26-12 1st February 2013 Written Update

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26-12 1st February 2013 Written Update by 18shabbo

26-12 1st February 2013 Written Episode

short update:

Randeep deals with some illegal people to find about Nova-6 bombs.

Rashmi comes to know about Ritika’s death.

Randeep defends himself against Rashmi’s accusations.

The Commisioer transfer Randeep to Airport security.

Akram tells about Nova-6 bombs to Shahana that their deal will happen day after tomorrow.
And that he is bringing the real Ritika back to Mumbai.


Randeep chases some guy who has been a trader in illegal ammunition.
Randeep asks him to rejoin his “job” and find out about Nova-6 bombs.

A beggar comes to Randeep and we come to know that he is Randeep’s khabri (info agent).

Randeep is trying to gain information about illegal weapons from all kind of traders.

The guy he had chasing tells him that there is no news about Nova-6 bombs on their cloud.
Randeep asks him to hurry.

Randeep returns to the police headquarters and sees that Rashmi
is still waiting for him and it has been 12 hours since he left.
Rashmi says to him to not bother about it.

Meanwhile Jadda comes there and taunts Randeep.
Randeep says that he has always been true to his duty.
Jadda then says that Ritika died in his custody so he will be held responsible for her death.

Rashmi is shocked and faints.
Randeep takes care of her.
When she gains her wits , she wishes to see her sister one last time.
Randeep stops her.

Rashmi questions him that she had trusted him to inform about her sister ,
but he never confessed that she was in his custody.

Randeep tells her that it is all part of a highly confidential case.
Rashmi is broken and says that it was always a case to him
and her emotions were never taken in consideration.

Randeep tells her about the fake Ritika.
Rashmi is disgusted with him that to defend himself he can even tell such a lie.

He then shows her a photo of Meher at her wedding and tells her that that woman is in Interpol most wanted list.

Rashmi is still not convinced.

Randeep asks her that will her sister ever call Shantanu ,her husband ,a terrorist because thats what the demised Ritika had said had told about him.

Rashmi says her sister will ever say such a think about Shantanu
and remembers how changed Ritika had been behaving.

Randeep tells her that he would do anything to protect his country and those close to him.

The Commissioner calls Randeep and they have a heated argument.
He tells Randeep that his behavior had been that of irresponsible and personal vengeance because of Rashmi’s involvement.

Randeep says that the system has been trying to hide the truth that he has been searching and not facing it.

The Commissioner is not impressed , he tells Randeep that he was his best student but now the mistakes he has been making are uncalled for and thus
he has been taken off of all cases and been transferred to the Airport security unit.
Randeep is shaken.

Shahana conferences with Akram and he says that he would demand no money of his work
if Shahana makes him a “partner in crime”.

She agrees.

Akram tells her that the bidding/buying of Nova-6 will happen day after tomorrow.

Shahana asks after the original Ritika and he tells her that he will be bringing her
back tomorrow to Mumbai.

Shahana is happy.

The End

Precap: Randeep is taking out hi sfrustration on a punching bag and thinks of how Rashmi mistrusted him and how he has been transferred.
He thinks about how system would never change but he will fight fight the battle whether anyone stands by him or not.

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