26-12 17th January 2013 Written Update

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26-12 17th January 2013 Written Update by tanthya

26-12 17th January 2013 Written Episode

Rashmi is at Randeep’s office , showing the fotos of Ritika , Randeep tries to divert Rashmi’s focus but Rashmi is gently persistent and she seeks Randeep’s help in finding the whereabouts of Ritika, Jadda comes in rescuing Randeep ,He informs Randeep about the need to interrogate Ritika’s Family, an uncomfortable Randeep instructs Jadda that he will do so…Jadda notices Rashmi and gets acquainted with her.

Shahna and her father-in -law are discussing the Bombing and the stalling of the plan.Shahna informs Mallik Sr that She intends to use Rashmi as the weapon in punishing Randeep and that will procure peace for Mallik.

Shahna comes to Randeep’s office and invites him as chief guest for a street play , After some hesitation’s Randeep agrees..Shahna heads to Rashmi’s class and requests her to stage a play for her NGO.A happy Rashmi agrees.

Jadda tries to warn Randeep about Shahna but is rebuffed by Randeep who staunchly defends both Shahna and Rashmi.Shahna who had placed bugs in Randeep’s office is pleased to overhear this and gets confident about her plans and begins to dream about squashing Randeep beneath her feet.

Randeep is lambasting his officers for their tardy investigations regarding the whereabouts when jadda seeks permission to speak, Randeep excuses all the officers , Jadda again moots enquiring Bhargava’s and Shahna , Randeep angrily refutes his suggestion when suddenly Randeep notices the bug placed by Shahna ..Both go deathly still as they notice the bug..Randeep slowly detaches the bug from under the table …Shaha who was eavesdropping on their conversation is perplexed at the sudden silence ..Randeep instructs Jadda to continue the conversation as before, catching on , Jadda picks up the conversational string when Randeep pretends to have received phone call from the hospital wherein he is informed about the recovery of Meher/Ritika, Shahna is stunned to hear this.

Rashmi is at Randeep’s house, miffed at Randeep when door bell rings , Rashmi opens the door and walks away ..Both begin to squabble like little kids and Nani puts them in a tight spot by referring to her married life.

Shana is worried about the returning conscious of Ritika/Meher and has gut feelings that something is wrong somewhere. Cupid begins to send feelers into Rashmi’s heart while Randeep and Jadda are in furious pursuit of the address of a sim card.

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