Agnifera 11th December 2017 Written Update

Agnifera 11th December 2017 Written Update by MA

Agnifera 11th December 2017 Written Episode

Shristi gets disappointed when she is unable to make pot and says she cannot do it. Ragini says once she does not try it well, she cannot give up, they all 4 will try their best. Vishu says yes, they will try hard. Anurag calls them excitedly. They see Vidhvan making pot and says it needs a lot of patience and asks Shristi if he passed or not. She smiles. Vishu says 10/10 marks. Vidhvan teaches Shristi how to make pot and says he knows what condition Revathi put on her to stay in this house. He salutes Shristi’s parents for giving her such a good upbringing and blesses all four. Shristi prepares pot while Vishu tries wipe her tears and mut sticks her brows. He laughs. Ragini applies mud on Anurag’s brows. He runs behind her. Rajjjo watches them and hopes Shristi’s plan fails even this time. Revathi comes yelling and asks them to come and have food first. Anurag and Vishu joke and leave. Dulari comments and Revathi continues yelling.

Shristi speaks to her friend while cleaning plates and says good she rejoined law practice, even she wants to rejoin. Ragini asks her not to worry. Shristi says she will pay this month’s rent with pot money, what about next month. Ragini says let us see next month and insists her to go and rest now as she is very tired. Shristi leaves.

Next day, Shristi finishes household work and prepares pot. Ragnii comes and feeds her food from her hand. Revathi comes and yells Shristi is doing her work instead of house work and Ragini is feeding her. Shristi says she already finished house work. Revathi continues yelling. Rajjo comments. Vishu taunts her. Shristi finishes preparing 50 pots for the day.

Shristi finishes preparing all pots. Anruag tells stories and entertains them. Revathi comes and yells. Vishu says pots are made and let us party and tells Anurag they will cook potatao in fire like naani used to prepare it. They cook potato and calls whole family. Vidhvan signs song.. Yuhi katjayega safar saath chalne se. Youngsters join him and sing. Family enjoys.

Contractor thanks Shristi for finishing order on time and after paying money asks if he can test by adding water. Ragini says sure, he will not find defect in their work. Pots leak.

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