Amrit Manthan 18th July 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 18th July 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

Episode starts from natashs is on the phone to tej and he asks her to pretend she is talking to a businessman. she is buying alot of property, and that 10 , 20 crore deals should be finalised by her manager instead of her. amrit thinks she is finalising these deals like she is buying vegetables. amrit startsto inform her about wanting the palace but natasha interrupts her and says we will talk about this on the go. amrit says i want the mahal and please sell it. natasha says i dont sell my thinks and my experience says when you lose something, when you get that back you only get the pain, so in this case it is my benefit and your loss so i cant sell this. amrit says i want this mahal , it is important for my relationship and doesnt any relationship matter to you. she says only my papa.

natasha says if i do sell it how will you pay the amount, amrit shows her the documentation of the dhaba zameen, and is upset. she then says sorry i was just asking but i cant give you the palace. amrit calls her again (miss oberoi lol). says i had a sister called nimrit who was your age and everything over hear reminds me off her. natasha gets emotional, she says i want this palace for her memories as i cant stay away from them. how would you feel and take it as your elder sister is asking something from you. natasha remembers amrit killing nimrit. natasha says those be people that use emotional blackmail are wasting time and you cant spend your life on hope. she leaves to give press interview. amrit is angry and leaves.

later on agham comes to the palace and he gets a call from amrit and she says i have left from there natasha isnt ready to agree, he says we should try again, he then sees nimrits picture on the floor and picks it up in disbelief. he then looks arounf and sees natasha pictures everywhere, and gets angry. he says she cant live here , how dare she. he starts to throw all natasha pictures on the floor. guards stop him, tej and natasha observe him.he throws the her picture and says i wont let tou stay here. guards are stopping him/ he sees natasha on the stairs and says i wont let you go. natasha stops the guards from throwing him out. he says you will have to leave, natasha says looks like you love your wife alot no wonder you are angry. but i will not give the mahal and if you want to eliminate someone then eliminate your anger that too outside. natasha says people in my life have given me a lesson that the path that gives you pain then change that path, she says forget the mahal im sure it will be easy for you to forget things. agham gets quite and says i dont need your advise just leave. natasha turns but slips and agham catches her. they remember nimrit aghams scenes and pyaar hai ya sazaa playing in background. tej throws something to catch their attentiona nd then hides. they get up and natasha thanks him , her voice is very shaky. he takes her hand and gets emotional. he looks at her and then she pulls away and turns around. agham leaves and then turns to look at her.
agham leaves and natasha looks back and is upset, tej consoles her and she says is not easy to forget everything. she tells him why amrit came and says she wants to find out who is funding her in this project and tej says he will find out. she leaves for bed. in her room she crys. there agham is remebering nimrit and natasha and getting confused. amrit disturbs his thoughts and he says i went there for the mahal but she wont agree and amrit says lets end this topic , i dont want the palace. she says i wont want it but more than the palace i want to be natasha friends as if she invests amrit international we can get the mahal back. agham says how can we do business from her. natasha says she has alot of money and we need money, and then we dont need mahi help. mahi hears this and says how dare you and go to natasha and let me see how your amrit international runs.

natasha is talking to ripuns picture and tej comes and tells her mahi has taken a step back from funding amrit international and lets see if other investers do the same. once this happens then amrit will bow down to you. natahsa is happy.

precap: invester doesnt want to invest in amrit international and amrit shocked.

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1 Comment

  1. Mr.Nervous
    July 18, 17:06 Reply

    True as that Song! “Jor Ka Jhatka Jor o se laga , Shaadi Baan gayi Umar Kayd Ki Saza” this is dedicated to Amgham

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