Afsar Bitiya 18th July 2012 Written Update

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Afsar Bitiya 18th July 2012 Written Update by KinSanj

It begins with Krishna thanking Pintu ji, Krishna says “If it weren’t for you then I wouldn’t have been able to prove myself innocent. Thank you so much.” Pintu ji says “Madam, no need to thank me, and I am your husband so it was my duty, and in a way I was responsible for all this. If I couldn’t help you in this then I wouldn’t have forgiven myself for life. Well we better get some sleep because tomorrow morning we have to give the DC that recording.”

Tuntun is unable to sleep, he sneaks out of the room and gives a call to ST. ST says “what’s the matter Vilayati saand? This is the time to sleep, how come you’re awake?” Tuntun says “well the thing is that tomorrow you and I will not be able to show the world our faces…because you’re going to be exposed. Whatever talk you had with nirmal has been recorded and that CD is to be given to the DC tomorrow.” ST remembers how Nirmal came to her house and did a drama. ST says “he is truly a traitor. He backstabbed me, now they’ve crossed there limits. Tomorrow I’ll kill that Krishna tomorrow.” Tuntun says “No, don’t do anything.” ST says “then what do you want me to do? Get myself exposed?” Tuntun says “forget about her, I’ll bring the CD for you.” ST says “If I don’t get that CD then you will regret it!” Tuntun assures her that he will get her the CD. ST is fuming in anger!

Tuntun sneaks back into his room and manages to get a blank CD, he sneaks into Pintu singh’s room, Krishna wakes up to drink water, tuntun hides behind the wardrobe. Krishna goes back to sleep again, tuntun manages to open the wardrobe and looks for the CD, he finds it in Krishna’s bag. He exchanges the blank CD with the original and leaves quickly.

Vidya has a dream that a dead body is lying outside his house. (well all this indicates that mitali will be replaced) Vidya wakes up and goes outside and says “oh god! The dreams of the mornings always come true. I don’t want this dream to come true.” Vidyawashes his face, saraswati wakes up hearing some noise and sees that Vidya is sitting outside. Saraswati says “what happened?” Vidya says “nothing, just like that.” Saraswati sees him tensed and asks him what happened. Vidya tells her about the dream, which gets her worried. Saraswati says “that’s a very bad dream. Krishna is already in trouble enough, don’t want anymore trouble. Manisha, come outside please. Ever since my daughter became a B.D.O. all the people are casting their evil eyes on her.” Manisha rushes outside and asks what happened. Saraswati tells her to have a bath quickly and do the nazar utaaring with chillies. Manisha says “what happened” Saraswati says “just do as I say.” Manisha leaves to have a shower and saraswati leaves to wake chanchal up.

Krishna comes out of the bathroom as sees Pinto asleep. (ahem ahem…I seem to be in a naughty mood today) Krishna sits beside pinto and sprinkles water on him with her wet hair. Pintu gets up all irritated and says “What are you doing?” Krishna smiles and says “what were you doing? Sleeping in so late?” Pintu says “what is this? Why are you not wearing your lucky saree? Wear your lucky saree.” Krishna says “Lucky saree? Ermm why don’t you take it out for me? Whatever you choose will be lucky for me.” Pintu smiles and leaves to take out a saree for Krishna, but he comes back and sits beside her and says “that was a very good excuse to get me out of bed.” Krishna smiles along with pintu ji.

Saraswati wants to call ganga and tell them about vidya’s dream, vidya tries to stop her but she doesn’t listen and calls ganga and tells her everything. Ganga tells her not to worry and that she’ll call the pandit over and have a pooja done.

Krishna is all dressed in pintu ji’s selected saree, she sees pintu looking at her who makes a funny face. Krishna says “any problem?” Pintu says “indeed.” Krishna checks herself in the mirror, pintu says “well there is something wrong and there’s a problem.” He hugs her from the back “My beautiful dusky wife is going out rather than spending time with her husband. But don’t worry, no one will be able to stop you today. Wherever you go today thunder will strike. Anyone would be attracted to you today.” (Hawww..pintu ji…bohut-e naughty hogaye ho aap) Krishna pushes him away and says “I’m getting late.” Pintu says “can you not say that official dialogue of yours for once.” Pintu gets her to wrap her arms around him and wraps his hands around her “and spend time with your husband.” Krishna says “today I have to be on time, you said how important my day is for me. Today I’ll prove myself innocent. But I have a strange feeling, I feel that…” Pintu tells her to not to say anything and says “don’t bring such bad thoughts in your mind. The bad times are gone, nothing of that sorts will happen.” Krishna smiles and hugs pintu. (Krishna’s last hug)

Ravi sees chanchal and manisha doing things in the house and asks what they are doing. Chanchal says “Making the house pure.” Ravi says “why?” chanchal says “asks ma about it. God knows why she is after us in getting the house pure.” Vidya asks about where Ravi had gone, ravi tells him how Krishna asks nirmal to leave town for a few days. Vidya tells ravi about his dream upon asking. Ravi gets worried hearing that. Vidya says “Is Krishna hiding something from us?” Ravi remembers how he saw tuntun and ST’s and tells Vidya about it. Vidya tells ravi to take him to meet ST to clear things, ravi agrees.

Sargam tells ganga to join in for breakfast but ganga refuses to eat and tells her about the pooja. Tuntun comes downstairs, Ganga sees him leaving and asks if he’s going somewhere. Tuntun says “yes I have some work.” Ganga says “I needed to tell you about something. We have a pooja at home today.” Tuntun says “today?” Ganga says ‘yes.” Krishan comes downstairs, ganga tells her to call the DC and let him know that you’ll be late for work today as there is pooja kept for her. Krishna says “pooja for me? Why?” Ganga says “don’t’ ask questions, this pooja is for you and this house.” Sargam says “Krishna come I’ll teach you how to make offering.” Krishna excuses herself to make a call to the DC. DC says “I’m in patna, so I’ll speak to you in the afternoon.” Krishna says ‘ok sir.” Tuntun thinks “meet whom ever, you won’t be proved innocent because I have the CD.”

Precap: Vidya and ST have a fight, Ravi has a gun in his hand, vidya and ST are shocked!

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