Amrit Manthan 23rd August 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 23rd August 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

episode starts from nats putting ika on agham and then walking away. Amrit approaches her and asks her how she can do that with someone elses husband that too infront of everyone. Nats says she did it for her puja as she doesnt want any problems in it and she values traditions which amrit obviously doesnt.

Pandit says put these ashes in the water and agham leaves with mummyji. Nats asks amrit to do a vidhi with her. Tej comes back hiding and hides behind branches. When amrit approaches he plays the tape with nineit voice acreaming and asking for amrits help, amrit gets scared and shouts can you hear her she is calling me. Nats and all say we cant hear anything. Amrit cant bear the voices and runs away. Oberoi and all laugh but nats isnt happy.

At home amrit is on bed looking like a pagal and agham comes in asking what happened. Nats tells him what happend and now she is like this. Ameit starts to laugh loudly and agham tells her to stop and then slaps her to take her out of her trance. She hugs him and says dont leave me and says nimrit bhooth. Agham is confused. Later mummji says to agham do you think nimrit bhooth is truth and e says there is no such thing ad bhooth but its amrit getting guilty about what she did and her mind is playing tricks as she went to the cliff. He says going to he cliff has given me strength to take revenge from amrit.

Nats comes and they make a excuse they where talking about amrit and that she needs to be cared for. Nats sits sumitra down whomsays she misses nimrit who changed agham. She is about to tell nats about aghams plan but stops and says amrit helped agham get out of his misery. Nats goes to her room and crys. Bubbly and oberoi are laughing bout Amrit but nats says get ready for the next plan. Amrit is asleep and agham says i will write another letter to scare her and leaves. Oberoi asks bubbly to execute the plan as she is alone.

Amrit is alseep and she gets up and is scared seeing nimrit bhooth. Amrit gets of bed and bhooth follows her. They go hall way and amrit picks up vase but faints dropping it. The noise alerts agham and packs the letter in his brief case and runs upstairs.

Precap: agham sees the white saree and hair and says he has to find out who is scaring amrit.

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