Jodha Akbar 7th May 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 7th May 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 7th May 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
voicover says todal mal got message and start journey to agra. Otherside in amer it is informed that shivani is found and jalal fogave them and they are staying in agra. Bharmal says jalal may have forgiven but dont expect me that. Jodha says she did mistake but she is your daughter, bharmal says duaghters makes father proud, she cant be my daughter, meena says forget past. Bharmal says she brought shame to rajvanshi king, I gave her everything but she ran away with some common man, jodha says jalal also forgave her now you too should do that. bharmal says I pray that she lives her life with peace, he leaves from there.

Scene 2
jodha is in her room, shehnaz comes and says you are crying? jodha says you think my tears keep falling, shehnaz says for crying you don’t need tears, jodha ask what you think I am crying for, shehnaz says that your love came here but you didn’t forgive him, jodha says I didn’t do that, shehnaz says you didn’t accept his apology. he is a good man he forgave your sister, jodha says don’t know how he did that as he doesn’t understand things of heart and love, shehnaz says animals also understand love and he is a man, jodha ask how do you know about love, she says because someone loved me too but I lost him, she says jalal loves you a lot, he has pain in his heart for you, she says I know you love jalal but never say it.

Scene 3
todal comes to agra, jalal is pleased to see him and says I called you to give you position of finance minister as there is corruption in money collection, todal says I have no problem to do this but I have some conditions, I work in my style and I will not answerable to anyone other than you, I will give reports to you only, jalal says I accept, adham fumes and says now hindus will be ministers of Mughals.
all ministers gossips that 1st jalal married hindu lady, but now hindus are becoming ministers, they are taking place in palace, 1st maan singh then bharmal then tej now todal, sharif says then why you people are quiet? qazi says jalal reduced our right to speak in political matters, we can only speak in religious matter, adham says its all because of atgah, we have to do something.

Scene 4
jalal looks at moon and says jodha you are also missing me? are you also looking at moon, he says people say king have everything but see me I cant bring you here, salima comes there and ask did I disturb you, jalal says no I was getting bore thanks you came, he ask will you take drink, salima says you know I don’t drink, he says you also wanna ask why I called todal here? jalal says sometime we meet some people by coincidence, remember when me and jodha went to chisti, I met here there.
jodha is with dadi, she says I don’t know how he came here doing journey alone but he was not tired, you know once jalal and me were caught by Mughal soldiers as we couldn’t pay tax, jalal says to salima jodha was with me so every difficult time was spent easily, she kept smiling in all difficulties, I learnt a lot from her, he says oh I was talking about todal, then todal gave us shelter for one day. jodha says we went to todal, he was pleased with jalal as jalal is great warrior and fought with thieves, jalal says todal also helped me to find jodha but he didn’t ask for anything in return, that why I called him here, he is very honest and strict, I now honest minister in my palace, salima says one should not recognized by his relation but by his work, jalal says I lost my relations, salima says we learn by making mistakes, jalal says but some mistakes cant be rectified, I doubted jodha. dadi says to jodha are you still angry with jalal, will you not forgive him?. jodha says its not about forgiving, not about my ego but it is about his doubt, how he can doubt on my character, he didn’t trust me. salima says to jalal that I am pleased to see that you didn’t consider that todal is hindu and made him minister, jalal says I don’t care about his religion, jodha taught me that religion doesn’t it is about the relation you share with person, he says it matters most that what is your destination.

