Aapke Aa Jane Se 30th July 2018 Episode Watch Online

1 Comment

  1. SJ
    July 30, 13:45 Reply

    Yah has one daughter why does he want another child may be Yash is faking cancer to trap Vedic a
    Wonder why vedika does not use her head anyone can come I want child with you because I am having cancer this is absurd ,she should tell I don’t love you I marry to save Sahil and family
    Yash is so abusing yash look so old like grandfather front of vedika, vedika should tell him I am not going to promise a child but I will take care of your daughter ,now vedika can get out from Marrige because all set rate came out Sahil is a owner for half the house
    Vedika marry to him so yash does not throw Sahil family out
    How can she stay in abusive marrige beside her daughter ARYA is not happy having yash around
    Yash cam in vedika life much later Sahil was there in all her ups and down and stood against his family and society

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