Amrit Manthan 13th August 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 13th August 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

The episode starts off from nats calling bubbly and asking bubbly to inform agham about his mom in hospital. tej says do you think he is going to come and she says yes he can forget me but not his mother. there amrit is ready to go out bubbly comes and inform her about aghams mom in hospital and amrit says so what and asks her to not to tell her what to do. agham comes and asks whats the matter and bubbly tries to teell him but he says listen to amrit. they both get ready and leave for the dinner. bubbly rings nats and inform her what happened and that agham doesnt know. nats is upset that amrit is so selfish and only thinks about herself. nats says i am the daughter in law and i will fulfil my duty and i will bring agham here.

Amrit is at restaurant and ordering aghams food and he is surprised. nats comes in and pretends to be surprised. amrit isnt happy to see them and nats says i have come with papa as he had a meeting which got cancelled. she says sunita malik is in hospital so the meeting got cancelled. agham gets shocked and says thats my mother. nats informs him him she is in city hospital and he leaves. nats says why didnt you go to amrit and she says she hates mummji because she was against the wedding and never accepted me as her daughter in law. nats says but you love nimrit too. amrit changes her tone and says yes but we should change accroding to time and says you carry on im going back home.

aghams mom is refusing food but then agham comes and feeds her personally. she is happy to see him. he says to her to get well soon. she says what will i do with this long life when i cant see you and he says everything will be fine soon. agham says i cant come to meet you there but you can . he says i will meet you everyday and they hug. tej watches with a smile. agham thinks once i punish amrit all will be well. there nats asks doctor to treat aghams mother and not to worry about the money. agham enquires and she says your my partner i can do that much and you should enquire about the case history. agham leaves and tej comes. nats asks about mummyji and he says she is better after seeing agham. she informs him mummji is against their wedding. tej says no one is happy with this wedding and that is why you have to continue this fight. nats rings amrit and says execute our next plan.

amrit is trying to contact agham but unable to reach him. just then another bouquet comes and amrit is curious. nats and agham come in and amrit is shocked. amrit asks about mom and then removes his javket and asks him to have food. agham says i have ate with maa and you should set the food for yourself and nats. amrit is angry. agham thanks nats for everything andd holds her hand saying i value your time and what you did for me today and i can never forget this favour. nats is touched and teary and says its ok. amrit is upset eseeing this. agham leaves and bubbly andoberoi signal eachother. bubbluy leaves the flowers on the table so that amrit can see them. bubbly says lets have food but amrit is in no mood for food. nats reminds amrit to take aghams jacket which bubbly has placed order in. amrit picks it up and bubbly says that paper will fall. amrit looks at it and is shocked to see a bill for a a bouquet with todays date.

Amrit is furious and nats is enjoying seeing her all shocked. amrit gets all flower and agni flashbacks and cant believe it and gets angry.amrit says oh god that means nats unknown lover is agham, she gets angry and says that means agham is fooling and how can he do this. how can he betray me. she says this is my prooof and folds the paper and puts it back into the pocket. nats is satisfied and signal bubbly to go. bubbly runs behind amrit. amrit comes in and calls for agham but he is no where. she leaves the jacket and goes. agham is outside remebering his mother and says mom you have to wait for a while and all will be well. he says i am sick of acting but i have to be patient for nimrit. amrit is shouting agham and he comes to her, he asks what happened. she says where were you and he says on the roof.

he says why were you looking for me. she says what do you think of nats and he says she is my business partner. amrit says aprt from that anything else. he gets flashbacks of him and nats. she asks him again and he laughs. she says what else do i think. when i find out that you are her lover. agham is shocked. amrit says i love you and how do you think i feel. he says stop the nonsense. she says it snot nonsense i saw the bill in your pocket. agham ;eaves and screen freezes on amrits upset face.


precap: agham is feeding someone and amrit is curious to who it is.

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