Scene 5
maham calls dasi but no one comes, she shouts, javeda comes there, she says I didn’t call you, javeda says all your dasies are gone, if you need anything then tell me, maham is sad and ask her to go, javeda says what happened was bad but it was your mistake too as you didn’t tell me, I could have give you good advise, I know heart things, I always respected you and will respected you, she says I felt bad when regard himself as not yoyur son but I am daughter in law and will remain that, there must be some misunderstanding but I know you are best ammi and I will remain with you always, maham cries and hugs her.
todal shows his reports about money collection curroption to jalal, he says a lot of money is taken from common man, they are not happy, jalal says you came here sometime back and you are saying people are not happy with me, we spend so much money on their needs, todal says you give money but it doesn’t reach them, jalal ask what he means, todal says tell me how much you know about your ministers and soldiers, jalal says I know them very well, I meet them daily, todal says right but you don’t meet people, they are away from you, you cant meet every person, you are connected to them with the thread of your ministers but when this thread is broken then common man suffers, you have to understand their problem you have to go inbetween them then you will understand corruption, he says you go to them in disguise but you should go frequently, so ministers will be afraid that you are connected to people and also we will catch corrupt, jalal says now I understand your point.

PRECAP- jalal says to jodha that you are saying that tax taken from hindu yatries is not valid, jodha says I cant say anything, I can advise you but you are sheehnshah and decision is yours, she says tell me one thing if you are going to some dargah and you are asked for tax which distracts your prayers then how will you feel?

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  1. ananna
    May 07, 15:15 Reply

    Good night my all dears and ja gang..

  2. ananna
    May 07, 14:53 Reply

    Lovely episode..rajat u r the bestest actor of expressions and acting..and paridhi lovely…u too best actress..btw in todays episode we watch that religion cant make relation and cant make a person big..its love which make a persons ability to gain it…all is possible by heart..when it get its love..we also saw it that sumtimes irritating relation give us peace and support lyk maham and javeda…its not over here..all people move on their life but sum people cant move life..they also stay there where they started lyk ruks she knows very well that jalal love jodha and he have a heart now which beats only for jodha but she dont want to accept it..jalal move on for his love but ruks cant bcuz she think she is right all time in jalals matter…… she forget that she is still stand there where she started..she have to accept it that she is not jalals love bt she is jalals friend..otherhand sum people whoms know that they have no future in doing cheating in life game…they cant get anything bt they lost everything but they are not stop to doing it..these peoples r sarif,adham,mali..all r big fools..they knw what will happen with them when jalal will knw all things bt they have no fear abt it..they dont think that their plans to kill jalal is coming with their death news..apart from that jalal and jodha is best jodi in the world and their love story is the wonderful part of start of love in a new style..btw this serial is the best serial i had ever seen..and this all caracters of actors r mindblowing..superb..its the great show..

  3. Jyothi
    May 07, 13:56 Reply

    The best expression I like of JA was when Jo and he were having chat after the boat ride misunderstanding with Ruks and when Jo says ‘ pyaar ke khater’ without even realizing that she said it. That smile on JA face talks about so many things, like did you know what you just said, I heard what I wanted to hear etc ..
    And Rajats action on the day Jo pushes him to the floor. Paridhi was beautiful that day , but not today and lately .

    • Jyothi
      May 07, 13:57

      They are just showing flash backs because everyone wants to see them together but story not moving forward in their love . They made a kichdi of the love story , not interesting any more. I like the Akabr the king and court scenes now.

    • sanvi
      May 07, 21:40

      Yes jyothi I felt d same.

  4. joja
    May 07, 13:53 Reply

    v all r expecting for jodha jalal scenes so 1ly they r dng over…….i hate dz serial till how long v have to wait……f..

    • tanvi
      May 07, 13:57

      joja….. wt kind of name is this…???????? JOJA HEHHEE

  5. kashish
    May 07, 13:14 Reply

    Today jodha’s feeling was like- TUJHE NARAJ NAHIN ZINDAGI HAIRAAN HOON MAIN:(. She use to find answers from every1 as to why she was feeling vry bad. She wants to hear from others that she love jalal. Shehnaz n jodha part was really touching:). Shehnaz is a strong character n her story will b too focus after jodha jalal union as i think.

    But according to me the most important part of today’s epi was the Todarmal part. Jalal really did a good job by calling him to hold financial part. And by the help of todarmal jalal will come close to AAWAM n for this reason he will become great n people will name him as “AKBAR”. Todarmal was really a remarkable person in history in Akbar’s time.

