Ashoka to save Dharma in Colors’ Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat

Viewers of Colors’ historical drama Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat (Contiloe) is all set to witness some action packed sequence in the coming days.

Are you already eager to know more about it? Here we share the details with you all.

After attacking Magadh, Nicator (Tej Sapru) and Helena (Suzanne Bernert) will sent Bindusara (Sameer Dharmadhikari) to jail.
While Helena will plan to make Siamak, the ruler of Magadh, Nicator will torture Dharma (Pallavi Subhadh) as well.

“As Helena and Nicator will be busy executing their plans, Ashoka (Siddharth Nigam) will secretly enter the palace. Like a true heroic character he will fight with Nicator to save his mother”, reveals our source.

Finally, Siamak (Faizan Khan) and Ashoka will come face to face for a battle between the brothers.

It sounds interesting. Isn’t it dear readers?

To witness the sequence keep an eye on your television screen.

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