Uttaran 6th August 2012 Written Update

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Uttaran 6th August 2012 Written Update by Udhay

Meethi dancing in full form non stop for a long time. She is drunk. Zero hour Mash up song going on in BG. She falls from a table, aman catches her. He carries her to outside. He offers lime juice to her, she refuses. Aman convinces her and she drinks it. He explains that some1 had mixed alcohol in her drink and all. Meethi blabbering in drunk state. She says, he is too good, too good. She says I’m looking into ur eyes. She also says can’t u see anything in my eyes, how much I love u. Aman stunned. Mukku reaches home, Naani is there. Mukku says to Naani, just wait and watch the drama. Jogi asks what they were talking. Mukku says something and manages. Jogi enquires about Meethi. Aman says they must go home as it is getting late. Meethi goes inside again looking for Mukku. Aman also goes inside. Mukku says Meethi wanted to be with her friends and didn’t accept to come home. So she had to come alone. Jogi says she is elder, and should have brought her. Mukku says she tried, but Meethi didn’t agree. Jogi tensed. Meethi and Aman searching Mukku. Meethi calls Mukku. Mukku cuts the call. Divya suggests to call Meethi in her Mobile. Police on the way to the party venue. Jogi about to call. Mukku says she’ll call, and acts as if she is calling, while cutting Meethi’s calls..!! Police arrive and asks all party people to stand in a line. Jogi, Kanha, Surabhi, Damini, Naani, Divya, Rohini all r there. Damini, Jogi, Kanha worried. Kanha asks where the party is, Mukku confuses them that Meethi was about to go out somewhere. Naani taunts Meethi and is worried that her house name will be spoiled! 😀 Mukku pretends as though she is too worried for Meethi, and asks Kanha to do something. Kanha takes his mobile and is making a call. Aman and Meethi are arrested, 🙁 Aman takes care of Meethi and has her in his hands all the time, even while in Police van. Meethi is now sad and worried. Episode ends.

PRECAP Update : Police constable calls Kanha and informs about Meethi’s arrest. Kanha is stunned, and sad. He informs Damini and others, Damini is stunned and shocked. Meethi is shown in Lock-up!

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