Anamika 24th April 2013 Written Update

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Anamika 24th April 2013 Written Update by slmu

Anamika 24th April 2013 Written Episode

Rano is driving thinking the doctor said that her mother has suffered some mental trauma and her mother must have seen something which frightened her. When she regains consciousness then she will want to tell everyone what happened and if the ‘bhuri aatma’ bit comes out then like the panditji and doctor, her mother will also be killed and she can’t let this happen. She hopes the Shalakaji can help her. She does not have the entire address and stops to ask.

She is walking along asking people, but no one seems to know. She drives off again and realizes that it is getting cloudy. The car stops and won’t start again. She hears the sound of payals and gets out of the car. She can’t see anyone and is terrified.

She screams don’t come near me and tries to run but can’t move. Anamika is there and the sun is setting. Rano pleads let me go but Anamika says useless to ask. If you do such things, people will think you are mad.

Anamika walks closer to Rano when someone comes in between and sprinkles holy water on her muttering prayers. Anamika screams and has to leave.

The lady who stopped turns around while Rano passes out. The sun sets and Rano wakes up she is in a house on the floor with candles around her. The lady gives her something and says you feel better. The lady says you were looking for me. Rano says Shalakaji and asks whether it is morning. Rano is afraid that since it is night she might get possessed. Shalaka says that tonight it won’t happen. Rano pleads for help. Shalaka says that whoever tried to help so no one will won’t to. Rano asks how do you know this. Shalaka says I am putting myself in danger helping you. Rano asks her what to do. Shalaka says I have to call her to ask what she wants.

Rano is scared but Shalaka says its better to know otherwise she will keep possessing you. Its the only way, or will you die. Rano agrees. Shalaka says be brave.


Jeet is calling Rano. Her mobile is the car and she is not answering. He wonders where to search for her. He calls Babli where Rano is, she says she doesn’t know. He is worried.

AT Shalaka’s

Shalaka is calling Anamika via a crystal ball while Rano watches terrified. Shalaka gives her a swastika to hold which will keep the ‘bhuri aatma’ away from her. She again goes back to the crystal ball.

Anamika feels the power and pull. She gasps and tries to battle and screams leave me. She is slowly pulled forwards and reaches Shalaka’s place. The wind blows and Rano is afraid. Anamika says you made a mistake calling me here. You will suffer. Shalaka asks why are you troubling Rano, leave her alone. And says since you won’t listen have to put ganga jhal on you. Anamika says stop. She warns Rano that you stopped me entering you, but Jeet is searching for you outside. If anything happens to him, don’t blame me. Shalaka says she is trying to provoke you, don’t move out of the candles.

Anamika says stay here, I will take Jeet. Rano pleads don’t do anything to my Jeet. Shalaka asks her to control herself. Anamika vanishes. Rano wants to go but Shalaka stops her saying don’t move. The wind blows and the candles begin going out.


Jeet is wondering what to do when he sees the computer with Shalaka’s website.

AT Shalaka’s:

Shalaka lights the candles again and asks Rano whether she is ok. But Rano has been possessed and Shalaka sees the swastika on the floor.

Jeet arrives at the address.

Anamika strangles Shalaka and says you made a mistake helping Rano, so you have to pay. Shalaka says I am not afraid of death or you. She says if I am not destined to died, you can’t do it. Anamika says that everyone says that, but all die. My purpose is not to kill. You won’t understand my purpose, so whoever comes in between has to die. She makes a knife fly into Shalaka’s hand and says if you can kill me. Shalaka’s clutches her hand.

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  1. lameez
    April 24, 14:29 Reply

    This is dum! Everyperson this witch is killing …its actually getting boring to watch

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