Amrit Manthan 20th December 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 20th December 2012 Written Update by saveeta24

Amrit Manthan 20th December 2012 Written Episode

Epi starts with Nimrit in thought at the dinner table..Agam tells her to eat and her M-I-L also reminds her she did not brought the raita .Nimrit goes in the kitchen to fetch it and Agam senses something wrong..he too goes in the kitchen and asks Nimrit wat’s the matter and if everything fine with Mr oberoi bail papers..Nimrit replies yes but Amrit and tells Agam she is out of jail..Nimrit tells Agam My father is still in jail and he did nothing wrong deliberately whereas Amrit did so many sins…Agam tells her its because Mr oberoi has confessed his crime and surrendered himself to the police.he continues Amrit has not confessed her sins..Nimrit tells Agam someone has paid 10 lakhs for her bail..Agam says who can do this as its a big sum.Beeji cant do it as she is indebted herself..he tells Nimrit may be Yug but where can he have so much money..Nimrit devastated tells Agam now Amrit will snatch away our peace..happiness ..Agam consoles her saying Amrit cant do anything to us as she knows she will be back in jail.. she wont come in our life again..really felt bad for Agni as a shock awaits them..

The guy who was looking after the palace file is waiting in a room..Camera zoomed on a lady walking lehenga..choli..dupatta and only the sound of her payal is heard..her face not shown but no guessing as its Amrit..anyways she only gives her orders with her hand without speaking…she checked the file and a huge amount is given to the guy..he promised to open the palace tomorrow..someone comes in and tells her the car is ready..

Nimrit deserving the dinner table when the light goes off..she calls for Agam..Tej..shivangi but noone replies to her..she sees a shadow with someone with a hunter in her hand..Amrit giving her evil laugh and Nimrit says Amrit puts the hunter around Nimrit’s neck and tells her are you my little sis..i’m back..Nimrit wakes up calling Amrit ..Agam wakes up and tells her there is no Amrit in our room but its here in your mind..promise me you will not think of her and she wont come back in our life..Nimrit says yes no Amrit here and hugs Agam..

Another person to make Agni life hell..Mahi comes back from Dubai and interrupts the pooja Nimrit was doing for Tejanghi..he puts his condition as always if Agni will stay here they have to do all the house expenses and pay him a rent every month..what a wicked father..Nimrit accepts it and stop Agam to have an argument with his father..

Cute moment of Tejanghi in their room ..Tej shows shivangi their shimla tickets for next week..shivangi all happy hugs Tej and says everything is going so well in our family..Tej says i wish it continues like this ..they dont know what storm coming up..

Yug gets the palace keys and sees the mandap where Agni got he was thrown out of the palace by Tej..Agam…he gets a call and says before you comes here all will be clean..

..Nimrit showing the plan of their dhaba to her M-I-L..Agam tells his mother how he is planning to expand his business in whole punjab .he wants Nimrit Da Dhaba everywhere..he wants to make lots of money so as to get out of this house and takes his mom too along with them..sunitaji tells Nimrit my son has gone through so much pain and now he wants to live a peaceful life..he shows a file of their project to his mom and he will meet the people who will invest in their project..Agni meets with someone and he is impressed with their project..he tells them as soon as mr Rudraksh singh is back he will see to it..Agam says Rudraksh singh..the guy replies you dont know him he is the God of the poor..Agam is happy saying then i’m sure he will help us..the guy says Madam will check the file first then gives a reply..Nimrit says Madam and he replies yes Madam ..she is always with Rudraksh singh..

Agni coming out of the office and goes to get his bike..he asks Nimrit to wait as he saw a woman selling gajra..he buys for Nimrit but someone bumps with him and it fell down..Agam picking up the flowers when a black car stops and Yug opens the door …seems Yug has become the bodyguard for Amrit with his coat..white shirt..tie and sunglasses ..payal feet is shown ..same style outfit and Amrit is shown with sunglasses looking at Agam ..she deliberately walks on the flowers which Agam was picking up and enters the office followed by Yug..he does not see Amrit just her back walking the steps..he continues picking up the flowers of the gajra..Agam gives Nimrit the gajra which makes her happy..

Mahi doing his tantrums not liking the food Nimrit prepared as its all veg dishes..he wants chicken etc..he goes away with his harsh words to them and asks them to pay for his restaurant bill as he is going to eat there..Sunitaji tells them not to take his words at heart..Agam gets a call telling him Rudraksh singh has approved their project.all happy for them .sunitaji hearing Rudraksh singh says i know this name..she goes and comes with an invitation card..she tells its on Nimrit name..she reads party in palace..shivangi says but its sealed..Agam reads the card and it says i have bought the palace and as you were once the owner of are invited with your family in my party..Nimrit is shocked the palace is already sold and Tej says who is this Rudraksh singh..well their nightmare and Amrit will be more wicked this time..not learnt her lesson yet but all set to ruin Agni happy life..

How Agni face this storm as it will be meaning Amrit against true love …will it be triumph of love once more time will tell us.. for now be ready to watch princess Amrit more powerful..full of attitude and Ego..

Precap ..Rudraksh doing a hawan in the palace and Amrit payal feet are shown coming downstairs..

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