    Last but not the least sweet convo between salima n jalal. Jalal feel ashamed n blushing after salima’s arrival was really mind blowing:). Rajat is really the king of expressions n smile. Always his acting n smile use to kill me:).

    Tanni… I am really busy nowadays so not able to come always. But today i saw ur comment asking about me n i cant stop myself visiting here.

  6. Anna
    May 07, 13:07 Reply

    I support the matured thinking of Ja in employing a wise guy like todarmal who is willing to be sincere,honest, n loyal to Ja. Ja’s rein in wisdom from the beginning is to be admired. Even when he administer justice n punishment. i.e, Adham/tasneem punshiment to teach him a lesson to go against kin n public, BB betrayal punishmenet to stay in palace but no relation with him. MA just a minister for name sake w/o power of speech n action. These act of Ja shows he is a shrewd, wise, lonsighted KIng.

  7. Rohini
    May 07, 13:04 Reply

    When does jodha begum go back!!!?????

  8. Anna
    May 07, 13:04 Reply

    Since yesterday scene I could c the Ja JO was at the same wave length n speak the same language of love. There is the similarity in their thoughts n understanding of LOVE.

    Coming to today All of the scene was relevant n in tact. Todarmal was welcome by Ja with respect n I like the hug between them as though of friendly gesture. Todar look hsome despite his old looks. Ja should wear bright color than dull color milky tone, dark tone are more royal like n masculine.

    Ja speaks about Todar get carries away talking Jo. It was cute expression feeling embarrase of being caught by Salima of Ja’s love expression for Jo.

    At Ameer Jo realise n happy Shivani was forgiven by Ja n its amazed her. Perhaps it had a tone down her anger now that Ja can recognise love n for the sake of love he did forgive Shivani.
    Shenaz spoke Jo heart that she too love him but didn’t speak out.

    The conservation scene between Ja Salima n Jo Dadi was balanced it was taken parrell nicely edited sync well. Both Ja Jo was talking about the same indicent, The Excitement in them when talking about each other was a ump scene.

    Dadi ask if she is still angry she said no but but the doubt has erked her much. When she is willing to share her life with him he doubted her. Well some of viewers r still not happy with Jo’s remark but if u c even Ja agree n accept that her anger is justified. So let it be n give the time needed to rectified it by both of them.

    Most happiest news Jo is back in Agra, Whether she return to Agra for wedding or not it does not matter, she is there be happy. Well I think being ego Jo needed a reason to return to Agra n now get’s got it n she took it, wise girl.

  9. tanvi
    May 07, 13:00 Reply

    wen wil this show go off air…………

    i want it very soon………..

    • tanvi
      May 07, 13:16

      ?????????? what is this…………?

    • kashish
      May 07, 13:23

      After breaking all the records among best serials, will b remembered for the best acting by Rajat n Paridhi. And after getting a lots of n uncountable awards. Now happy…

    • joja
      May 07, 13:51

      s dz show go off air…………..they r doing over……….hw long we have to wait since last 1/2 month…

    • Nina
      May 07, 14:37


    • sanvi
      May 07, 21:51

      Y u want 2 watch it, when u don’t want? No1 didn’t pressured u 2 do that there r many more soap s just switched 2 them n find some contentment in that, dear don’t worry abot its airing. .

  10. gayathri
    May 07, 12:57 Reply

    @tanni thank you so much tanni and good night ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. tanni
    May 07, 12:30 Reply

    gud night sanvi, gayathri, JA 1FAN, anna, Aaa, mahi, jyothi and all others here..

