseless person the bhakt then asks if the person is not senseless then maharaj replies tat first u should stop thinking in this way and asks everyone to concentrate and chant om while one bhakt sees tat everyone is concentrating and hits a stone at maharaj and gets back to normal maharaj gets so angry with this tat he starts shouting loudly and asks who hit him the bhakt tells may be this man beside him hit him maharaj gets so angry tat he start hitting stones towards all his bhakt while all the bhakt try telling him tat no one hit him with stone and there arrives samrat who stops the maharaj and asks him tat y is behaving against his nature and asks him to calm down and takes him with him
The bhakt who hit stone hiding behind a tree says tat anger is now going to create chaos all over and everything will get over and there will be no pursharth remain in this world into old fort vajranti tells raja bhoj tat everywhere negativity amongst the people was increasing and samrat was finding it difficult to find a way out of this raja bhoj then says tat this won’t happen samrat will definitely find a way out of this while vajranti tells tat yes he will find as samrat is the only one who has pursharth in him
Then samrat is asking varahmirji to suggest a solution on this problem while varahamirji tells tat there is no proper solution on this as these are four traits tat influence individual towards destruction and they are Kam(attraction), krodh(anger), lobh(greediness), and moh(fascination) while all these four characters are seen swearing tat they are here to destroy this worls and they will do it soon succefully into old fort raja bhoj asks vajranti tat these four traits are creating unstability and chaos all around vajranti says yes and it is vey difficult to wash out this in a humans nature she then asks Who will stop them and how will stop them raja bhoj says tat pursharth can stop them and samrat will find the solution
Samrat then tells varahamirji tat he thinks tat these four traits are not actual human beings while varahamirji tells tat yes they are from different planet then samrat tells tat for now it is required to get hold of this four and goes on search into old fort vajranti tells tat samrat is trying to search the all around but couldn’t find anyone while she asks raj bhoj tat wat does he thinks tat wat are these four kam,krodh,labh and moh raja bhoj tells tat these all are paap tat will lead human kind to an end he then also tells tat krodh i.e anger is required but for right purpose like we should have anger to stop adharma while vajranti says tat he is right and narrates further tat samrat comes back to palace upset tat he is not able to find anyone and varhamirji tells tat all this can be stoped by spreading dharma and bhakti all around samrat says tat it is difficult but we will try hard to make people understand the importance of dharma and adharma in their life.

Samrat is trying to explain people tat kam,lob,krodh and moh are adharma and cant give happiness and so one should follow dharma and at the same time he sees the people spreading kam ,krodh,lobh,and moh around them

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