26-12 4th February 2013 Written Update

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26-12 4th February 2013 Written Update by swethasyam08

26-12 4th February 2013 Written Episode

Randeep disappointed for what all happened. Rashmi again questions him for hiding the truth of Ritika. Randeep says he was tied to the rules of STF n he cannot disclose the details of this sensitive case. Rashmi says she can’t believe him any more n will search for her sister alone. Randeep assures tht her sister is alive but is in danger. He will def. track her down soon. Rashmi leaves.

Randeep while boxing with puching bag n thinks that STF never cared for his works when he has given high priority to the work than his personal life. Even Rashmi isn’t ready to believe him. Now he won’t care for anything n will fi8 for the country to save it from the terrorist activities n for that he can go to any extent even if the system supports him or not.

While walking to his cabin, a staff member stops him n says its very bad that he is demoted n feels sorry for that in satire. Randeep says who knows this demotion will take for a double promotion n now he can do anything he wants. Staff member is confused.

Rashmi reaches home n says that she couldn’t talk to Randeep as there was some imp. work for him. Malti is confused. Rashmi in deep thoughts n in dilemma whether to believe Randeep or not. Randeep calls her but she doesn’t attend the call.

Randeep reaches home n Nani was talking to someone abt marriage n to be alone n all. Randeep is shocked to see it was the spy he asked not to visit home. Randeep shouts at him for coming home. Nani goes to get tea. Randeep holds his collars n asks why did he come. He replies that the matter is urgent n a party wanna make a deal with him n they got a call through informer. He asks to see the informer but the spy says he can’t. Randeep says to inform the party to call on the RAX phone. The spy leaves.

Randeep makes the RAX member to make arrangements but he informs tht he can only open it for 15min for which Randeep was ok. They get the call n Randeep attends while the members starts tracing the call. Randeep was informed that the party is coming to Mumbai, the day after n will meet in chor bazar. They couldn’t trace the exact location but it was one among 3 places. Randeep says as the person is coming to Mumbai, he can track him in the Airport.

Next morning, Rashmi gets call from the shop boy that she can come n check the cc footage DVD’s which she requested. Rashmi visits the shop but she couldn’t find any clue.

Rashmi then goes to Randeep n says that she wanna find her sister, n he can only help her with any clue or anything. Randeep says its of high risk so he can’ let her put in danger. Rashmi determined to find her sister. Randeep says he is away from STF cases now n what ever he want to do, he will do it personally. He asks if she can help him in doing so. Rashmi says she is just a normal girl. He says he saw her couragage n he is confident that she can help him out. Rashmi assures she will def. help.

Precap: Randeep in Airport watching all n finds someone suspicious. He was abt to catch but bumbs in to Akram. I think he sees Ritika as he had some confused n shocking looks.

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