Amrit Manthan 24th July 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 24th July 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

Episode starts from agham and amrit entering mahal at 7 in the morning. they wonder where natasha is cannot be seen. agham says she is wasting our time and lets go. he turns to leave but is stopped by natashas voice. she says i am here, she comes down with mr oberoi. amrit is happy. they all sit and amrit international model is on the table. agham and amrit are happy. natasha says we accept the deal but lawyer has taken papers , amrit says doesnt matter i have a copy here. natasha is about to sign but then stops, she says i cant sign it as i have to change a clause. agham and amrit are confused. she says i have to change the name, she takes the name of the model. agham questions her.

oberoi says we believe in nuromonlogy and this name isnt good. amrit says if you have chosen your name then its fine i dont have a problem. natasha gives her a look , agham is about to interrupt her but amrit says its ok. natasha says good and signs the papers. amrit and natasha shake hands and say we are offical pertners now. she says now i will show you the name of the hotel. she picks up the plate and places the name on it. amrit and agham cant see it so turn to look. they are shocked to see nimrit on it. natsha says what happend didnt you like the name, it is your sisters name and his first wife. natasha says A word isnt good for us and N is better and also my initial is N. she then says also where the land was there used to be a daba with nimrits name so this name is the best. agham is happy with this. natasha says this name will bring us more profit. oberoi says i dont want this name and it should be amrit, natasha says amrit you have accpet all our conditions and your husband is the opposite, he doesnt value and respect his first wife. natasha says you love your sister alot and i could see that you love your sister so much and you wanted to buy the palace for your sister so why should you have a profit.

amrit agrees. oberoi says you wanted to stike a deal and natasha says if you dont want this deal then fine, she is about to rip the papers when amrit stops her and says i accept it. she says this project is for my sister who is no longer alive. they all leave for gurdwara to pray. agham stops to apologise to nimrit for speaking against her name, he says natasha did one good thing by giving your name respect which you deserve. natasha interrupts and says you are very angry, he leaves and natasha is very angry she makes a call to tej and says job is done, we all are going to gurdwara. they all enter the gurdwara and oberoi and natasha are happy they are successful and amrit is happy that she no longer needs mahi. they all enter and tej is there he has just prayed and turns .

oberoi notices tej and calls him and they greet each other. they pretend they dont know each too well. oberoi introduces natasha and introduces agham and amrit as their business partners. amrit says lets go in to get blessings and oberoi asks tej to join. they all are going in when natasha sees ripun and runs after her. all are confused to see her like that. she runs and is looking for her. oberoi turns to amrit and agham and excuses himself. amrit thinks what happened to her all of a sudeen lets go and see her. natasha runs into oberoi and says i saw mama, oberoi asks her thats good but control yourself as we dont want all our effort to waste. oberoi sees amrit and all coming and says i will go and find rioun ji. ripun is talking to some ladies and oberoi misses her. ripun is outside giving mood to the poor. the poor lady that was at natasha lots house and she tells ripun that natasha was looking for her. but ripun mistakes it to be amrit and says why was she looking for me, i dont want to meet her. she leaves and oberoi comes out.
there amrit apporaches natasha asks what happened, natasha says my papas friend who is really close and says lets go inside and continue. amrit and natasha pray together and aghama and tej. natasha thanks god and says please help me meet my mama, agham prays that he can ruin amrit. amrit prays that she gets her name, status and everything back.

back to natasha who says i must see is papa has found mama. she is about to leave but amrit stops her and says lets talk about business but natasha says not now i have something important and leaves. amrit is confused. natasha meets papa and asks where ripun is. he says i lost her and natasha curses her self for losing everything but tej consoles her and says it snot your fault and aks her to be happy. he then notices agham and amrit and moves away and natashs sorts herself out. agham enquires and oberoi says he left befor i came.

amrit and agham leave and natasha notices the poor lady (aisha) and runs to her and asks her about ripun. she tells her she came and gave me food and medicine. natasha asks do you know where she lives. aisha says i dont know but she works in a medical store. natashs says we have to check in every medical store and find her. tej says she give sher medicine which doesnt mean she works there but natasha says i made a mistake by not lostening to her once i wont repeat that mistake. oberoi agrees with her and says we will find her, oberoi gets a call and asks to cancel his meeting but natasha persuades him to go and tej says he will look after natasha. oberoi leaves and natasha is worried screen freezes on natasha.

precap: natasha is outside a medical store and is on the phone to tej and is very happy. she says i have found mama and come soon.

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