Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 11th December 2015 Written Update

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 11th December 2015 Written Update by Amena

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 11th December 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Raman seeing Ishita’s pregnancy test reports. He cries recalling how they lost Ishita’s baby while saving family. Ishita sees him and says Punjabi men don’t shed tears. He says I was waiting for you, we will have coffee together. She asks why he not share with her. He shows the reports. He says our baby would have been in our lap, I m sorry, I could not give you this happiness. She asks him not to feel sorry, how to lessen his pain. He asks what about your pain, I know you got more sorrow. She says no one can give me more happiness than you. He says our baby… she says I have children, and you too, more younger than Ruhi and Adi. She hugs and pacifies him. She says you give me most happiness, I love you. He goes to wash face. She gets sad and thinks she can’t tell him that their baby will come in this world soon, first she tackles Ashok, she will give him the good news.

Ashok meets that Baba and says I did not believe all this, but I have seen you removing spirit from that girl. Baba says its all science, its true, evil shadow haunts people, when anyone dies accidentally or commits suicide, their desires don’t get fulfilled, I have done tapasya and got powers to talk to that souls and make people free. Ashok says my friend’s wife is troubled by a spirit, there is no solution, my friend is helpless, he has two little kids, can you meet him. Baba says but I m doing Rajasthan tomorrow, where we do puja to make those souls get away. Ashok asks how he treats the spirit. Baba says to make soul go away, the person body has to be tortured, then spirit leaves that body. Ashok asks him to meet his friend once. Baba agrees and asks him to get his friend here. Ashok leaves. He smiles and says this is called nature’s miracle, Ishita would have not thought to walk on fire, or be locked with mad people, Ishita will break down and speak out her lie, I have to make Raman desperate to get Ishita here. I have to do something.

Ishita tells Vandu that Raman is still upset, I show I m strong, but it matters to me when I see Raman so affected. Vandu consoles her and says Raman is lucky… Ishita says I m lucky, we take people granted seeing their sacrifices, Raman did a lot for me. Vandu says you love Raman so much, he is lucky. She hugs Ishita and says we have love in our life, but Mihika… Ishita says Ashok won’t sign on divorce papers. Vandu says yes, Ashok filled poison in our lives. Ishita thinks she has to fail Ashok anyhow and keep him away forever.

Bala comes home late and says I think everyone slept. He feels much tired. Vandu massages his shoulders and apologizes to him for not telling him about meeting Suraj. He smiles and says wife should be like this. Vandu says she dressed up for him in his choice of saree. She thanks him. He asks why is she being formal. She says its important to acknowledge your efforts and sorry. He says I love you a lot, did you really like this sraee or just saying. She says I like it. he says lets take a selfie and they smile.

Ashok thinks how to send Raman and Ishita to Rajasthani temple, I have to tell Raman this is best way to get spirit out of Ishita. He sees their family pic and smiles seeing the dog. He says this is the only way that Raman will feel Ishita can harm any family member, then he will take Ishita to temple, Ishita can’t bear all that and has to accept the truth.

Suraj sees the selfie of Bala and Vandu, and says enjoy till I want, then don’t know what happens. He talks to Khosla and asks him to spend more in Bala’s institute. Khosla says yes, loan is sanctioned, and asks shall I stop helping him. Suraj asks him to make Bala fly more and then he will be hurt more. Khosla says let me know when to withdraw my help.

Ashok says Muttu Swami….. and calls informer to get Muttu Swami. He says I want all details of Muttu Swami, he will be playing a crucial role in our drama. He ends call and asks Ishita to be ready for this second step….

Ishita tells Ruhi that Muttu can’t sleep with them. Ruhi and Adi request Ishita to allow Muttu. Ishita makes him sleep by a bedtime story. Raman smiles seeing them. Neelu takes Muttu out with her. A man takes Muttu with him and brings another dog who looks ditto like Muttu. He calls Ashok and says work is done, its same looking dog. Ashok asks him to put Muttu’s collar and asks is the dog trained. The man says yes. Ashok thinks my plan 2 starts now Ishita.

