Punar Vivah 31st January 2013 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 31st January 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 31st January 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s house
While she is completely distraught and in tears, at her recent turn of events in her life, she says that yash loves ansh very much and is willing to put his life and his happiness at stake by marrying the girl that he doesnt even know. She says that she cant live without yash and prays to the god to send ansh back and make their life again normal. Arti finds the plant that he had given ansh to sow in their garden, and remembers giving it to ansh and their conversation, and is surprised to see there, since the same one that she had, has not been sown. She is determined that ansh is somewhere near. While ansh too comes close to the gates of the garage where he is kept captive in the hope that arti would see him, but his voice doesnt reach far since he’s gagged. Arti is already happy that she would soon see her son ansh. But sh cant find him anywhere and decides to talk about this recent development wioth yash and goes inside.

As akash tries to get him down from the stool, ansh fights off with him. Akash is about to hit him, when he realises that he has been instructed not to hit or injure the child. He thinks that the family is distancing itself, and the child is bearing the brunt of that. He hopes that the family drama ends soon and he can go back to his mother. He calls up someone to say that they need to move ansh from there and ensures that they boy is absolutely safe with him.

Suraj says to yash that the girl’s family have agreed to the marriage tomorrow and says that the girl’s family wanted a big fat wedding for their girl. But yash says that he wants a simple wedding. Suraj says that he knew that yash would say something like that, thereore he has already agreed the girl’s family on that and that they would come tomorrow to their house at 5’0’clock for the marriage.

Arti comes in saying what she saw and asks yash to go and find out. suraj sends prateiuk and pankaj also to find out in every corner of the house. But buaji tries to say that its futile since the kidnapper’s not an idiot to be keeping the child in this house only and that arti is going mad due to her kid missing and now her husband too leaving her. Arti retorts back saying that she has never wanted buaji’s ill, still she has always wanted ill for arti always and cant be happy in her happiness. She says that yash maybe marrying tomorrow but he’s only doing it out of his love for ansh, since unlike her, he understands the importance of relations and knows how to fulfill them. Just then yash, pankaj and prateik come back to tell everyone that they didnt find ansh. Arti goes bersekr at this saying that her instincts as a mother cant be wrong and that she is sure that ansh is in the mansion only. Gayatri asks her to stay calm but she is beyond all redemption. Yash takes arti upstairs to their oom, while she keeps protesting that she’s sure that ansh is near them somewhere.

In their room, yash confesses to arti, surprising her that he believes in her that ansh is somewhere aroung in the haveli only. Yash says that he was right in doubting that somebody from the family is involved in the family only, since only they can be affected by the divorce and not an outsider, who would have wanted some money in return for ansh. Arti agrees but wonders who could it be. Yash tries to say a name but arti stops him saying that they shouldnt doubt anyone, without any hardcore evidence since that would be an insult to their relationship and they have already made a mistake with suraj. yash too agrees to it and thinks as to what could the other method by which they can fidn out who from the family is behind this. Suddenyl yash says that he has an idea and takes arti downstairs.

The whole family is gathered and wondering as to why has yash called them there. Before vidhi can answer suraj’s query, yash and arti along with the dubeys arrive. yash says that everyone knows that yash is helpless in divorcing arti and remarrying so that they can find arti. he says that he had a sudden thought, that in his helplessness, he isnt doing right with the girl who would marry him and have dreams. therefore, she should know what is yash marrying for. And he says that the minute she would understand this, she would have a fake marriage for yash’s sake. Suraj asks yash to talk sense since its their helplessness and not the girl’s family’s, who would not take the girl back after she’s married and spends a night in her husband’s house, out of respect for the family. As yash tries to argue again, suraj says that he would never bow down for this and put a girl’s self respect at stake. He leaves, but vidhi too says the same thing wondering how could yash even think of something like that. Buaji says that this idea couldnt be of yash, but that of a small status’s girl like arti, who herself has faked marriage. pankaj too walks out saying that he cant understand how could yash even propose this. Gayatri too leaves without saying anything. shobha and dubeyji too say that its not possible. They says that in affection for ansh, its not right to play with anothr girl’s emotions. They too leave.

