A “werewolf” episode is upcoming on Sony TV’s Adaalat

Many people love to delve into the unknown and supernatural, at least in fiction as having a real life experience may be terrifying. There are skeptics who love to watch eerie supernatural television episodes too.

A genre of supernatural fiction deals with tales of human beings metamorphosing into creatures and beasts. In the 1958 classic science fiction horror movie The Fly, a brilliant scientist splits into two creatures, each of which are part fly and part human. This movie created such an indelible mark on the viewers it was remade.

The sub-genre of the man to beast transformation movies which has had the greatest appeal all over the globe are however undoubtedly the werewolf movies. There have also been numerous TV episodes on this topic which never seems to reach satiety.

A werewolf is a human being believed to have been transformed into a wolf or to be capable of assuming the form of a wolf. Though the werewolf concept can be traced to European mythology, it has gained acceptance on Indian soil too.

In an upcoming episode of Sony Entertainment Television’s Adaalat (Contiloe Entertainment), a scientist who is researching on werewolves will be transformed into one. The lawyers will demonstrate as to how a person changes into this ominous beast.

Rajesh Ranshinge who is an expert at directing supernatural and detective fiction is directing this special episode. We asked him as to why supernatural episodes seem to be in high demand not just on his series but on many other TV serials on Indian television of late. He replied, “These episodes thrill viewers as they are always on a quest for the unknown.”

Romit Raj who plays Varun Zaveri on the series seems to have had the experience of a lifetime during the shooting of this episode. He said, “In the film titled Junoon by Mahesh Bhatt, I would have loved to play the tiger. Episodes like these excite me. I was closely watching the directors as they were directing this Adaalat episode.”

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1 Comment

  1. Subhsi
    June 29, 13:14 Reply

    Last week also dealt with some sort of spooky topic. Well Adalat has its own charm. Many of us wait for Sat and Sun every week. Keep up the good work.

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