26-12 13th February 2013 Written Update

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26-12 13th February 2013 Written Update by SilentPromises

Randip follows Rashmi’s rickshaw until he gets a call from the commissioner who asks him to leave everything he was doing and meet him in the department. He also says he knows Randip wasnt in the airport.

Rashmi worries about her sister and asks the rickshaw driver to drive fast, she gets a call from the kidnappers and they guide her to the destination.

At the office, Commissioner asks if Randip was still continuing with his Nova-6 investigation case, Jaddah accuses him for stealing the evidence. Randip clearly says no to the commissioner and asks Jaddah why he kept that evidence in his private cabin? Commissioner feels bad for questioning Randip about his loyalty towards the airport security cases and tells him to resume his work. Commissioner scolds Jaddah for his irresponsible behavior towards the evidence.

Randeep follows the GPS signal and enters in the building, He sees Rashmi talking to someone on phone. Rashmi tells the kidnapper that she wont give away the necklace until she meets her sister. They show her a hanging deadbody which explodes within a few seconds. Rashmi starts crying while Randip feels bad for her and looks around as he was sure that someone is monitoring everything there.

The kidnapper tells her to hand the necklace on a nail, and that body wasnt of her sister. Rashmi follows his orders and they send Ritika towards her. Randip saw the bomb jacket she was wearing hence he runs towards her. Shahana feels Rashmi betrayed her, she asks his men to grab the necklace so that she finishes off the trio together. Randip pulls off the jacket and the bomb explodes in the air. He somehow saves Rashmi, but the kidnappers took away Ritika. Randip aims at the kidnapper who was taking away Ritika & Rashmi bites him *Randip* for not letting her go towards her sister. Shahana decides to leave the factory building ASAP in between the cross firing.

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