Arti says that she knows yash could never hurt anyone since he has tremendous respect for girls. she says that she understands that the relation is happening out of helplessness, but she knows that he cant disrespect the institution of marriage, then why did he propose the fake marriage downstairs as a solution. Just then, yash gets a call, from akash saying that he might consider himself very intelligent of having a fake marriage, and if he does, or tries to fool anyone, then ansh would never come back to them. Yash says that he wont do anything like this and would do just what he wants him to do, and thats a real marriage. He says that he wants a favour. When akash asks what, he says that he wants to give a gift to his son, before marriage, as after that he would not be able to meet his son for a long time. Akash repeats the request in front of the person who has been behind all this. And as written by him, he tells yash that he would send the gift to ansh after yash finishes the first ritual for marriage. And that he shouldnt try to do anything smart as that would put ansh’s life in danger. Yash says that he wont do anything of that sort but he should know that the gift has reached ansh, or else he wont take the pious circles around fire. Akash says that he’s okay with his condition but he shouldnt try to pull anything smart since what would happen, is just like last time, he might get to the kidnapper but he would never get his son, ansh back. Yash agrees to his terms and cancels the phone.

Arti says that they should trace the no kidnapper called from, but yash says that that would be useless since he would have called from a local booth and its impossible to trace a particular person from there. Yash says that the reason he proposed a fake marriage was because she had told that they shouldnt doubt anyone without hardcore evidence, and by doing this, he has found that evidence. The screen freezes on arti’s questioning face.

Precap: None

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  1. Amaica
    January 31, 16:49 Reply

    Hello…..Great views from you guys,
    My duplicated comments…added here….
    Artie has such great faith in Yash it’s admirable.
    Her prayers will surely be answered.God is Great.
    Akash expressed his emotions for Ansh and Mother..Nice
    Yash is doing remarkably well on his own thus far.
    No comments on family.
    No comments on marriage.
    No comments on who the kidnappers are.
    No speculations whatsoever.
    I have got a serious headache….(The weather.)..
    As Suni Afreesh and S.J.always say this is a serial and the writers know best…lets leave the professionals to do their job.
    Ms. Unbelievable…No Worry No Stress.
    Ms. Kris hold on to the forth dear.
    I will be out for the night…Bye..

  2. Miss Kris
    January 31, 16:18 Reply

    Well from the shadowy part of the person responsible is someone either in a sari or wearing a shawl. Hard to tell whether male or female.

    • Amaica
      January 31, 16:51

      Where you got that from..

    • Miss Kris
      January 31, 17:07

      Look at the video na

  3. RENU
    January 31, 16:11 Reply

    sorry friends,again m making u all sad.but,this collage of aarya’s pic tells their pain 4m their heart.again m i ryt na?


    i hope u all will enjoy it n if possible,i will post a nice vm of aarya 2morrow.

    till then bye guys.

    have a nyc day ahead.

    • Suni
      January 31, 17:39

      Thank you Renu for always giving of your time to post these videos .

  4. RENU
    January 31, 16:03 Reply

    friends,just chill ya.nothing will happen.there will be no 3rd marriage n all.so,now 2 cool urself,see this pic n say me how they are.wat a romantic couple,hei na?


  5. Miss Kris
    January 31, 15:50 Reply

    So true Afreesh and anonymous
    And they probably wondering how com we at no. 4
    Yea right
    Well lets hop the story gets better with this new twist.

    • Miss Kris
      January 31, 15:54

      Thanks for the pic Renu. Love it

  6. RENU
    January 31, 15:47 Reply

    friends,i read it somewhere n tis will be a possibility too.now my mind thinks about paridhi too dear.just read this n answer me

    1. why kidnap ansh?

    To trap aarti because she knows about paridi’s usse raat secret.

    2. Why yash-aarti divorce?

    Then aarti will be eliminated fully from yash and sindia parivar for ever..

    3. What is the motive of the kidnap?

    After looking at the consequence, that happen to aarti upon her divorce lie..paridi is scared of hell. If her uss raat lie out of the bag, then the only punishment is divorce with praetik..so to play safe she is trying to separate yash from aarti and keep her her lie as secret for ever.

    4. What makes me to think paridi is the kidnapper?

    Her expression in today’s episode.very calm..no sadness..no happiness..just on mission type expression.Next thing, the person beside aakash that passing written message is a female…I ll be not surprise if paridi mama is behind all this…

    • Miss Kris
      January 31, 15:53

      You know something Renu I thought the same thing, but dismissed because Yash ji also knows of Pari’s secret. So getting rid of Arti will not get rid of the secret.
      But you might be on to something. Really her expression or lack thereof leaves one thinking.
      In these things it’s the most unlikely suspect the culprit.

