Amrit Manthan 27th February 2013 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 27th February 2013 Written Update by mehak

Amrit Manthan 27th February 2013 Written Episode

Episode starts Tej waking up Nimrit , Jojo and Bani . Bani says good morning chachu , Mama
Tej wakes up Jojo .. Bani & Jojo go to bathroom … Nimrit says that Tej Ji the hotel papers i have given to an agent in mumbai so that we can find our financers . So Tej says you too didn’t slept last night ..Nimrit says yes Tej Ji i was not able to sleep as today also Agam Ji is in my heart . I don’t know why did the God did this with me ? Amrit had killed my Agam Ji and had her self also died .. But why did she left me alive ! So that i leave without my Agam Ji . without any love . . Tej brought Bani & Nimrit photo & said that for Bani ..

Amrit said that I want to know how is Nimrit . she called Nimrit … Nimrit picks up the phone and says Hello … Amrit was shocked .. Nimrit says Hello two three times more . so then Nimrit says that Bani be careful don’t drop the oil on your uniform .. So Jojo says don’t worry mama i am here . So Nimrit laughs . Amrit was so shocked . and she remembers the old memories when Nimrit said that i am alive because of my love , and … no one can separate me and Agam Ji … Then Tej comes . He said who is in the phone Nimrit says i don’t know ..

Amrit remembers old memories about Tej too .. When Tej says to Amrit that you are the one who wants to separate Agam and Nimrit . But untill and unless Tej Malik is alive you will not succeed in your plans … So then Nimrit says that Tej Ji maybe someone on my phone did not like my voice and she said that may be the call has been dropped … So Tej laughs Amrit so jealous . So , Nimrit says that why are you laughing so he said that the call had dropped and you are still holding the phone … Nimrit laughs too … Amrit became more angry . Tej took the phone from her … Nimrit laughs Tej says why are you laughing so Nimrit says now you was saying why was i holding phone & now you are holding the phone too … They both laughs .. Amrit was so shocked … then keep the phone
Agam threw the phone & said that bloody Nimrit she is alive & happy too ..

They both go down . Agam was there … Amrit was coming she was thinking the same .. So Agam asked her what happened ? Amrit while seeing Agam remembers that agam says that i will marry princess Nimrit … and also that one when Agam says that Nimrit Ji was always my wife and will always remain . and Nimrit & Agam are together …
Vishal comes & he was talking to Nimrit … When takes nimrit name .. Agam remembers something … He stands up . Vishal asked whats wrong . he said this name is something . it makes me feel something ,..
Agam goes to office & he was seeing nimrit da dhaba pics & also of Amrit Garh palace …

Bani bets her friend geeta about her daada can eat 20 chillies at a time so tej says i will prove it too .. he eats 15 chillies … Nirmal & sunita were watching this . Nimrit comes and she all this . she took the ice cream for tej .. and both were laughing … So nirmal and sunita comes and said whatever tej had done today a father can only do for his child , Nimrit tries to ignore them so sunita tells that every time running away and ignoring is not the solution now you should think about it …

Precap … Amrit threw agam in water he comes out and Amrit told that 7 years before you was being killed by pistol .. Agam said who killed me She said Nimrit … Agam shocked

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