26-12 25th December 2012 Written Update

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26-12 25th December 2012 Written Update by swethasyam08

Suchi runs to save from Jadda n he follows her. Rinki picks her up in a taxi n they escape. Jadda stops taking his gun as he sees few cops there.

Randeep calls Rashmi n says that he kept his promise. When she asks what he says that he will call her when he returns back to Mumbai. Rashmi remembers what Malti said n she says she wanna clarify him something. She says she called him the other day just like that coz she wanna prove Nishant that she is not alone. Randeep takes easy n says in need only friends will be remembered.

He adds that as she took his help then, now he needs her help. He got a guest n he needs her help. She reaches his place. He introduces nani to her n says that she is not having food at all. Rashmi shares her pain of losing her dad n bro. She repeats the same words which Randeep said to Mittu. Rashmi finally makes nani eat food n Randeep feels happy. He leaves to office as he is getting late.

Jadda goes to Shahana n informs that there are 2 good news n 1 bad one. He says Mastana is dead n he got the necklace. But the necklace is not original. shahana shocked n checks the tape of CC cam again n finds that Bhargav’s have purchased it. She is puzzled to think where will they get them.

Minister asking Randeep abt the danger but Randeep says he has not clue but they must be alert. Minister says its not possible to cancel the meeting as all the arrangements are done n the security responsiblity will be given to Randeep. The staff informs that a woman from NGO arrived. He asks to send her in n also asks Randeep to stay as he wanna talk something imp.

Shahana enters n was taken aback seeing Randeep for which he too was confused. She informs that on the meeting, she wanna distribute tablets to all kids on behalf of their NGO n shows a model. He agrees n she leaves. Minister says now he can’t cancel the meeting.
Randeep insturcting all the staff reg. the arrangements n security and all. He salutes to those who gave their lives during 2611 incident.

The computer expert arrives at shahana’s place who was accompanied by hsi brother. He shows the tablets that were made by fixing the battery cell she gave. His brother starts questioning abt it and what is it made of and all. His brother stops him n Shahana asks not to speak anything but do what she says. Baby cries n she goes in. He replaces changes that tablet with other one before she returns. Shahana pays them n they leaves asking her to call anytime if she have any other work.
They they reach to their place n wonders what’s in the tablet n why did she didn’t speak a word reg. that battery cell. There must be some secret behind it n he wanna know abt it.

Shahana staring at Mallik’s photo n says that 2moro the mission 26-12 will start.

Precap: Shahana calls Randeep n says there is danger in some market place n the person leading the mission is Jadda.

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