    • Punar Vivah
      January 31, 16:55

      No, it is highly unlikely. Aarti helped Pari and agreed to keep her secret and Pari respects Aarti as a big sister. She wouldn’t do anything to Aarti.

    • SJ
      January 31, 17:13

      Yash knows Paradhi secerate too.well if arth leave isinthias house, yash still will live in sinthia

  7. Miss Kris
    January 31, 14:41 Reply

    Well, I’m relieved after reading the previous post about the marriage or not of Yash and this new girl. Whew, relief……… Sigh in relief
    Now wont have a horrible weekend after all
    If this is someone in the family idea of testing Yash and Arti love and commitment for each other and their kids, it’s sick.
    Yash is right it’s someone from the family. And I don’t like that everyone opposed Yash when he told that this be a pretend wedding. So what? The girl and her family are nitwits not to find out the reason for a rush marriage without even seeing the Ladhka? Without Yash seeing he future dulhan?
    Are these people for real. So couldn’t they inform the girls family of the situation and. Let them or the girl decide whether she is willing to go along with it?
    Cm on CV the show has already dropped to no. 4 just imagine PR that has gone so crappy is ahead. Doesn’t this say something?
    Bringing in more popular faces have nothing to do with writing a good plot, a good story?
    So what you bring in fresh popular face and butcher the story?
    Come on get real how will that help in getting popularity.?
    Time to stop this crap.
    Well if it really happens that Akash gets married to this Ishita girl, and Yash Arti Ansh and girls are back together happy, then e are happy and let Akash, Suraj, Buaji and whoever else involve face the music and bad things happen to them and Yash and Arti shall stand by them no matter what.
    This will show how good Arti and Yash are and that bitter old hag Buaji should remain bitter and lonely, old maid all her life living in some women’s shelter when surajnwould finallynput her out.

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 15:01

      You are correct, only way the rating can improve if the stupid writers are fired and not by bringing in new faces to the serial.

      Now Scindia family is lying to other family to get their Son married and ruin the girl’s life? Do you think they told truth to the new bride and their family? Lunatic family!! Seems like Yash has a plan but this family lives by different rules.

    • Afreesh
      January 31, 15:16

      Very true MK….no use on bringing new faces without good script…All the PV fans are screaming for ARYA’s romance, but they are trying crime story in the family concept. Every men & women in PV are criminals. Even they portrayed the kind man yash into a murderer
      Adultery , deception, murder, kidnap, illegitimate child, dishonest & selfishness etc…etc…
      Wow….all kind of criminal activities has practiced by the pv characters effortlessly

    • RENU
      January 31, 15:54

      afreesh,thanx dear

      but m not in 3rd year.i finished my graduation in july 2012
      & now m preparing 4 competitive exams n i have my exam on coming feb 10 n some revision exam b4 that 1 dear.

      dont worry,i will come onlyn 2 read wu,then i will post our aarya’s vm. now,happy na?

  8. RENU
    January 31, 14:32 Reply

    hai suni,raji,sj,afreesh,misskris,jose,geetha & all my tamil fans

    friends,dont worry

    m also tensed by hearing yash’s 3rd marriage but this way of playing with other girl’s life is not nice & have u all read prsv’s comment on yday’s epi.

    she got this infn 4m fb page of pv that yash wont marry her n aakash will marry that new girl n yash will find out that aakash is suraj’s illegitimate son.

    so,better relax 4 sometym n dont worry about storyline.

    & thanx rimjhim 4 ur wu

    i will read only ur wu coz i wont see pv 4 2 weeks not only 4 stupid storyline but also 4 my exams.anyways,my pressure will be increased 2 50% while reading ur wu rather than in tv.

    • Afreesh
      January 31, 15:04

      Renu….all best for your exams….I think you are doing 3rd year….right?…I will be missing your beautiful vm collections dear….

  9. deep
    January 31, 14:24 Reply

    Hi PV awesome fans,
    Remember the common saying” that goes in every crime the person who leaves clues or evidences behind are just suspects,but the person without clues and evidences is the main culprit,so let all see how this show unfold,since it has become a crime-drama.

    • RENU
      January 31, 14:35

      u r cent percent ryt deepa

      it bcomes another arjun serial competing starplus

    • Suni
      January 31, 16:29

      S.C.I . .. Schindia Crime Investigation .

