Arjun Bijlani says, “My fans are happy that I am not in the Bigg Boss house”

Arjun Bijlani was recently in the news as he was offered a ticket to the Bigg Boss house, Colors’ reality show. Though media went on to write that Arjun might be a sure candidate for a wild card entry into the Bigg Boss house, Arjun denies being part of the show.

Says Arjun, “Yes, it is true that I was approached. But I refused to take up the show. I have nothing against Bigg Boss, but I guess the show does not suit my nature. Having said this, my fans will want to see me romancing rather than getting locked up in a house (smiles).”

Arjun is very methodical when it comes to choosing his work and planning his future. The actor states, “I usually believe in setting up goals for myself for the next five years. And till now, I have been successful in achieving whatever I have planned. So I cannot take up anything and everything that comes my way. I will have to weigh the positives and negatives of a particular project and then decide. I am presently doing a Punjabi film, so Bigg Boss could never have been an option. I have few other things too in the pipeline, so am waiting to pick the best.”

Ask Arjun whether his fans are disappointed that he did not accept the Bigg Boss offer and he is quick to say, “I have been getting fan mails and comments on my blog and the general feeling is that my fans are happy that I am not in the Bigg Boss house. As I said earlier, they want me to be part of a fiction show, and be seen as the romantic hero. So let’s see what eventually comes my way.”

Arjun, we would also love to see you romancing on the small screen soon.

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