Agnifera 8th February 2018 Written Update

Agnifera 8th February 2018 Written Update by MA

Agnifera 8th February 2018 Written Episode

Anurag/Ragini and Vishu/Shristi get heavily inebriated and start acting weird. They dance on Jungle Hai Adhi Raati hai. Rohini waits for them and hopes Revathi does not notice them. Revathi waits wihth Dulari. They reach home singing. Rohini notices them and says Revathi let us speak. Revathi she will better watch satsang than chatting with her and leaves with Dulari.

Rohini walks out and asks Anurag/Ragini and Vishu/Shristi to come. Shristi plays teacher and asks them all to stand in a que. They obey here and continue their jokergiri. Rohini gets them inside house. Their drama continues. Vidhvan sees Anurag wobbling and asks what is he dong. Anurag goes in front of him. Vidhvan asks if he is inebriated. Anurag says he will never drink again and kisses his forehead. Vidhvan asks him to go to his room. Anurag asks him to forgive him first. Vidhvan says okay. Anurag says he will drop him to his room first. Vidhvan sees Shristi and Ragini heavily inebriated and scolds Anurag.

Rohini tries to control Shristi and Ragini, but fail. She walks to Vidhvan and says she mixed alcohol in children’s drink, they are good. Vidhvan says he knows and warns her not to make mistake again. Revathi walks in. Vidhvan walks to her and gets romantic. She shyingly says they are parents of 3 children. He holds her and says for him, she is same young bride. Daadi walks in. They both get nervous. Daadi asks them to continue while she gets water from kitchen. Revathi says she will get her water and walks to living room. Shristi and Ragini are busy taunting Dulari. Revathi enters and stands fuming. Dulari provokes her that her bahus spoit her name. Anurag/Ragini and Vishu/Shristi’s drama continues..

Precap: Revathi tells Shristi and Ragini that she is disappointed wit them and wrongly took oath for them. Rohini says still 5 days are left for bhabhi’s oath and showing a Bikini magazine suggests them to set fire in them which should blast on 6th day.

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