  10. Cath
    January 31, 14:20 Reply

    buaji is doing it she is too conceited the old bag

  11. SJ
    January 31, 14:16 Reply

    This is si silly, showing yash s going to arry 3rd time, sinthia’s never thought, how long it took yash to come out from arpita’s delema, how long it took children to adjust, will children will accept their 3 mom
    Will 3 mom will be able to take care of all these children
    Yash will go in impression, h will ve ruined because ARYA love each other so much
    Sinthia’s want unmarked girl from a prestougious family to raise 4 kids and will not have any desire of her own
    Will yash able to lve her
    How he children’ life will e affected
    Yash can not live without ansh, he love him so much,
    After marrige, how children are going to split
    Will ash ad ne by will live with arthi
    Palak and Paul will stay with yash
    I tell you that even yash get marride 3rd time, yash and arthi will keep coming and will e seeing to each other, yash will never lve new wife again because arthi is alive
    Or they might show how Bad s 3 wife and she put the whole amily to hell, than Sintha will relize Arthis value.
    I am very upset by Pankaj prateek Vidhi and Paradhi’ s behavior, arthi stood for everyone went beyond
    The immiganitation to help nd save the family fom disaster, but no one stood by yash and arthi
    Once in a while prateek say son thng he being stop, Panaj is a dope, he change he econe busniess man
    Nd become lawer as his convience , he will never win Paradhi s case if arthi and yash would not bring clue
    Concept was whole family stood by each other n rough time, no one stood by arthi and yash except g3
    No be even thinking arthi is excepting their grand child, at once sintha’s would not let bend arthi
    Now can’t they see ow much emotional truma arthi s in
    May Dubeejee got lonely, after arthi n ansh left , and h us trying to get arthi and ansh to take care
    For his old age. He was not sensitive to ansh adhis pain when it came for Parsant BMT ,he can go to ant extent to get hat he want. He is the cause of all these problem
    Well a Ra as if I is shoba’s fault sh ke her son marry to arthi I do it think do, at that time, se dd not know Parsant will turn out like this and I was not an arrange marriage , arhi and Parsant loved each other
    They were madell n love.
    Many time as a family concept, one side it shows how family stand by each other in rough time
    On the other and how tough family Make life us a living hell
    But I think arthi and yash love will bloom
    So many typo errors cause of auto correct, d not go ack nd check it please forgive me

    • Afreesh
      January 31, 15:22

      Sj….cool dear….cool…I know how you tempered to see a new girl with yash…

    • Punar Vivah
      January 31, 16:59

      Yes, I think that it was horrible to bring the idea of a third marriage, but the writers will surely not do that. That would bring way too much rebellion. Nice brainstorming, keep it up.

    • SJ
      January 31, 17:21

      I can’t be cool about this,even if you put my body in ice chest , I don’t care yash has new girl
      Just do no want to see 3 marrige for him. ,make me n annoyed,woman have hard time if she is divorce, ,but man can do many thin, there family can except them

    • Suni
      January 31, 18:48

      SJ , I realise that no one can be of assistance to Yash at present . This is his battle to overcome . Aarti had to reach Yash when he was obsessed with Arpita and submerged with guilt . No one was ever really able to give her an exact remedy for that situation . When a husband and wife marry under the circumstances that Yash and Aarti did , they will inevitably face complications . They need to sort out their own affairs , to know what is right for their relationship and their children . The others are of secondary importance .
      Do not worry about that new bride . Even in worst case scenario that she does marry Yash , she cannot cope with his situation . He needs a strong , understanding , motherly type woman to suit his and the children’s needs . She will run out the door screaming , and since divorce is easy to get on PV , she will be gone in a week . I once told this quote to Raji . I will also share it with you my dear SJ ..

      Distance to love is like wind to a flame …it extinguishes the small …but ignites the great .

      These two will never be separated for long .

  12. Anonymous
    January 31, 13:58 Reply

    Heena Parmar roped in ‘Punar Vivah’

    Television show on Zee TV ‘Punar Vivah’ has been working hard to attract more and more viewers. Shashi-Sumeet Mittal Production has been trying to roped in many talented actors to bring the show on track. Once the show has gained number one position but later on it has been struggling on the TRP chart.

    The team has been working on the story line as well, the coming episodes is expected to bring smile on the faces of the makers as it will see Gurmeet will tie a knot with a new entry Ishita. As per the sources the production team has roped in Heena Parmar from ‘Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan ki’ to play Ishta’s role.