    • SJ
      May 07, 12:52

      Hi Tanni long time no see you missed you , I am a hard core fan of jA specially watch the show or rajat tokas , my mom is from south Delhi too
      I live us USA and started to watch the show when it started , I leave comment now and than
      I see your comment and a very positive analizatiin , I like to see pissive things and like hustroically generated show, every actor is wonderful, whle cast of jA is very classy
      Love it
      Rajat tokas is a very versitle and a fablious actor he us only 22 and wgphat an acting And a killer look

    • Anna
      May 07, 13:10

      g night to u too…………

  12. tanni
    May 07, 12:27 Reply

    sanvi: me fine dear.. yes i cud not come on friday n yesterday.. did kashish come these days? she came on thursday

    JA 1FAN: yes right.!! Rajat mesmerized me too by his magical expressions.. whatever emotion he shows, it is a great treat for viewers.. he is d charm of dis show

  13. tanni
    May 07, 12:21 Reply

    @Aaa: anu comes once or twice in a week.. she is preparing for exams perhaps.. i too miss her comments a lot.. thanks a lot for liking my cmnts.. i m glad to read ur cmnt.. but i m seeing ur cmnt 1st time today.. were u a silent reader?

    • Aaa
      May 07, 12:26

      Yes I ws silent reader … Bt I came here a few tmes be4 .
      Ok no problem. I miss her comments to. ..
      Tkc bye

  14. gayathri
    May 07, 12:16 Reply

    Totally nice good episode. Today whole performance are too good and nice except that anti jalal group.
    how nice salima and jalal conversations and manisha cute smile and Rajat blushing no words of their expressions omg too good.
    and most emotional scene between java and MA very touching one.

    btw i don’t get it that anti jalal group i saw munium khan. i thought he is jalal trustful minister but he too against him ๐Ÿ™ plz any one tell me that person munium khan only or i saw wrong

    • tanni
      May 07, 12:28

      u saw right..

    • sanvi
      May 07, 21:58

      Probably he’s against of jalal’s decision s.
      Like he include d todarmal in his court, how jalal gradually created Hindus atmosphere around him, this decision annoying them that’s y munim khan joined his hands with them I think. He might not go against jalal.

  15. JA 1FAN
    May 07, 12:15 Reply

    love u rajat u mesmerizing me in evry epi…by ur expressions woww!! he got new dress today.i thnk slowly2 show better day by day bt m 4 sure dat precap is fb

  16. tanni
    May 07, 12:13 Reply

    shehnaz-jodha convo was lovely.. jodha accepts shehnaz’s declarations dat u love jalal.. jodha never tells shehnaz- no no i dont love him.. she silently accepts dat she does love him after all..

    and dat SUPERB dialogue of shehnaz to jodha- shedding tears is not d only way of crying.. one can cry without shedding tears too.. dats exactly what u r doing now- crying in heart..

    • Aaa
      May 07, 12:15

      Agree .
      Whr is Anu. I alws read ur and Anu comment. De best . ..

  17. tanni
    May 07, 12:10 Reply

    nice episode.. best part of d epi- jalal starts talking about todarmal but then starts remembering his romantic moments with jodha on dat trip to sheikh salim chishti and praises her.. when he realises what he is saying, he blushes a little and salima smiles as if telling him- no need to hide ur love in front of me.. i know how much u love jodha.. jodha at dat same time was narrating d same trip to her grand-mom and praising jalal.. how beautiful.!!

    • Anna
      May 07, 12:24

      I too loved the Ja scene with Salima , Jo with Dai

  18. Jyothi
    May 07, 12:10 Reply

    JA court is getting interesting day by day with the day heyday activities, todormal coming . Like the char of todormal always giving right advice and doing right things . It’s my opinion weTher other like it or not, disappointed when the scene went to jodha, again same old crap tears in eyes thinking of shehenshah but not admitting to herself. JA and court scenes are becoming more interesting , earlier used to wait for Jo and JA scenes , looks like director was successful in slowly reducing the scenes of Jo and thus the power of her character.

    • M@hi
      May 07, 12:13

      I agree. Its not always about seeing romantic scenes and the atmosphere in court is too good.