Adi calls Raman for help. Adi is bitten. Raman calls doctor for emergency. They all take care of Adi and think what happened to Muttu.

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  1. Noorie
    December 11, 18:06 Reply


    ISA’s are easy lol it may be official shit but our teacher let us cheat or more like told us to cheat :’D She gave out our extra notes (Not on the candidate research sheet) and said to use them and if anyone asks she’ll say she didn’t know what to give out :’D

  2. Noorie
    December 11, 18:03 Reply

    There is some disgusting people in this world but you just have to learnt to live with it and move on…

  3. t-c
    December 11, 17:59 Reply

    caught the flu 🙁

  4. Preet
    December 11, 17:36 Reply

    The doctors say your no good, but people say what they wanna say

  5. Queen
    December 11, 16:43 Reply

    Good night YHMians! 🙂 Have a good weekend ahead! 🙂 Take care all of you. 🙂 #13DaysTillChristmas

    • t-c
      December 11, 16:56

      good night x

    • Queen
      December 11, 16:42

      😉 😉

    • Preet
      December 11, 16:51

      He’s so hot !

    • Queen
      December 11, 16:39

      Lol ! :’D

    • Preet
      December 11, 16:53

      Lmao ! Only if we could do that in our exams !

    • t-c
      December 11, 16:56


  6. Preet
    December 11, 14:11 Reply

    Can’t keep my hands to myself

  7. Queen
    December 11, 13:24 Reply

    So we were in Product Design today and guess what? Loads of the boys in the other class cheated. Basically right there was the mark scheme in the toilet so whenever someone needed an answer to the question they got the invigilators to take them to the toilet, read the answer on the mark scheme and came out. 😐 And I won’t be surprised if the other groups got a good grade, they all knew which exam paper it was and cheated. :’D

    • Queen
      December 11, 13:24

      But I have to say that is an amazing idea! :’D

    • Preet
      December 11, 14:12

      Lmao ! I agree that is just a great idea! Wish someone came up with it when we did exams :’) but hey we all worksd hard instead of cheating 😛

    • Queen
      December 11, 16:39

      Exactly but they couldn’t even cheat properly! :’D Some of them anyway! :’D I can’t believe though how these people go to any extent of cheating and it’s actually the girls who first find the question paper. :’D
      Yep! If I’m failing I’m failing proudly! :’D

    • Preet
      December 11, 16:54

      Ahahahahah you won’t fail ! Don’t say that ! Cheating gets you no where, not matter what just work hard & stay determined 🙂

  8. Queen
    December 11, 12:40 Reply

    I’m so happy it’s finally Friday! :’D

    • Preet
      December 11, 12:51


    • Queen
      December 11, 13:04


  9. Queen
    December 11, 12:19 Reply

    I got my English grade today and I am happy considering the fact that I passed my English Langugage now hopefully I pass the real one in the summer too! :’D

    • Queen
      December 11, 12:20

      considering the fact that I didn’t revise much and that I missed a question out. I passed my English Language now hopefully I pass the real one in the summer too! :’D **

    • Preet
      December 11, 12:27

      Awh don’t worry ! Just work part, and keep revising because that’s what will pay off at the end of the day 🙂 ! Concentrate in your lessons, even if the teacher is good looking 😉

    • Queen
      December 11, 12:36

      Lol ! :’D I think Miss is like 53 or 54 ! :’D Hahhahah! :’D Yep, I do my work in English lessons, it’s just I don’t revise as much for English as I should.

    • Preet
      December 11, 12:50

      Ahahaha ! I loved my old english teacher too, she was so percious :’)

    • Preet
      December 11, 12:51


    • Queen
      December 11, 13:02

      Yeah! Miss is crazy ! :’D Some of the stories she tells us are hilarious! :’D Hahahah! :’D I’m going to miss Miss when I leave.

    • Preet
      December 11, 14:11

      Ahahah reminds me of my teacher !