    There will be another twist in the show when the kidnappers of Ansh (Yash and Aarti’s son) have told Yash to marry Ishita. However Yash will not marry Ishita rather Akshay Dogra who is the son of Suraj Pratap Scindia will marry Ishita.

    Keep posted to get more updates on the show!


    So I’m guessing Yash doesnt marry the girl Aakash does….

    • Suni
      January 31, 14:03

      Yay ! Thanks for the good news ! . Glad to know that Akash has a purpose other than to kidnap people’s children . That is a great use for his character .

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 14:08

      Now we know Aakash’s reason to kidnap Ansh… but who’s making him do this??

    • SJ
      January 31, 14:22

      That is what I thought, that is a plot creating by yash to reach to kidnapper, even arth is unaware of that and Pankaj
      Prateek, Vidhi will help to swipe the bride, guess.
      Because I can not digest yash will remarry again
      I do not knw rd to guess, eve racking

    • Afreesh
      January 31, 14:52

      Suni & Sj….didn’t you see prsv post on yesterday’s forum….we all knew this from afternoon (my Time) yaar…

    • Punar Vivah
      January 31, 17:03

      I love the good news! That would be perfect, because Aakaush isn’t a bad guy necessarily. He could be doing this for money because he needs it, etc.

  13. Anonymous
    January 31, 13:37 Reply

    director ungalal pv 2 place erunthathu 4 place change ayiduchu so pls take story line better

  14. Suni
    January 31, 13:30 Reply

    Somehow it is beginning to seem like everyone of them in that house is guilty . Not a single one of them was willing to accept Yash’s suggestion of a pretend remarriage . I am wondering ….what exactly is happening to PV these days ??. The writers are out to surprise us all when this mystery unfolds . We thought that we had guessed every possible culprit , but I don’t think we know the exact number of culprits …. We just have to bite our nails and wait .

    • Afreesh
      January 31, 13:44

      Suni….I think all the suggestion & guesses expressed by you guys at the previous forum has been considered by the writters. So, they encouraged us to suspect everyone….LOL…
      I have doubt equally at SP & DUBEY….if not, Prashand might be alive
      I replied yaar just check it….

    • Suni
      January 31, 13:49

      I did Afreesh 🙂 .
      Yes they want us to believe that everyone could be complicit in this mater . But I am not seeing any real supporters . Not any of them have any idea how to help poor Yash and Aarti . Aarti was the only one able to think for all their crisis , but now they are all dumb and that equals guilt in my book .

    • Afreesh
      January 31, 14:57

      Suni….we already concluded the story through that button concept then why you are tensed for that remarriage yaar….I’m sure, the next whole week the same story will be going on…

    • Punar Vivah
      January 31, 17:06

      Yes, Suni, I agree. Hopefully the writers won’t make us wait all weekend, we already are dying from the suspense. We brainstormed, guessed, thought the impossible, looked into this 500 million times, but we don’t know where the writers are going with the storyline at this point. I wish they reveal the truth soon, because I can’t bear to see Aarti and Yash separated, they are so loving toward each other.

  15. Miss Unbelievable
    January 31, 13:29 Reply

    all this suspense is giving me an headache and making the show flop i mean PV is at no.4

    which is bad ugh

    Cvs need to hurry and stop this marriage what ive seen so far is that yash will remarry and insult to the girl arti and her kids will remain there

    if arti moves yash would insult the girl and her family by leaving the bride home

    it would be even crazy if she fell for yash or behind this plot

    • Suni
      January 31, 13:31


    • Afreesh
      January 31, 13:46

      No…no…he won’t get married yaar

    • Suni
      January 31, 13:53

      But y is a new character entering ? It makes no sense to get a new character in without any intent on the writers part to follow further with this plot . Will there be a pretend marriage like Yash suggested ? Or will the marriage be stopped during the ceremony ?

    • Miss Unbelievable
      January 31, 13:55

      Afreesh i dont know anymore

      this thing is stressing me out. Soaps are not suppose to stress me out. I love PV but this is damn ridiculous. Oh God Arthi needs to stay put in that house no matter what.

      Vidhi is wotless like her dunce head bwoy husband

      Pari and Prateik dont have teh courage they bicker behind.

      Gayatri has stood her ground but her faith is wavering due to bullying by SJ

      Buaji is a wicked witch of the East! She a wuk obeah pon di ppl dem pickney. Jah know!

