Amrit Manthan 7th August 2012 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 7th August 2012 Written Update by Twinkle_bella

Episode startd from Amrits performance and agham and nats are enjoying her performance. the fist song is duniye main logo ko dhoka… parda parda. she danced around agham and nats. during the performance nats look at the logo and bheeji remembers amrits words.

nats is about to remove cloth from the logo and amrit sees nimrits ghost and gets scared. nats does the inaugration and nothing is wrong with the logo which surprises bheeji. just then amrit falls at nats feet. and nats is happy. agham and everyone is shocked. amrits hand touches nats feet. amrit gets up and moves her hand. all press are taking her picture. amrit is shocked to the logo absolutly fine. agham rushes to her with fake concern. she stutters and looks in the direction of nimrits ghost. but there is nothing there. nats says do you want to go there. but she is scared and unable to say anything. she is about to get up but has sprained her ankle. agham carrys her and all press follow then clicking pictures. nats turns and gives a victory smile to tej, oberoi and ripun. bubbly and nats show thumbs up to each other.

agham takes her to her room and removes her shows. she is in pain and he calls the doctor. bheeji is also present. nats and ripun come in. nats says you spoilt my party. agham says she has hurt herself but nats isnt bothered and says she cant do one thing properly. agham is surprised. nats leaves and ripun says to bheeji she should leave as she doesnt have dinner. bheeji leaves and so does ripun. amrit says she saw a ghost and agham hugs her. he is confused about what is going on. nats thanks the guy who amrit rang to break the logo, that he took their side. he says as ripun is with you , how could i not take your side. she offerrs him money but he doesnt want it as ripun has always helped them. nats thanks him and he leaves. ripun says i hate hurting my own child but she does things which are wrong and its important to teach her a lesson.

next morning amrit is in bed remebering ghost nimrit and getting scared. she gets up and noticces agham isnt there. he comes in with juice and asks her not to get up. amrit is please with him. nats comes in with newspaper and she throws the paper in her face. they are shocked to see the paper. agham is happy but amrit is upset. nats says look at you on the front page, my party should have been there not you falling. agham says its not her fault she hurt herself. nats says we have to handle everything and we should cancel the meeting as she cant come to sign. amrit apologises and says agham will go. agham says he cant go , but amrit persuades him so that there is no delay in the work. nats is really sarcastic to them and says to agham get ready.

agham thinks wow look at the way nats to talks to amrit. he loves it when she talks to amrit like that. amrit asks what are you thinking but he pretends to be angry at what is printed in the paper and rips it up. he says i hate it when she talks like that to you. amrit says watch i will defeat her one day and that day she will realise who i am. agham looks at her and nats is listening to all this. agham feeds amrit and amrit says you are my strength and i dont know what i will do without you. nats is upset seeing all this. oberoi and nats and tej are together. they discuss what they will do next. nat says she hasnt broken as much as i thought she will. tej says its all because of agham as he looks after her. nats agrees. taj says we have to seperate agham and amrit to make sure amrit is more hurt. nats says how is this possible. oberoi says he has to come close to nats inorder to stay away from amrit. nats isnt liking this and says to tej what are you saying. tej says its only you who can do this. she says its not easy but they both persuade her. teh says you have to make sure amrit notices you and agham getting close. he explains to nats what she has todo. nats is determined and screen freezes on her face.

precap: agni in shower and she falls. he catches nand they hare a eyelock and getting all soaked. amrit sees all this and is shocked.

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  1. zara mehmud
    August 08, 03:47 Reply

    i want natasha(nimrit) to kill amrit like that which amrit trys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • amrit manthan
      August 08, 03:50

      thank u zara for giving such a great idea we will hopefully try

    • Anonymous
      August 08, 05:11

      no way if nimirt kills amirit then whats the differences between both of them lolxx

    • rihanna
      August 08, 07:34

      Amrit Manthan:

      I think amrit agham should find out about natasha is nimrit and he tells her all the truth and together as a group they try to defeat amrit 🙂 wt do u think 🙂

    • rihanna
      August 08, 07:36

      No Only Agam Should Find Out That Natasha Is Nimrit 🙂

  2. Anonymous
    August 08, 03:45 Reply

    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hamari pehchan hee hamara gharur hai. fool amrit

  3. soha
    August 08, 02:34 Reply


  4. rihanna
    August 07, 15:27 Reply

    hey evryone wts u thnx for the update

  5. naina
    August 07, 15:20 Reply

    superb episode. Thanx 4 d update

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