Amrit Manthan 12th December 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 12th December 2012 Written Update by ZAHARA

Amrit Manthan 12th December 2012 Written Update

Episode starts with Amrit telling Nimrit that as soon as the drug kicks in, she won’t be able to do anything. Yug tells Amrit that if Nimrit is in this condition, how would she take the pheras? Amrit tells him not to worry as she has called in make up artists where on hand side Amrit will get ready and on the other, they will be getting Nimrit decked up as a bride. There, the brides will be swapped and Nimrit will sit in place of her and as Nimrit isn’t able to say anything (because of the drugs), no one will suspect a thing. Amrit calls the make up artists to come up whilst Yug tells her that he’ll meet her during the pheras. He is close to her whilst Nimrit looks uncomfortable. Amrit tells him that it’s enough and he can do all this after the wedding as there is a lot to do, they need to take Nimrit through the corridor safely as there are people around. The two knocks and two artists come inside and they help Amrit to take Nimrit to the secret room. Amrit tells Yug that in any condition Agam must not arrive there.

They are in the corridor when Bubbly is walking that way. Amrit hurriedly opens the door to the room whilst Mr Oberoi comes after Bubbly who ask where Amrit is? They both go off to look for Amrit to show her the garland (I think) whilst Amrit leaves Nimrit in the room with the artists. Amrit asks Oberoi to give the garland to Yug personally whilst Bubbly asks whether Amrit wants something else for the wedding? Amrit says that they should do whatever they think is right. They leave whilst Amrit looks back smiling at Nimrit.

Tej asks Shivangi where Nimrit is whilst Mr Oberoi comes in and asks the same too. Amrit comes in telling them that Agam has called Nimrit and Agam now knows the truth but whilst coming back to the Palace his car breaks down and Nimrit has gone to get him. Mr Oberoi tells them that he is feeling confused as Nimrit hasn’t told anyone about what has happened. Tej says that he’ll call Nimrit but the ring sound is coming from inside the Palace. Amrit laughs that maybe Nimrit must have left the phone in her room. Tej and Oberoi are suspicious but Amrit tells them that she has a request that Yug’s family isn’t here and he is feeling alone, so it would be better if they come from the groom’s side. They agree. Shivangi tells Amrit that her and Bubbly will get Amrit dressed.

Nimrit is getting decked [is this the same dress she wore on her wedding??] whilst Yug is on the phone with a man who says that Ribban and Agam won’t escape. Agam, in ropes shouts at the phone saying that he won’t let Yug get away. Yug informs him that he is getting married to Nimrit and tells him the story of how he fell in love with Nimrit. Agam tells him that he will kill him! Yug tells him that Nimrit is his, and with seven pheras, Nimrit will always be his. He tells Yug that “Nimrit weds Yug”, doesn’t that sound good? Agam threatens him whilst Yug tells him what can he do? He says that he’ll think what he needs to them after the wedding.

Shivangi notices that Amrit is feeling weak and asks what has happened? Bubbly tells her that Amrit hasn’t eaten from the morning. Shivangi asks is Amrit feeling excited or nervous? Amrit says both as whatever she wants will be happening. Shivangi tells Amrit that she is looking beautiful. Yug calls and Amrit tells them that don’t they need to get ready whilst Shivangi remarks that Amrit wants to talk to Yug alone. They laugh and go. Amrit answers the phone and asks Yug what is happening? Yug tells her that Agam is locked up and Amrit is happy that Agam will be hers. Amrit tells him that she is pretending to act tired as Nimrit will be and so no one suspects her. Yug tells her that make sure everything goes well, and if he gets married to her then he will commit suicide [OMG, LOL!] Sunita comes and tells Amrit that after Shivangi and Bubbly get ready, they will all go down.

Shivangi and Bubbly are taking Amrit down when Shivangi puts the veil to cover Amrit’s face. Bubbly says that she is so weak whilst Amrit says that yes she is feeling weak. Amrit says that she is missing her father so much and wants to look at his photo. She wishes to talk to him for a bit. Shivangi tries to take her in whilst Amrit says that she wants to talk to him alone. Amrit enters the room and asks Nimrit how is she feeling? Last time, in the wedding Nimrit had taken the pheras and now, in Amrit’s wedding Nimrit too will take the pheras. But this time everything will happen according to Amrit’s wish. She laughs saying that in this game, Amrit will win. Nimrit and Agam will never be one. The door knocks and it’s Shivangi. Amrit quickly takes her father’s photo out and leaves it on the table and covers Nimrit’s face. Amrit smirks saying, shaadi mubarak to Nimrit. Shivangi and Bubbly come in and take Nimrit along considering her to be Amrit. Amrit smiles watching them.

Tej places the head thing onto Yug to hide his face. A call comes and Yug tells them that it’s an important call. He answers it and asks what is wrong as he is leaving for the wedding.

Nimrit is walking down the stairs and Shivangi talks about Agam and Nimrit being there at the wedding. Sunita comes and tells them that Agam and Nimrit will be together. Shivangi tells them what a lucky night as the family will all be together. Mr Oberoi wonders where Yug has gone. The groom comes in and they take him to the mandip. The wedding rituals take part. Shivangi helps Nimrit put the garland on the groom. Yug reaches down but Tej jokes saying he’ll have to lean down for a bride like Amrit. They put garlands on each other. Amrit smiles looking down.

Precap: The pandit says that they are now considered husband and wife whilst Yug, his clothes ripped glares at them. Amrit takes the head piece off the groom and is shocked!

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  1. Alayna
    December 12, 20:46 Reply

    The groom ~ none other than agam.

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