Amrit Manthan 26th June 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 26th June 2012 Written Update by -ChillMahaul-

Starts with Agam bag punching and remembering Amrit’s words from their earlier fight..Tej comes and asks him about the problem.. Agam says he is worried about Amrit and her new plans.. Tej says they should go tell everything to Nimrit.. Agam says he has tried but it’s of no use.. Nimrit believes her blindly.. Tej says they will have to break her blind trust.. Agam says he tried so much Nimrit wouldn’t believe anyone not even God.. Agam says he is just worried what if Amrit tries to do something wrong with Nimrit.. he won’t be able to take that.. he says he loves Nimrit a lot and he can’t lose her (AWWW.. Agam jee ab to main bhi aapki fan ban gayi hoon.. and this scene is shot earlier.. he has stubble again ) Tej says then what are they supposed to do? Agam says there is only one way when Nimrit will hear Amrit say all that then maybe she will believe her..he says Nimrit needs to know Amrit’s truth..Agam says if he has to save his married life then Amrit’s true personality should be out in front of Nimrit soon.. Rippan and Amrit are at Agam’s house.. Rippan says she is very happy to hear about AgNi’s relationship.. Rippan asks about Nimrit so chachi says Nimrit has gone to the gurudwara and that too bare foot to pray for Amrit’s happiness (gayi bhain pani main.. Nimrit ka dimagh nahi bhoosa hai )Amrit is making faces..Mummy jee says all of them pray that Amrit should get a good boy and she stays happily ever after.. Amrit is annoyed.. Tej says Amrit is here so they can make the plan in action (Ohh this is now.. because Agam is shaved.. he looks so handsome.. OMGGG ) Agam and Tej take Rippan’s blessings.. Agam says sorry to Rippan and says him and Nimrit are really happy together now..He says he has done something for her and when she sees is he is sure she will love him even more..Amrit fakes as if her sandal strap is broken and says she will go to Nimrit’s room and wear her sandal.. she enters the room and sees a big phoro frame where Agam and Nimrit are dressed as bride-groom.. she remembers old times when her pictures were all over his room at the very same place (what kind of picture is this? it looks photo shopped and Agam-Nimrit were not wearing this in their wedding.. Agam was not clean shaved in their wedding and they were never this happy when their wedding took place..CV’s jaagooo mohan piyaare ) Amrit is remembering how Agam ditched her on the wedding day.. she keeps cussing Nimrit and Agam.. she says she won’t let this happen.. never..she throws the photo away but Agam catches it on the door..Agam says Amrit will not achieve anything after breaking this photo.. she should know that breaking the frame would not break the relationships..He puts the photo frame back at it’s place..he says Amrit is just like how balloon is after the air is being drawn from it Amrit says her blood boils when she sees them together.. Nimrit comes back home and meets Rippan.. Rippan blesses her and Agam.. back at Agam’s room.. he says he has never seen a girl like Amrit.. he asks where does she get all these plans from? Agam says she should accept defeat now..Tej sends Nimrit upstairs.. he says Agam has something important to tell her..

Amrit says Princess Amrit can never accept defeat.. Agam says she tried so hard to separate AgNi but she was not able to do anything.. he says how can she even think of trying her life.. Amrit says she never let’s go of her criminals.. Agam says what is Amrit’s next plan? Amrit says Agam and Nimrit are both very stupid.. but they should just remember that their happiness is not for a long time.. she will not let them stay happily.. she will take everything back.. Agam asks if she is sure she would be able to do that.. Amrit asks him to shut up Amrit says whatever she did all this while was nothing but what she will do now is something he will watch and be surprised of..
Agam says what if Nimrit comes to know all of this.. Amrit says Nimrit is one stupid girl and she will never believe anyone beside Amrit..She says she will not let them stay together for a long time and that’s her challenge.. she realizes that Agam is smiling and looking at her back.. she turns to see Nimrit who has a weird expression on her face while Amrit is shocked (Awww Agam jee’s smiling sooo cuteee ) Nimrit asks what is she trying to say..Amrit starts laughing and twists it saying how she wants them to live together for 7 lives.. Agam is angry.. Amrit says she wanted to give Agam and Nimrit a surprise by gifting them that photo..she says she has brought the photo (HAWWW Kameeni kahin ki.. badtameez aurat ) Nimrit thanks Amrit and says she loves the photo.. she says she gets more strength from Amrit and because of Amrit’s prayers her marriage bond is so strong now..Nimrit hugs her while Amrit shows Agam a thumbs down and Agam is furious (OMG somebody tell me to push Amrit from roof top? please ? just say once.. abhi ke abhi dhakka dedoongi saali ko )

Nimrit says she wants all her wishes to come true.. Amrit thanks her and says now that she has prayed for her all her wishes will come true.. they are leaving when Tej enters and sees them going out together.. Tej asks Agam and he tells him everything.. Tej says Agam shouldn’t worry and they will soon tell everything to Nimrit.. Rippan is leaving and she invites Agam’s whole family for the dinner at their palace..scene shifts to the palace..Amrit gets out of her car and is worried how her mother brought so much stuff for Agam-Nimrit’s dinner.. the peon from the dhabba incident comes in front of Amrit..she asks him what is he doing here? He says he has lost his job and nobody is ready to give him a job.. his wife left him and even the police is behind him.. Amrit says what does she care? she says whatever he did she paid him for that.. Peon says she will have to pay him again.. he says he wants 25 lakhs.. he says he is giving Amrit 12 hour’s time and she should keep the money ready.. Amrit asks if he has gone crazy.. she says she won’t even give him 25 paisa.. Peon says if she doesn’t pay him he will tell everyone about her plans.. Amrit gets mad at the peon but he says he doesn’t care and he wants the money..back at Agam’s house he is bag punching again (and he looks hot here.. no shave.. eeeksss.. Agam jee tussi wade hi hot ho ) Tej brings in the peon to Agam and the peon says he did whatever they asked him to and if he will get his job back now? (OHHH Amrit ke saath reh reh ke Agam bhi shana ban gaya hai.. waah re waaah.. kuch to faida hua Amrit ka..) Agam says if the peon helps them and do whatever they tell him to.. they will definitely help him..Peon says he will help them for sure.. Agam says the evil has to lose one day and that would be tonight..

Precap: Tej gives Nimrit a necklace and says Amrit brought it for her..Beeji looks at the necklace and says she gave this to Nimrit for the wedding how did it reach Amrit? while Amrit is nervous and shocked..

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