      Akash is simply following orders unwillingly but for money.

      The values of this family just keeps on dropping by the minute!

      Then Shobha is our wonder woman but being ignored and Dubey that fool easy push over ….

      Ive never been so stressed by a soap. It makes me think maybe its time i took a break. And rumours keep on pointing us in the new remarraige.

      If Arti does leave she should move care for her sons and move on. I dont wish it but these ppl driving me mad

    • Suni
      January 31, 14:01

      Don’t worry Miss Unbelievable , just listen to some soca and relax nah 🙂 . Why you taking on so much stress .? These writers playing mas with our emotions .

    • Miss Unbelievable
      January 31, 14:11

      yeah you right about da mas

      dem a play wid my emotions

    • Afreesh
      January 31, 14:28

      Miss unbelievable….
      Do you remember our button logic….Akash is the removed button from scindhiya’s family. That button (Akash) is going to reunite ARYA & SCINDHIYA family together. And who is going to catch that button was yash. This is what happened earlier…
      Scindhiya declared that new girl is from a reputed family….so, there is no problem for her to marry SP’s son who is legal or illegal child. Perhaps, she was ready to marry a man who had two wife & four child then what’s the issue???
      Why should we take stress???….that’s the motive of our stress providers (pv writters) let’s keep ourselves free from their wishes….so cool yaar

    • Suni
      January 31, 16:26

      Yes Afreesh you are correct about the button . But these days the writers moving without a few screws . I can’t believe poor Ansh is still locked up . Enough with that story now . Let them release the child get divorced , remarried and remarried … . But release the poor scared child .

  16. varsha
    January 31, 13:29 Reply

    yash pls arti vitu piriyatha arti yoda 1st delivery time husb help ela so 2 delivery time athu kandipa artiku kindai kanum so pls dont leave arti

  17. abheek gupta
    January 31, 13:23 Reply

    I think mr.dubey is behind all this.he told yash that it would be wrong to do fake marriage and just then he went away.he should be the suspect.

  18. Anonymous
    January 31, 13:19 Reply

    any one like that 3 person wil come bw yash and arti

  19. anju
    January 31, 13:18 Reply

    i hate this story line because i cant like 3 person wil coming in yash life

  20. Anonymous
    January 31, 13:14 Reply

    good episode. i think the last part of the episode yash already knows who is behind this..notice how when he went downstairs and told everyone about the fake marriage..when he came bk upstairs he got phone call warning him not to try the fake marriage. How could the kidnapper get the news so quickly?? Obviously its someone close to the family.
    My guess is its buaji or SP.
    Who knows they might surprise us and it can even be vidhi! lol

    • diya
      January 31, 13:44

      vidhi????? no i think its gaythri

    • Miss Unbelievable
      January 31, 13:49

      no Diya no

      Gayatri is 100% loves arti-yash together she’s a good MIL she would never do a thing to hurt them she loves ansh equally

  21. diya
    January 31, 13:14 Reply

    oh my god im going to kill tat buaji ana ne dan anda personnu
    mattum terinjudu setha ne yash kita

  22. anju
    January 31, 13:11 Reply

    pv director pls solve this problem quickly i want to saw yash and arti be happy

  23. anjali
    January 31, 13:08 Reply

    if remarraige wil happen then what is the meaning of pv

    • Miss Kris
      January 31, 13:12

      Then the show will flop big time can’t be PV over and over

  24. Anonymous
    January 31, 13:03 Reply

    pls yash cant do remarraige i cant like this someone come btw u and arti pls ignore this pls pls

    • Miss Kris
      January 31, 13:03

      Think the case will solve before PV again.

    • diya
      January 31, 13:17

      no chance if it ill happen no one can accept tat if anyone is there to accept tis

  25. Miss Kris
    January 31, 12:56 Reply

    Wow, awesome, how Arti retorts Buaji.
    Yes hope Yash ji solves this case before marriage takes place
    Please don’t drag on and let it happen next episode, prays I hope, I hope I hope.
    We fans cannot take the suspense any more and cannot go the entire weekend with things as it stands.
    We’d go nuts.
    Please,please, let it be let it be solved soon
    Hi Suni Raji Afreesh, great video. Should look at it.

  26. nani
    January 31, 12:51 Reply

    it wil b nice if yash doesnt get another marriage……..what all of u think????

    • SJ
      January 31, 13:02

      Ho won’t that is not the concept of pv.

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