    • tanni
      May 07, 12:18

      yes but today i enjoyed jodha’s convo with her grand-mom.. i liked d way she was narrating their trip to salim chishti and continually praising jalal.. she accepts dat she loves him but her wound is not yet healed perhaps.. in d movie too, jodha took long time to return.. but i m waiting for her return eagerly..

    • sanvi
      May 07, 12:24

      Exactly jyo .I agree with u.

  19. Aaa
    May 07, 12:09 Reply

    Maybe the man and baby MA has is Shehnaaz baby and love.

  20. Aaa
    May 07, 12:05 Reply

    Mahamanga and javeeda scene was emotional…….Now MA realise her love.

  21. sanvi
    May 07, 11:57 Reply

    Wonder ful episode.
    Cutest scene of the day unknowingly jalal felt shy when he asaw salima smiling at him when he was rekindling his memories with jodha.
    It was d best as he bent down his head a bit n turned aside.fantastic. .Rajath;-);-)

    • tanni
      May 07, 12:02

      yes agree.. how r u sanvi??

    • sanvi
      May 07, 12:05

      Hi tanni im fine what about u my dear.
      I haven’t seen u since Thursday. Im I right?

  22. Aaa
    May 07, 11:51 Reply

    Precap . Will b flash.back 4 sure

  23. jodha
    May 07, 11:46 Reply

    i think better jodha stay in amer itself….

  24. parud
    May 07, 11:44 Reply

    ya precap is dream 1ly………….

  25. M@hi
    May 07, 11:42 Reply

    Sorry Jodha but if its about his doubt then its about your ego. If she wasn’t egoistic she would not be repeating it a lot. Let it go girl and give your mind a rest. Be forgiving.

    • sanvi
      May 07, 11:52

      Yrs mahi I agree.
      I wonder if she still stick 2 her old theory of so called ‘respect’ that was tarnished by jalal’s suspicious behavior at her, y can’t she yet realized her guilt n it was herself only who made him 2 suspect on her.
      Who will enlighten her n fill awareness in her that she too was d main reason 4 jalal’s suspect.

    • M@hi
      May 07, 11:57

      @Sanvi: I was a little shocked that she said donโ€™t know how he did that as he doesnโ€™t understand things of heart and love. She should have figured the answer to that herself.

    • M@hi
      May 07, 12:00

      Everyone is trying to enlighten her. Its all up to her now.

    • sanvi
      May 07, 12:03

      Yes I strongly oppose her 4 uttering this sentence again n again. Bcz I can’t write what ll jalal did 4 her n his kingdom as it lb filled with his compassionate behavior.
      Howcan she b such an insane who cant c 4m her wide opened eyes.disgusting. .

    • Jyothi
      May 07, 12:05

      I hate to say this but I can only think of one reason why Jo still doesn’t get it. She is a dumb head, it might soundrude but that’s how the char is being portrayed. So many people telling she still sticks to her guns. How can anyone who have common sense say that Jalal doesn’t have heart especially if we look back at what all JA did for Jo and her family.

    • M@hi
      May 07, 12:11

      I think the writers give her the line about ego to let the viewers feel that she doesn’t have an ego but too much has been done already that shows she does have an ego.

    • Jyothi
      May 07, 12:20

      Mahi, if you ask there’s no room for ego also when it comes to Jo because she is the cause of misunderstanding. I feel May be paridhi is not able to act all the emotions and bring out the real character, so directors might have asked her to repeat same like parrot , karyhavya, charitraheen etc with the same look on face.

    • M@hi
      May 07, 12:22

      @Jyothi: Didn’t you see..she’s not even admitting that it was her fault also.

  26. Kulfi
    May 07, 11:40 Reply

    the precap wil be a fb.. obviously… ๐Ÿ˜›

  27. saaj
    May 07, 11:13 Reply

    yeyyy i m first.. I think now jodha will return to Agra..Love when Jalal start talking about jodha while talking about todha..

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