Anamika 15th April 2013 Written Update

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Anamika 15th April 2013 Written Update by zuzana

Anamika 15th April 2013 Written Episode

Jeet is asking Guddi just when Rano enters and Guddi is left speechless. Jeet asks Rano how come he never met her in the hospital..but Rano leaves from there upset. Jeet takes Guddi to talk to Rano…Rano is crying bitterly when Jeet tries to console her..Rano tries to talk to Guddi but she takes her book and runs away. Rano asks Jeet to leave her alone..Anamika is shown smiling evilly.

Jeet wakes up on the sofa and searches for Rano but she is not at home…Rano is walking sadly and goes to the temple. Its almost evening and just as the sun sets Rano enters the temple…Anamika tries to possess her but Rano has already stepped into the temple…Anamika tries to enter the temple but is unable…she howls in frustration. Rano is seeking help with Mata Rani…she shares her problems..Jeet comes there and consoles her.

Anamika’s side kick is warning her that how could she let Rano go to the temple..thats one place she is safe from Anamika and Rano should never know this secret….their plans will go fruitless. Anamika promises her the same.
Guddi is looking at her drawing and getting scared…just then Rano who is possessed by Anamika enters and sees the drawing. She tells Guddi that will you tell everyone that my feet is the other way round. She then asks her to check the feet…and Guddi watches how her feet goes backwards and gets aghast. Anamika squeezes her mouth and warns her of telling anyone. Just then Jeet enters and takes Guddi.

Its night time and Anamika is happy to be with Jeet…he tells her that she is the most beautiful in this world and hugs her. He tells her lets sleep soon as they have to go to hospital in the morning…she tells him that she is feeling sleepless as its the only time she has time with him. Rano tells him that she understands that there is lot of problems with her becos she is unwell…and asks him why don’t he leave him. She laments that she better die than cause such problems for him…he sushes her up and tells her that he will not let anything happen o her and he would also die with her. He promises her that Jeet and Rano would always be together whatever be the circumstances.

Anamika is not happy she too promises that she would remove all memories of Rano from Jeet’s life.

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