    • Queen
      December 11, 16:40


  10. Queen
    December 11, 12:13 Reply

    I seem to see more drama online then in my high school life. :’D

  11. Queen
    December 11, 12:12 Reply

    Hey all ! 🙂
    Guys what’s ISA? 😐

    • Preet
      December 11, 12:26

      Basically science coursework lol

    • Queen
      December 11, 12:34

      Oh! :’D

    • t-c
      December 11, 14:31

      Individual Skill Assessment

    • Queen
      December 11, 16:40

      Thanks Tc! 🙂

  12. Preet
    December 11, 12:07 Reply

    @TC you should deffo pick it ! But you have ages yet so give it time you may end up hating it, like my friend did :’) or you might love it. Just give yourself time & space to think about everything & take everything in consideration

    • t-c
      December 11, 14:30

      Yeh I will do. My friend predicted that I’ll be the programmer for Apple or a big corporate company in the future 😆

    • Preet
      December 11, 16:35

      Whoop whoop !

  13. T-C
    December 11, 11:51 Reply


    @Choti @Preet
    OMG same here! couldn’t be bothered to wake up. the day i was looking forward to ended up being a dreaded by me but it wasn’t that bad! finished the history CA and section 2 of ISA. Boring english intervention at lunch- missed staff strictly 🙁
    but i know exactly what happened! hate myself for not going. my science teacher who is soo strict in lessons lifted his female colleague in the air 😯 and she was upside down. by what people have described it was like this:

    so i can’t believe i missed that and the salsa performance of another teacher 🙁
    but the exam is in January :/

    Got mock results as well in fancy envelopes. did okay actually :)I also get that look when i say i want to do french a-level @choti

    @preet I wouldn’t mind knowing your course 😉

    • Preet
      December 11, 11:59

      Awh don’t worry about it 🙂 and awh hope you get good marks for your ISA & CA ! I remember doing ISA for science, me & my mates used to sit on the same row & look at each like we were so depressed and so bored in the lesson ! Ahah but when we’d finish we all start talking and get shouted at :’) ! Oh i understand why you felt that way about watching the teacher’s perform ! Ahah sounds like a good time though 🙂 oh well at least your friend gave you the visual image of it in your mind 🙂

    • t-c
      December 11, 12:00

      yh thanks to my friends i lived the moment 😉

    • Preet
      December 11, 12:05

      Ahahaha that’s what friends are for !

    • Queen
      December 11, 12:11

      Ah ygm! :’D Hey at least you know what happened. 🙂 Thanks to your friends. 🙂 Lol ! It sounds really good ! :’D I love seeing strict teachers just warm up and be so normal and funny. :’D Yeah…exams. 😐
      Oh that’s good! Glad you’re happy with your mock results. 🙂
      Honestly, I suck at Spanish but I’m just doing it because it looks good on my CV and I enjoy Spanish. :’D #GoMultilingual :’D

    • t-c
      December 11, 14:29


  14. Preet
    December 11, 11:19 Reply

    On a scale of 1 to 10 YHM is a solid -400 because this shit is getting out of hand

    • T-C
      December 11, 11:49

      yh the crocodile attack like wtf!

    • Preet
      December 11, 11:51

      Inih ! Im well confused & i’ll DM you what course im doing 🙂 just reply back on here

  15. vasuraj
    December 11, 10:48 Reply

    yeh bored f tis track cv’s/.

    • jj
      December 11, 11:32

      hai vasu….

    • jj
      December 11, 11:35

      @vasu&pri u both r here today….few days back I was worried for u since I dont know u r from Chennai or not….

  16. Pri
    December 11, 10:11 Reply

    Ho no when will this ashok drama ends…vandu is being trapped on her own..iyer act as intelligent but thy dig their own hole..really all prob related to ashok… I guess subbu mom said she will help mihika..thn how come still no divorce.. Confusing

    • T-C
      December 11, 11:44

      thanks for posting

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