Amrit Manthan 19th July 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 19th July 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

Episode starts from tej telling nimrit that mahi has taken a step back from amrit international and we have to get other investers to do the same and then your win is a must. natasha thanks tej for everything and i have lost alot anf gained alot too. tej says this is the last time you are saying thank you. natasha says when i find mama then i would have won half the battle. tej shays we have a meeting with investers but natasha says i have to go to asharam as mama used to always go there and i want to do the same. tej goes to investers and natasha to the ashram. natasha is about to say thank you again but tej gives her a friendly look and they laugh ( cute moment between the two)

amrit and agham are sitting and she is about to go to the investers and would like to take him with er. she says agham you take care of me so much and he says if your happy then i am happy. agham gets a call where the guy says the funds to asharam has been withdrawn and mahi has done this. agham says i will sell the small zameen i got at the time of the wedding to give to the charity and wont tell amrit as she will want to use the money. he says to amrit he has a important job and has to leave. amrit is confused.

natasha is at the same ashraam to give charity and fills her name in register.she looks for ripuns name. she then checks for aghams name but then stops thinking what am i doing, im being stupid why will he give money here as all the money is going to amrit international. she then goes to play with the kids. she is playing with the kids, agham comes ( she has dupatta on her eyes) and clashes into agham and opens her eyes and goes all quite. they are uncomfortable, agham says to kids wait im coming.

there amrit is angry that investers have taken their step back as mahi has done the same and they dont want to lose their money. she says i will take you to court and he says you are wasting your time and money and use that money on your hotel. she says see you in court and leaves. tej comes and thanks the invester. agham is with donator , who says you dont come often and come and meet the children, he gets a phone call and says i have to go somewhere with my wife. agham says cont worry you will always get a donation from me and he says dont worry we always get donations this morning natasha gave a big donation. agham is about to leave but stops when he sees natasha. he says i heard you gave donation, natasha interrupts and says money isnt eeverything for them but love is, but you wont understand this as you are busy. agham says if you understand so much , then i dont want to say anything to you and what are you, a spoilt brat you takes over other peoples right. you are hear to apologise for your sins and make youself feel better. what a style you have. he is about to leave but the kids stop him and he says i will be back soon. the kids upset and natasha says to the kids he is so busy that he has no time for you. agham says to natasha stop arguring with me, without knowing anything. she says im not talking to you . she turns and a kid pulls her duppata she thinks its aghama and says how dare you. agham says look down before saying anything.

kids ask her to give ice cream and she invites them over to her house. she then gets a call from detective who says someone knows information about ripun. natasha gets panicky and says i will see you at the palace, she picks her back and says to the children i will see you all tonight and runs out. agham thinks why did she leave all of a sudden. natasha is on her way and the car stops. the driver goes to get some oil for the car and natasha says be quick. she is about to ring tej but theres no network. there a man gets a letter with money in it. he wonders who is thus person and how can i thank them. there natasha is trying to get a lift and agham comes and stops. they both are shocked to see each other. she asks for a lift and he says such rich brat and sitting on the bike will lover yourself respect. natasha gets angry, he says i will egta taxi for you and leaves. natasha says why will you help me all youse attention goes to amrit.

she is still on the road when agham past her again and stops, she just looks at him , he says sit , there was no taxi and on humanity grounds i came to help you. she looks and sits reluctantly. they leave with same badalta hai in background and agham and nimrit bike ride flashbacks are shown. she is about to touch is shoulder but stops, flashbacks are shown where agham tells nimrit to hold on. natasha bag falls and she asks agham to stop. she runs to get the bag when she sees a car approaching her , she gets scared as she sees flashbacks of amrit driving towards her. agham gets of and asks what happened. she turns and higs him saying aghamji. agham hugs her back too as he senses some familiarity. the car horn disturns them and they let go. the car driver drives off, agham says are you mental didnt you see that big car what if something happened. natasha is in a shock and is about to leave when agham says atleast pick your bag. shge turns and picks her bag but ripuns pucture falls out and agham sees this. they both are shocked and looo at each other. she picks the photo frame up but agham takes it off and looks at it. episode ends on natashas face.


precap: natasha is back to the mahal in a hurry and asks what did you find out about ripunji. tej says natasha this is the detective and she asks him. tej says says natasha that and looks in a direction. natasha looks there.

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